Acid attack left man so badly maimed he could only move tongue

A woman is accused of murdering her ex-boyfriend as she laughed and said 'if I can't have you no one can' while she covered him in sulphuric acid.

Berlinah Wallace is accused of throwing the corrosive substance in Mark's face and it then covered most of his body.

The 29-year-old lost his leg, his left eye, and most of the sight in his right eye following the sulphuric acid attack, Bristol Crown Court heard.

Mark, a civil engineer, was so badly injured he wanted to end his own life.

Adam Vaitlingam QC, prosecuting, said: "The defendant had bought a bottle of sulphuric acid, which she bought online from Amazon.

"At around 3am, as Mark was sleeping in bed, she poured the acid into a glass.

"She then went into the bedroom, and woke him up. She laughed and said 'if I can't have you no-one will' and threw the glass of sulphuric acid into his face.

"It covered his face and parts of his upper body and dripped onto his lower body as he moved.

"Covered in burning acid, Mark ran out into the street in his boxer shorts, screaming for help."

The court heard the couple had a five-year-relationship and lived together but Mark began seeing another woman in August 2015.

Mark, a Dutch national, told colleagues that Wallace had been violent towards him, and "seemed genuinely scared."

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That's not a human. Just look at that projecting mouth area.

It's rare for a white man to burn the coal, but they still must pay the toll.

where's the picture tho


>"The court heard both Wallace and Mark were HIV positive and had been together for five years."

They just pin that in there right at the end of the article. Both of them are degenerates and there is no honor among thieves, aka degenerates.
Burning coal or not, the HIV or the AIDS is a mark of absolute shame unless you live in California and somebody put it on your sesame seed avocado toast for giggles because that's legal there.

>there is no honor among thieves
THIS, based black woman did her part in combating HIV epidemic

HIV is /our_epidemic/


Also he was a cheating fuck. I know he married a baboon, but its not like she got fat damn.
This dude acted like your typical nigger.