It hurts Sup Forums. It fucking hurts

It hurts Sup Forums. It fucking hurts.

This may have been even more bleak than Texhnolyze

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Stupid, edgy ending.

6/10, would not watch again.

just found this video

yeah it was edgy ending trans........perent

The only thing a non-shiteater feels after finishing this this show is regret for wasting his time on this piece of shit.

apparently the VN had a happy ending for the route that the anime adopted. The entire drive by cart scene was an anime original. Even the butcher didn't want it to be that sad.
This helps me appreciate the anime ending a little more.

Has anybody read the VN? How is it? Does it expand the story?

haven't personally read it but I've read synopses. There's different routes for the different heroines which lead to completely different ends. You get more of Reiji's thought process with the narration and there's a few differences. Like Reiji fucks Cal the night she crawls into bed with him.

So is it R18 or not?

I was literally just downloading this.

Should I not bother with it? I have quite a bit to watch but I wanted something darker with romance in it. Am I expecting something else from this?

I believe they have an 18+ version and and a 13+ version.
I definitely enjoyed it. Worth a watch imo


i'd say not to bother with it. It has pretty classic anime characters, with massive plot armor. Deciding who dies by a gunshot is only for plot relevance. Ending is complete shit.

>Tags: Netorare

Dammit, Urobuchi.



I watch this every now and then drinking non stop till the end, sometimes I trow up but never stop watching and drinking, don't know why.
OST range from garbage to godlike and Kal Evans is still the name I use when a game or account ask for it.
Reiji for sure failed to protect all those fucking smiles.

that's sound like a great habit mate
picked up

>There are people who TO THIS DAY don't realize that Ein killed herself with the poisonous flower after Zwei died

I have to admit that overall is pretty bad, BUT, there are times when plot/sound/direction hit really hard, now that I think about it probably I drink to enhance those sparse moment.
I'm drinking now and if I think about Cal, alone, waiting in the blown up apartment.
Holy shit.

I might have to try this out one day


How did it feel after the time skip seeing the opening? Did it throw you off a bit?

>something darker with romance in it.

Then definitely watch it. Most people here can't separate memes from reality and the second they can slap a meme on it they disregard it.

Like this guy.

>not appreciating HEALING

so they both died tragically, the end?

but the ending IS complete shit

Is Texhnolyze worth it, I watched 7 eps, got bored because the world was poorly explained. Should I continue?

Yes, it's great and one of my personal favorites. It's a visual novel though, so the story isn't really expanded rather there are different routes one can go down.

Texhnolyze is actually good though.

This is another thread though.

Offtopic but if you don't like it that far in or have the patience then drop it. From what I remember its a very slow paced show and it stays that way till the near end.

keep at it, I was fairly bored until a few episodes after that my first time watching it if I remember correctly but it picks up some and it's definitely in my top 5

VN? Don't you mean VHS game?