What does Sup Forums think about Kengan Asura?
Kengan Asura
Baki rip-off
decent I guess
has some funny moments
really want to know what Medicine Man wants to do with the tournament
I thought it was Baki at first glance.
Couldn't get past second volume. I can't stand the MC.
Isn't this drawn by the muscle girls lifting guy?
Same author different artist IIRC.
Is there a plot after the tournament? Because I can't imagine a 32 contestant tournament lasting that long.
According to the raws, the tournament's stretched out it's matches, each with around 4-8 chapters long. Latest raws are now up to chapter 168 and it's up to the last battle's climax of the second round.
I think author Sandrovich Yabaka's other work is better.
So the MC's master isn't really dead, right? That would anticlimactic.
Correct. Same author, different artist. Both are serialized under the same publisher and are concurrently running, too.
where can I find chapter raws like these?
no spoon feeding also it's easy to look it up
Baki for casuals, but it's fun, I enjoy it.
Karla is a fantstic yandere and I'm literally going to be upset and drop this series if she doesn't actually get pregnant with the MC. I'll be furious if she doesn't win at all.
Go away, FBI-kun.
Agreed. Author said women in the manga aren't the focus; just the icing on the cake. But I hope they're not going to throw in a subplot that goes nowhere. Unfortunately, NotBaki vs. Kure clan doesn't go anywhere with it but it does put Kenzo and his dad in perspective.
It's a series that has everything into tubo max mode, everything is exaggerated.
That's actually wrong.
The artist of Kengan Asura is the author of the fit girl ecchi manga.
The fuck is wrong with her eyes?
How are the power levels in this compared to Baki?
No it isn't.
Kengan Asura
>Author: Sandrovich Yabaka
>Artist: Daromeon
Danberu Nan Kiro Moteru?
>Author: Sandrovich Yabaka
>Artist: MAAM
>hurr hurr hurr hurr durr hurr hurr
turned out you were right, thanks
Semi-irrelevant big spoiler: Current chapter shows that Fang is getting his ass kicked by some literal who Muay Thai guy. It's almost one sided but he seems to be struggling so hard that his hair is all messed up and this is only the second round.