Gonna get a rhodesian ridgeback. Recommendations for names...

Gonna get a rhodesian ridgeback. Recommendations for names? I thought about Ian as a reference to ian douglas smith but it really doesn't sound like a good dog name.

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Ridgebacks are a faggot kennel club breed, most of them are culled at birth for not looking a certain way.

Get a lab or a police german shephard

just call it big brown doggo

kunta kinte


It's a great name

Get a poodle ya fucken girl

Labs are best doggos. They just don't give a fuck. Goldens are preening cowardly faggots. Labs will chill with you forever. And murder the bulldog that barks at you.

Call it Trump.

Best dog names are ones you can yell loudly and quickly.





>idolizing a breed from a long-dead country now only bred by kennel club people who actively kill the puppies for purely visual reasons.

Nobody who cares about dogs would ever get a purebred ridgeback.


>dog owners eternally BTFO

Troopie might work well. Rhodes is a bin on the nose.

man. shit like this makes me want to breed like slightly larger, slightly more muscular house cats and just train them to assassinate people

Tyrion. (Tear-ian)
It's my dog's name, but you can use it too.

google.com/search?q=maine coon&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi---zf1NbXAhWISd8KHfP6AHkQ_AUICigB&biw=1253&bih=958

>naming your dog after a game of thrones character
>even if you didnt, naming your dog something that everyone who hears it will think you named it after a game of thrones character



Cecil [Rhodes[
[Selous] Scout
Grey['s Scouts]
"Oodie" (spelled UDI)
Zambezi is African but has a nice ring to it, call him Zambie for short

Also good ideas:Unironically:


Niggerman was a cat though

Gshep or gtfo


It was unfortunate that I named him before ever hearing of Game of Thrones. I named him after Tirion Fordring from World of Warcraft, but I changed the spelling to hide the video game connection...

Name it De Beers, nothing more Rhodesian than that.

Nigger Nuts

>implying I won't domesticate small black bears to counter your roided up house cats

Can confirm


Ian Smith

>dog lovers have to import bears to counter cat bullying
game over faggot

spaghetti is a goodass name for a dog

Also good names