Flunked semester because of Conan marathon

>flunked semester because of Conan marathon.

I need help.

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You have shit priorities. Stop watching anime if you want to succeed in life..

Good job ruining your future over a bad anime

Worth it

Just go full NEET and get over with everything else.

me irl

Holmes would be disappointed.

Oh fuck Friday the 13th shit going down again.

How long has this thing been airing for?

20 years. The anime started January 8th 1996.

How can you flunk a whole semester watching/reading Conan when that much time hasn't passed in the story.

Who's going to sub the Episode One special?

About 20 years.

>when that much time hasn't passed in the story

How long do you think a semester is? More time than that has indeed passed in the story.

Funny, I lost a year because of Inazuma Eleven ages ago.

Probably the same weeaboo who "released" movie 20 subs on nyaa to mass approval by anybody who isn't competent.

>doesn't know how into time management

To be fair neither does Aoyama

>mass approval

I don't know what you're talking about. All the comments on nyaa were saying how the subs for movie 20 were so shitty they were joke subs.

The "new" one within the past 48 hours.

>thank you. glad you like it. And no unfortunately i've never learnt japanese. I only understand bits from watching anime. I learnt a bit of korean though. So i watched the korean dub version to translate it and then watch the raw version to translate any differences. That's it won't be perfect but everything should flow.

Oh wait there's a new one? How are the subs in it?

When I was marathoning Conan I did ~25 episodes a day and skipped class all the time and still passed all my classes. What were you doing that you flunked?

Why can't we have a decent one? It should be out already.

>M-L struggles to keep up with Conan
>CR picks it up, they cease subbing stuff CR does so empty plate
>Dragonball Super starts, they regroup into DragonTeam, plate full again
>CR picks it up, yadda yadda

Now they just need to come out of retirement.

Been there. Got depressed, went full NEET, and flunked out of university. Pretty much just watched anime, read manta, and shitposted on Sup Forums all day. Only thing that caused me to get my shit in order was having all my life lines cut off. I had no more financial aid, was in debt, parents couldn't support me financially. It was either get a job, be homeless, or commit sudoku. So I got a job and am now relatively successful. I'll be returning to uni soon and will be paying with cash out of pocket. /blog

the biggest issue with procrastination is getting rolling in the first place. Dont wait, just go for that run/walk, do the errands you need to run, read a chapter of whatever book you need to read, dont hesitate just do the work. Once you start it gets easier

>blaming conan for your failure
We all know you would have just filled that time with other anime or vidya if you hadn't watched Conan.

I wish someday I could be like you user


Who is this? Do they matter?

That is Masumi Sera. She is the best character in the entire series.

Alright boys it's Sera time. Post your Seras.

They STILL haven't confirmed the next OP.

Please take it away.

I think this OP is great. You don't like it?

It's overstayed its welcome just like Q&A did.
It's only contextually relevant and now the context is gone.

Q&A for example was relevant for the train which ended at 704, 706 max with "Bourbon figures it out". Q&A itself didn't fuck off until at least 10 episodes later (and no relevance) in way of Butterfly Core.

I don't think it's necessarily only relevant in the context of the movie being out.

Fuck that. M-L subs were atrocious. Why did they have to insert all the britbong slang no one outside of bongistan knows?

Because Puto is portugeese

>be portuguese
>use brit slang


Find something you are good at that other people will pay for and channel all of your autism into it. If you're not good at anything, then great, just pick something and work at until you actually are good. A lot of people here are untapped bundles of potential, but they just focus all their effort into things that won't make them any money. Go to a job website and pick something that makes a bunch of money. Write down the qualifications from a few postings and study until you have them all. In a year you'll put on a fucking suit and walk into an interview looking like the ideal candidate.


I want to work for Crunchyroll and threaten everybody needed for them to get the backlog.

You don't want to work for CR unless you like slavery.


You should've withdrawn from all your classes this semester like I did. Now I have plenty of time for anime.

I tried being the IT guy at a small company and it was actually frightening how quickly I ended up one of the top employees there despite being a complete sperg who can't string a sentence together while looking people in the eyes. And it's not like I was uniquely talented, Sup Forums would laugh at me.
The company failed and I'm back to NEETdom for now but at least it wasn't my fault.

That's because some people don't bother to improve themselves at all. I'm on the hiring committee for my IT department and there are people that just decide to try and take a crack at this whole IT thing without knowing how to use a computer their self. Its horrifying, especially when its a minority that has no fucking idea what they're doing because you can't just cut the interview short without being accused of racism. If you bother to educate yourself at all you're already above most of the candidates I see applying.

What do you look for in a candidate?
If I know my ass from my elbow and googlefu and actual computer usage (non-institutional education)?

Like if I can tell people there's an export to PDF/print to file option instead of printing something then scanning it back to make it a PDF?

>Airs tomorrow


If you can do that I'd hire you as a computer tech. One of the people that goes onsite and fixes things. If you can do that, are mildly personable, and able to work independently I'd hire you forma help desk position. Anything higher than those requires enterprise experience of some sort. If you're crafty enough you can put together a homelab and get enough experience for a junior sysadmin position without a lot of real work experience. We can generally tell when someone is bullshitting so you need to actually knows your stuff for that.

Shiho hype!

Man, I'm never buying a Philips TV ever again.

You sound perfectly fine to me.

I did the same thing exactly a year ago. It was worth it.