
how does it feel to have a social life? i forgot. it's been too long.

I went to a party the other night. I was surrounded by chicks who all thought they were better than me, thinking that I, or any other guy there, had any interest in what they had to say and wasn't just there to try and fuck them. Needless to say, didn't get laid, had a boring time around the normies. 1/10, would not recommend unless you are 9.5/10 or higher.

my gf (my only social contact) told me that once a girl told her that she only visits clubs to reject guys, because it makes her feel good.

Better to be asocial than to be truly antisocial, or be around antisocial people. Most people below 30 are so profoundly antisocial it's usually better not to be around the vast majority of them

Tbh it just causes me to be tired at work, which I do not enjoy. But, a nice friday night out every now and then is good.

Idk. I started my first job this week and have been sent home early for puking because I really can't handle being around groups of people anymore.

Are you literally shaking as well, you absolute faggot?

>my gf (my only social contact) told me that once a girl told her that she only visits clubs to reject guys, because it makes her feel good.
Typical psycopath tendencies produced by living in the Jew World Order

>Are you literally shaking as well, you absolute faggot?
what's the job?


if you forgot it means you still have more of a social life than i do

Yeah but that's from a legit nervous disorder.
Warehouse shit. Picking things from shelves and scanning them. They had a caterer come in tonight to serve a thanksgiving meal. I didn't eat. Sat in the lunch room for about 5 mins before spilling my guts on the floor. The work isn't bad because there's hardly any contact with anyone.

(((social life)))

It feels like you're wasting time that you could be using either learning, teaching, or building.
If you aren't doing one of those three things successfully within your social life, fix it or leave it behind.

drinking/waking up hangover/pretending to enjoy a sloots company/spending money on sloot...

I'm Jewish, I enjoy watching whites self-destruct in real time. I go out, order a whiskey on the rocks, nurse it all night and compulsively lie to white people to give them bad life advice.

inb4 kike

I am but a comfy merchant enjoying a simple life, I'm not a big banker or politician so don't get mad at me, just carrying out my genetic instructions in the least damaging way possible.

No you're not you're black

do you want to see my penis?

(I'm quoting Larry David, don't actually take me up on that, sicko)

funny enough that i don't drink alcohol or do any drugs, so my life must still be a lot better than yours. also i life around very beautiful, healthy nature.

antisocial doesn't mean isolated or socially inept

antisocial means illegal behaviour and defiance to authority, like most criminals in jail

lack of interest in socializing
people who commit terrorist acts with the aim of destabilizing society
I know you're ESL and all, but I've seen people commit this mistake over and over again.

>i life around

nazi retard