How are they going to resolve the Murrika subplot with only 2 episodes left to still finish the main plot?
Shuumatsu no Izetta
They won't.
Murrika won't do anything when it realizes Eylstadt is backed by the tr/u/est form of love.
Season 2
No need because Yoshino. If by some miracle this sells enough for S2 then they already have a setup or facade in place.
Sophie dying is a given, Izetta will either die aswell, sacrificing herself, as lampshaded by the comic strips and her not feeling worthy to live alongside Finé. There's also the outside chance that the magic will be drained for good or that Izetta will be rendered unable to tap into the leylines permanently. Atlantis will stand down as there's no threat anymore.
Sophie solved Atlanta's subplot by wrecking Izetta and creating not!V-1.
>imploding the us needs a legitimate threat to justify invasion
>izetta still wearing the same hair ribbon thing 60 years later
It's cute as fuck, come at me.
But what does it meeeeean
Did she have it in her hair before she met Fine? I can't remember.
will there be a happy ending?
Yes, definitely.
Is she like the female Wernher von Braun of magic girls?
Will Atlanta offer her amnesty after the war if she works on their space program?
Magic research is useless once there are no witches left.
She's literally build one from leftovers and is cloning batches of 'em.
It's still the beginning of an exciting new scientific field.
At some point they may be able to create witchcraft anew from scratch.
But she still can't create a husband.
>can clone Sophie with very little actual genetic material
>don't clone Izetta when you have gallons of her blood
They've been making a Sophie for ages. Izetta is literally recently and new.
Of course Germania will try to create Izettas now too.
they don't want dozens of lesbian witches running around
Maybe they did. Where are they getting the extra blood shots from if they used all of it up turning Sophie into a barely functioning vegetable.