>Be Me >Thanksgiving 2017 >Go over to Mom's & Step Dad's House >'Get together' with Mom, Dad, Siblings and neice and nephews >Show up early, see older sister getting out of car in driveway, say 'hai' >SheIsHighAsFuck.png >Go In. Talk to step-dad. Only sane person in room other than me. >Nephew shows up >DrunkAsFuck.jpg >Dad Threatens to kick his ass for earlier altercation with my mother >He says my mom is the reason his mom is on drugs >REEEEEEEEEEE!.mp3 >His mom shows up (My other sister) >HighAsFuckPart2.png >I leave early >Nephew gets in fight with sister's husband after I leave
Jose Phillips
Share Thanksgiving bread Sup Forums
James Roberts
Well I got off work at 530 am, went to bed at 930am, slept til 9pm, got dressed for my dead end gas station job, and now here I am working for time and a half in the middle of the night.
Xavier Mitchell
Cheers, user.
Brody Garcia
>mom and 3 brothers >really looking forward to thanksgiving >mom texts me yesterday saying they're going to neighbors house for thanksgiving and do I want to come Prob won't talk to her for a while Who the fuck goes to some literal Who? Neighbors for thanksgiving
Michael White
What a cutting political insight, thanks for sharing on Sup Forums
Carson Anderson
Tyler Sanders
Working, too. >feelsgoodman.png
Gavin Gonzalez
It can be political if you want it to be. I didn't even mention that both sisters are addicted to opiates and that's an issue Trump is promising to address. I also didn't mention that my neice is a fucking degenerate who brought a fellow carpet licker to our dinner.
Jayden Perez
Also, I'm more of a Sup Forumslack that a Sup Forumstard. Just posting where I'm comfy.
Jace Kelly
Mine was comfy as fuck desu >head over to parents house with brother >bring a bottle of wine >Mom and sisters cooking delicious food >adorable niece is running around >crack a beer and play pool with my Dad >dinner is ready so we load up our plates >giant turkey, pork roast, potatoes and sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce >sister is back from college. She’s majoring in history and she doesn’t seem to be getting too lefty or anything >after dinner have a smoke with dad and brothers and we talk about our stock portfolios for a while >time for dessert, three different kinds of pie >family is basic bitch conservative but basically likes trump. No one disagrees or causes a scene at all.
I’m between jobs but I’ll land something soon. Life is really good when your family is easy to get along with.
Easton Turner
You sound like a faggot though. Can't speak without retarded ''drunkasfuck.png'' lol so randumb nonsense.
Jace Ortiz
I don't know man, my uncle entered rehab for meth two weeks ago. I got to see his 10 year old granddaughter be distant as fuck for the first time. It was sad while everyone pretended for each other. No reason to hang yourself though, user. Life is shit but objectively worth observing for as long as you can, in my opinion.
Gavin Myers
The jew did this to you, he broke the family pillar.
Justin Flores
Wrong board you retarded fuck
John Lee
Do you even greentext, Balticnigger?
Robert Gray
Hmmm to bad there isn't a place on Sup Forums to share these exact stories. OH WAIT THERE IS
Angel Wilson
He's using the most classic Sup Forums greentext formatting, you insufferable newfag. Seriously, you are the faggot, and you haven't been on Sup Forums very long. Lurk more, you fucking faggot.
Jace Clark
I hope your uncle gets clean
>Implying memefag pic means I want to kill myself
Nope. It's just feels.
Dominic Fisher
Sup Forums looks like Sup Forums tonight holy shit
Landon Barnes
Sounds awesome. I have that at my own house. Kids are comfy as fuck. BTW, I spent time with them and the wife right here at a different get-together. Cozy as fuck.
Christian Roberts
It's bcause of all the newfags you don't know Sup Forums consists of more than one board.
Benjamin Gomez
You can never be sure. The number of posters directing you to /r9k/ is justification. One step before wizardchan, certainly.
Dominic Bailey
Daniel Robinson
Why do you continue to involve yourself with shitty degenerate family? Disown them and move on.
I disowned my woman-beating, drug addict brother, my drug addict, alcoholic father, and my grandfather who re-married less than a year after his wife died to his mexican mistress and wrote his own blood out of the will to appease his 20 year younger mistress.
Noah Diaz
>family all together for Thanksgiving >hand late birthday present to sibling >one of those prepaid Visa cards because I know he just needs gas money or whatever "Watch what you spend that on bro the banks and the government can't track those transactions so you better make them count" >ten year old cousin notices and chimes in >"that's just what the government *wants* you to think user"
I'm so proud of him
David Cruz
Because my parents are rich and I want my fucking inheritance and don't want my degenerate siblings to get it.
My Step-Dad is on a fucking pacemaker. He's almost 80. My mom is almost 70.
Dominic Edwards
>be me >show up in full Nazi gear >uncle says "hey user how are you long time no see" >look him in the eye,thrust my hand up and yell "HEIL HITLER" >looks at me and says "haha yea sis said you were in a interesting phase now. How's the girlfriend search going?" >I look at him angrily and say again "HEIL HITLER" >"haha user that's great. Look I heard match.com is really good these days for finding that special someone. Hell I found your aunt on it!" >look him in the eyes again and yell one more time "HEIL HITLER" >"haha user that's a good one. If you need help finding a girlfriend my "office" so to speak is always open haha" >read mein kaumpf for 2 hours to counter act his jew propaganda
Jacob Davis
Nice job exposing yourselves, you retarded boomer cunts. I've been here for 10 years. This retarded randumb crap of going ''lemebeingafaggot.png'' in your greentext story is not something people do outside of the screencaps you saw that made you check out Sup Forums. Don't be a fucking faggot, instead of writing ''highasfuck.jpg'' just say ''she was high.''
Stop being faggots. Stop trying to fit in by trying too hard.
Jace Nguyen
You should do everyone a favor and not post anything on Sup Forums for an entire year. If you can't handle this, please off yourself.
Anthony Price
oh, so you've never actually gone through a family death, and believe you will somehow get ANY money before everyone else in your family.
Unless you're the executor of your parent's will, you will not get shit, and your druggy family will steal anything that isn't nailed down and squat in the house within a day of their passing.
Without the legal protection of the position of executor, AND proof it was your parent's items, you won't be able to get anything stolen back or evict squatters, and the police will do nothing to help you.
If you are executor, catalog everything, get them to sign it, and file it with your attorney.
Aiden Lopez
How did you manage to write a greentext story without random pointless ''ohshit.png'' and ''Isuckcocks.png''?
Landon Brown
Lincoln Lewis
>ohshit.jpg >me le being randumb usual >highasfuck.png >le fellow 4channer says I should off myself >feelsbadman.jpg >151252553263.jpg >file2.png
Justin Scott
Single mom?
Robert Clark
I thought you Americans celebrate coming together on thanks giving. Must be nice to be so close to your neighbours and have a healthy loving relationship. Gtfo you needy bitch
Cooper Lopez
That shit has been on Sup Forums forever though?
Aiden Cooper
Go back to Sup Forums then
Aiden Garcia
>'boomer cunts' >I'm 46 years old born in 1971.
That makes me Gen-X, you fucking retard.
BTW, you're the fag because you got triggered. Any experienced Sup Forumslack wouldn't have been easy to piss off. You need to lurk moar, faggot, like others have said.
Brayden Stewart
>Americans actually give thanks for the fact the they fail the founding fathers vision and are 100% owned like cattle by the banks KEK
Gabriel Hill
Jesus Christ dude you're really going to go to an anime image board and criticize people for expressing themselves using the slang we've been crafting for years. Get yourself checked for autism my dude.
Jace Cox
Joshua Peterson
How about chilling the fuck out you whiny bitch.
Carson Harris
Looks like boomer cunt has learned some new buzzwords. Muh triggered. Now the boomer can act as retarded as possible and anyone who calls him out for being a faggot is triggered.
Jayden Taylor
kek this is how all thanksgiving in everyhouse should've been
Blake Collins
If you express yourself by being a faggot I will express myself by calling you a faggot, which is what you are if you can't write a greentext story without weird unfunny randumb filenames.
Joshua Edwards
wha'ts with latvia and massive butthurt lately?
Ryder Wood
I'd love to go to a comfy burger Thanksgiving. I'd even pre rehearse some mad bants, being a like minded conservative and all. You even made it sound like the movies.
Jack Mitchell
Why do white Americans have such disfunctional families? Even my cousin's White boyfriend's brother died of a drug overdose the day before Thanksgiving. Other than that, we had a very nice dinner as a Hispanic extended family. Catholic Castizo Families > White Families
Brayden Reyes
I never quite understood why dysfunctional families still get together knowing full well issues will arise. Obligation maybe? It just seems safer and less stressful to have your own separate holiday events.
My day was the same as every other Thanksgiving: >go to sister's house >enjoy my mom's delicious turkey and stuffing >drink and get high with whomever wants to participate >sit around chatting it up til it's time to go I guess since my family lives within a 10 minute drive from each other big family gatherings like today seem like any other day just with more food and alcohol.
Henry Young
Bigger this is my home board if I want to blog post guess what I'm going to do. Same goes for the relatively hetero OP of this thread.
You are a faggot and you should go back wherever you came from.
Adrian Flores
Who knows.
Cameron Gutierrez
I went to thanksgiving high as fuck too, what are you, a colonist? It's an excuse to see family and eat turkey, not a day of judgement.
Brayden Lopez
I feel bad for you guys, my thanksgiving was pretty normal excluding the fact that i shit you not my aunts house that i go to is on the same street as Hillary Clinton.
>wake up at 12 comfy as fuck >get a flannel, shower, browse pol and wish you guys a happy thanksgiving >roll up at my aunts around 3pm >play pool with my cousins and brother >Watch football(American football for all you europoors) with my uncles. >talk to my singular female cousin about good ways to propose to my qt conservative girlfriend >One uncle is crazy and liberal AF, tries to let my 15 year old cousin drink an IPA because "the drinking age is too high" and he "just wants to have a good time". >nope.jpg >yell at my uncle >grandparents approve, tell him hes a bad influence on our good christian family, that was only conflict of entire night >play gamecube with lil cousins >roll out around 10 >come home and tell gf im thankful for her
Today was a good day, comfy AF. I really feel bad for you guys who don't live in a cozy family; but dont give up, if you dont have one, make one.
Asher Morris
High test, something people who laugh about ''le reeeee.mp4'' lack
Parker Moore
Ayden Diaz
The druggies and drunks in my family are of the 'low-functioning' variety. I'm sure almost everyone here being the brainiac autists that they are function at a much higher level than the people I'm related to.
Ryder Evans
I'm high as fuck and I'm stuck in my grandma hot tub being outside while the dog packs and cyotes are fighting nearby. Other than that we just made fun of niggers.
Luke Rivera
Maybe youre the problem and they cant stand being around you without being high?
Blake Flores
You figured it out, leaf.
Asher Martin
>Wake up late because I played video games late into the night >Go to coworker and boss' thanksgiving thing >Had an ok time but leave earlier than others because its not my computer >watch anime play video games and ready my guns and range bag for a big boy's day in the range tomorrow >mommy gave her perfect little prince Thanksgiving money >I'm 25
Happy Thanksgiving!
Caleb Thompson
Easton Parker
What’s up fellow Balt. How’s life.
Daniel Cox
OP is the asshole who made up a story about an hour ago about cal;ling his brother in law a nigger and got kicked out. foad
Julian Baker
feels good having a functional, mentally healthy, well-adjusted family.
Gabriel Powell
Cooper Hall
>tries to let my 15 year old cousin drink an IPA because "the drinking age is too high" and he "just wants to have a good time". This is completely normal, though. Why the hell is the drinking age 21 in America? Everywhere else it's 14-16.
Jackson Stewart
>be lativan subhuman >have a lonley thanksgiving where nobody shows up >Go on a 4chin thanksgiving thread to release your anger
Xavier Thomas
Gabriel Jenkins
Oliver Allen
sound about white
Jeremiah Rogers
Dunno. Probably the anti-Latvia officials they elected into office recently. Probably the pain of having George Soros' purple helmet rammed so far up his hole, it's playing tonsil hockey with him from behind. Who knows...
Julian Peterson
This pic is hilarious and infuriating at the same time
Benjamin Harris
>Thanksgiving >some old black guy shows up >ask my mom who invited the nigger >"user! That's your grandfather!" >"Your father was half black. You should go talk to your grandfather about your african-american heritage."
Today I found out that my mom's a coalburner and I'm a nigger.
Worst Thanksgiving ever.
Ian Morris
Holy shit what's wrong with your family
Connor Jones
>Not letting a 15 year-old have a drink on a national holiday Truly the land of the free
Camden Cooper
There is hope, though. I've been married to the same woman for over 23 years now and we have 3 great children. It's a complicated story and a confusion of contrasts. We broke the cycle of dysfunction. I haven't known how to act around my origins for over 10 years now unless the extended family (cousins and shit) are around.
Xavier Clark
I am honestly not surprised.
Cooper Sanders
Yeah burgers cannot into Anglo culture It’s about introducing alcohol in a responsable and comfy environment when they are around 14-15. Otherwise they get drunk as fuck around their friends and associate drinking with getting fucked instead of getting comfy.
Dylan Diaz
Sounds like christmas at my folks place
Matthew White
>We broke the cycle of dysfunction. I have no kids yet but I want to and my biggest fear is to become like my father. Sometimes I notice how his behavioural pattern has also become mine. Great respect if you achieve to break the vicious cicle. It is my aspiration as well.
Benjamin Russell
Much respect, user.
Parker Myers
Got up at 10, had some hot chocolate with peppermint mocha kahlua and a little cocaine. Shit posted for an hour and then started prepping everything for the feast. Got everything cut up, measured and organized so that when the time came I could quickly get everything cooked and make sure everything was ready at the same time. Had some apple cider and Cap'n Mo and more coke. Cooked like crazy. Served up a beautiful crispy bird, breast with still just a hint of pink and super juicy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, sweet corn, Brussels sprouts, Mac and cheese, dressing, gravy and rolls. For desert there were pies and I made some bananas foster with Cap'n Mo as I drank some egg nog also with Cap'n Mo. Did a little more coke. Had more apple cider and Cap'n Mo and watched a couple movies. Took my dog for an hour long midnight stroll. More Cap'n Mo. Slept for 5 hours and then shit posted a little and now I'm trying to get back to sleep before sunrise.