Anime you want to livewatch with Sup Forums again

>Anime you want to livewatch with Sup Forums again


>watching anime with people with such garbage taste

case in point OP

If only.



1960's Sup Forums was the best

Watching Penguindrum with Sup Forums is some of the most fun I've had on this site.

It was so much fun

>watching anime with Sup Forumsutists

fuck off with your wanna be community bullshit


Any actual livestreams from Sup Forums were and are complete cancer.


or Code Geass

Shirobako threads were amazing.
>discussing the actual process of making anime
>Kantoku best girl
>Diesel's diesels
>bullying the bakos
>that one really emotional scene with the VA

That was fun!

Samurai Flamenco and Cross Ange.

>Sup Forums
>open kill la kill thread
>a bunch of Sup Forumsshitters discussing their ideal dub cast

Code Geass S3

If you weren't on Sup Forums weekly for this shit you haven't lived. So much fun.

It was amazing. Even TTGL didn't have as much hilarity as CG did every Geass day.

I hope Sup Forums will properly drop the fuck out of generals and spam the board again for the next season. It will like coming home.

>every episode is literally the same
Why was this fun again?

Why is her blade facing the wrong direction? Is she Rurouni Kenshin?



I could start the list, but Inferno Cop and Kill la Kill were the best to watch alongside Sup Forums

Can't wait for the LWA anime next month
too bad I'll be too busy studying and going for my legal license to watch it alongside you all