meme magic is alive
Yuri On Ice
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Thanks for delivering this last thread, Draw user.
It's cute.
Here's a better version, it was bugging me. And no problem.
Fuck. Why are they so cute.
Fairy magic
I hope Viktor convinces Yuuri to stop wearing such baggy clothes. It's a sin that we rarely get to appreciate his legs.
Someone please translate this.
this is now a nut appreciation thread.
I will never get over these pictures and the look they give one another.
If they don't dance together in the final episode I will be mad. Tango, Stay close to me duet, waltz, I don't care what it is, Kubo please, just let these boys dance together again.
No one reads chinese sun sigils
We will nut continue this joke into a new thread.
It's not baggy, it's loose. It's the fashionable thing nowadays.
We still have the Stay Close to Me duet to go, right?
>Dispute: who fell in love first?
>V: I've been interested in you since that banquet! You forgot about that, didn't you!? That means I was first!
>Y: I've been watching you for more than 10 years, you know!? So I was first!!!
>V: But we didn't meet, so it doesn't count.
>Y: It doesss.
I feel like the Stay Close to Me Duet might be the final ED song with either the second banquet or a wedding montage.
Whose got a good phone wallpaper to use? I need something to match my desktop.
Or pair skating.
I can feel it deep inside that BikeFairy is going to happen. It will be our real Christmas miracle all along. The twist that Kubo planned wasn't only the fact that Victor and Yuuri are actually engaged, it's the fact that their engagement has a profound effect on how Yuri views the world and causes him to critically observe his relationships with those are him resulting in Otabek love in season 2.
I want them to pair skate it alone and have a moment to bask in their love but I think it will be the ending theme to the last episode and it will be their first dance at their wedding.
My guess is something at the exhibition gala. And that they'll skate to the OP.
There's really not time for exhibitions.
I just want more scenes of them for now.
Don't worry, this time they will be drunk enough to dance flawlessly but sober enough to remember
It would be a crime if EP 12 doesnt have party montage
I assure you that there will be lots of internal monologues in Fairy about Otabek next episode. Cap this because I'm predicting the future.
Crispy already skated the OP
>Look up local ice skating rink
>Doing 8 week figure skating course next month
>Would probably be only male
>Have fairy form
Do I go for it anons? I kind of want to.
I hope you are right.
Thank you /x/!
It could work as an epilogue scene? So far our options are:
>Pair skating
>Flashy exhibition program to show their love to the world
I'm more inclined towards intimate pair skating. It could even work as an analogy for the fated sex scene we don't know if we're actually getting yet.
I love you, user.
Go for it, make history. And stop blogging you massive fucknut.
He wants Yuuri's legs all to himself.
If meme magic is real then JJ will win the Grand Prix
>When you experience love and admiration for someone who isn't your dedushka for the first time, and finally understand unconditional love and are able to skate a 5/5 Agape
Them recreating their dance on the ice would be magical.
don't do this to me. i want yuuri to sail easily through this thing.
>The set up for this to happen is genuinely there
The agape had to be non-familial all this time, I'm stressed out
Don't blog, no one cares.
I still want Otabek to talk with yuri before he goes on or for him to cheer him on
Otabek's thing seems to be "muh Fairy" and "muh country" so it's pretty obvious what he's going to be thinking about when he's skating.
As much as I like the ship and want them to grow together, I hope the secret to unlocking Fairy's Maximum Agape is not someone he pretty much met the day before. That'd be underwhelming.
Their expressions in this are honestly nearly on par with the look they gave each other after the kiss. They look so happy.
>Otabek delivers a "feminine" performance, in contrast to the bravado of guys like JJ
>Yurio is totally fucking floored that this is the same badass with a motorcycle he met 24 hours ago
>All of his insecurities about being a fairy and a prima ballerina and "Yuri-chan" rush to the surface
>Sees how Otabek can be both vulnerable and strong at once, and he saw that same strength in him ("Yuri Plisetsky had the eyes of a soldier")
>Yurio realizes that he can be power and masculine without having to compromise who he is
>Delivers a perfect Agape
Kubo pls
If Fairy and the Kazakh prince marry, does that mean the Soviet Union has to come back?
Here's the special program with the voice actors, anyone kind enough to translate?
They mention the kiss/hug scene, nipples, I want to know what they discussed :(
They ARE the Soviet Union.
I can tell this is cute as fuck.
Judging from his outfit I thought his performance was going to be a sort of refined, princely masculine, kinda like Victor in the first ep. But I guess that would still contrast with his motorcycle badass image enough though.
Well we haven't seen his SP outfit yet.
That's his FS costume, though. His SP outfit and theme are still a mystery. Chacott, don't disappoint us!
Oh, right. Well since all the skaters follow a certain theme wouldn't the next be similar?
>You have to do the opposite of what people expect
Remember Korea.
>dat feel when the angst was Victor all along
Dumbass fell in love with a drunk and flew to Japan on a chance.
none of you fuckers do this
>His SP outfit and theme are still a mystery
We didn't see Otabek skate before because it was connected to Fairy all along.
I love you so much. Thank you for filling my request.
He's into frills.
Who stole the nuts?
Otabek always get the best costumes.
The best wingman you could ask for.
>the opposite of what people expect
>everyone thinks Victor is an easy slut
>he's actually a sucker for pure and chaste romance
>his entire career was like a reverse Cinderella story advert, trying to find the rightful owner for a shoe someone left behind
You poor man, Victor Nikiforov.
Then Yuuri skating his program misled him even more, it was like Yuuri telling him he still wanted to be coached by him.
That's adorable. Fairy's cheeks are for tender squishing.
Does this even count as a yaoi? I know it's gay as hell but it doesn't seem like your typical yaoi.
Please draw Otabek asking Yurio if he can kiss him, like how he asked if they could be friends
I hope the ending credits to final episode are similar to the ending credits of episode 10, showing in picture format what happened at the banquet following this year's Grand Prix Finals. Pictures of Yuri and Victor looking just as happy and flirtatious while dancing with each other as they did last year, but the final shot is them kissing.
>Does this even count as a yaoi? I know it's gay as hell but it doesn't seem like your typical yaoi.
I don't really count it because it's more of a relationship story than 'omg homoz'
I just came here to post this.
Share your best no-homo older posts
No. It wouldn't be about sports if that was so. Plus yaoi uses certain obnoxious tropes that YoI does not.
It's a love story that surpasses genres
>his idea of heaven on earth is having baths, eating good food, and being with his bf and dog
He's too pure
It could be BL since there's no echi scene.
it's shounen-ai
It's a sports anime. It's as yaoi as Sailor Moon is yuri and yaoi.
Mostly it was people too jaded from being baited for years though;
yeah I know, I was one of these people, but is amazing looking at these screencaps
I think they're going to do this. Though they may not want to make a whole new instagram monrage again. This weeks ending was quite ingenious.
An anime can feature a gay relationship without a label. Sailor Moon, Utena, No.6, etc. This was never advertised as BL. It's a sports anime with romance, that's it.
Kubo saved as all.
Calm down, it still fit as a bl for the content.
It doesn't make it any better or worse, we just asked user asking about a label. The subject would not be brought up without the prompt.
What if.....
>we just answered
I just wish Kubo would quit twitter because she spoils half of the fun. I could see the GPF finalists less than 6 episodes in
No, it looks like shota Yuuri plus boobs.
just don't read it
Nips pretty much use "shounen ai" for cheese pizza nowadays, user.
V: When I was a kid, I loved reading a stereotypical fairy tale about a prince coming to save a princess, thinking about how some day I might be destined to have a girl appear before me like that, too.
V: "The prince gives the princess proof of his love."
V: ... I never thought I'd be the one on the receiving end.
V: A cute prince that's mine alone.
V: The first love of my life, hidden inside of me for these 27 years, has made me invincible in a way that seems foolish for my age.
V: If I'm with you, I feel like I can go anywhere and do anything.
And since somebody wanted to know about what they talked about on the Abema special, I'll be writing that in chunks as I watch:
After introductions they go into the first corner where they talk about things that happened behind the scenes/during recording.
First they talk about JJ's song and said that the recording that day was a pain in the ass (both Toyonaga and Ucchi wrote about this) . They talk about how all the cast members were forced to sing along to the chorus to JJ's dumb song and how it came out of the blue and they were basically told, "OK, we're in the middle of a break now, but now you all have to sing this JJ song." They had no idea what was coming and were struggling to suddenly remember this English song with no notice but said it surprisingly came together somehow. Mamo was extra annoying because apparently he got really into this song and started singing the tune with random lyrics he would switch out. Kubo said she was surprised to see all the comments about JJ saying, "This isn't even acting, this is just Mamo in his natural state..." and said she kind of felt like the character was stolen away from her and belonged to Mamo now.
Being advertised as BL and having a homo relationship are two different things.
>you will never put a ring on it
Why is this show so good but also depressing?
Why dues Yuri look 12?
>Tumblr western art
Kill yourself.
Ten years later is drunk Yuuri with faces painted on his stomach.
No need to be upset, friend.
It was obvious from the official profiles too.