Does anyone want to talk about Kaoru?!
Kaoru Tanamachi
Why is she so perfect? Why is her hair so entrancing?
She got messy pubes.
even faggot mods agree sex hair best hair
That's hot.
I bet she doesn't.
What do you mean by this?
woops forgot pic
Her hair is cute but if it was 3D it would be a tangly, curly, greasy mess.
3D truly is disgusting.
>you will never share mutual love with Kaoru.
Tying my noose right now famalam
Anyone got a source on that cosplay? I can't find it and I need some quality Kaoru cosplay.
Fuck the guy above me. Instead tell me what all these cards I find of Kaoru are. A game? Which?
>You will never lick Koaru's belly button.
Why even live?
Oops looks like another user posted right before me.
Cute as fuck.
Kill yourself.
What god must I sacrifice to to cuddle with her
It's close, but not quite.
It's a dude in a wig isn't it
>people on Sup Forums actually liking 3DPD
Holy shit they were right, there are too many fucking normies.
She's not the cuddling type, user.
Wasn't she in some motorcycle show?
It's fine when it's a man, everyone knows that.
>he never heard of 2.5D
Newfag detected.
Slaanesh, obviously
I'll be strait with you user, I would give organs to feel her soft skin and run my fingers through that hair. Cuddling was a compromise
Same tbqh. Would give a lung and a kidney and my heart if it wouldn't kill me.
She's literal sex, you know it'll be a good night if a girl like her is into you
Source this now user kun.
I love you anons for good taste!
Kaoru is lewder than she thinks.
Woah, is this a best girl thread?
I too am curious about these cards.
She is [BAD TIER] and the only girl beneath her is Rihoko in [SHIT TIER]. Sup Forumsnons only like her because of her looks, which are subjective, everything else about her that's objective is bad.
I love her
>only up by 1 in my flaws/good qualities ratio
I need to work on that
This thread is for patricians only.
I'll show you the door.
Me too. So much that it hurts.
Why do I like Kaoru so much? I'm having a hard time putting into words how she is so perfect.
I love these two. Both girls that would dominate you in bed and fuck like a tiger.
Good, I like Hibiki and Ayatsuji, so I belong here, unlike yourself.
there are no bad girls is Amagami
*except Rihoko
She's a monster in the sack and you know it
She has a good wit. She sits between that "bro-tier" feeling and that "girly" feeling. She is very loyal, but with reasonable vulnerability and a good deal of stubbornness to boot. She has a very "girl next door" feel as well. She also exhibits dedication and work ethic, given that she has a job to help her mom out with finances. She also has that wild sex vibe going on, which is a major plus. Didn't even list physical traits either
Thank you for this user! Also what do you mean by "girl next door"
>Also what do you mean by "girl next door"
If you're not American, it's exactly what it means. The girl who grew up next door as your neighbor. Guys are generally more relaxed around thiose girls because they grew up with them.
Girl next door is an American idiom for the girl thats kinda tomboyish and friendly.
Also with the connotation of her being a childhood friend, or a little older than the boy.
Let's be real. Kaoru would kick Ayatsuji's ass in a fight.
Well duh she wrestles and has 5 jobs.
If only she were in real...
I would had enjoyed school life
Maybe she was real and just not in any of your classes
How come are there so many amagami threads lately? There's like 2 other threads on catalog, what's going on?
Christmas is coming up ;_;
I wouldn't be on Sup Forums if I grew up with Kaoru.
Yes, you would and she would be fucking someone that's not you.
Not him but I highly doubt girls like Kaoru exist outside of fiction. I'm a pretty social person and like the rest of you have spent most of my life in school. Haven't met anyone remotely like her.
I'd rather talk about Hibiki. Honestly Karou is my least favorite girl out the main six. I don't hate her or anything just don't feel anything special about her.
then go make your own thread about Hibiki and stop fagging up this thread fag
Don't underestimate childhood friends. It's not just a meme, a lot of them really do end up together irl too.
go make a hibiki thread then faggot
She does not care.
The cutest