Aged 27

>aged 27
>living in London
>ugly beta loser autist male with no friends or social life for 9 years and no female attention ever, including time at university
>became the ugly loser nobody talks to after one day at my current job
>failed over 30 interview processes for great jobs due to ugliness and lack of normieness or extroversion
>never been to pub, club, party, or any social experience since school
>bitter about being a complete social failure with a wasted youth while Chads, Staceys, and normies get everything handed to them and judged solely on normieness
>work in zero effort public sector job with lots of free time (but felt like a cucked prisoner when I stayed at the office 9 to 5)
>all hobbies feel like they turn in to work (reading books becomes reading boring classics; learning programming becomes learning functional masturbation) i.e., everything is advertising you to join the bottom of a hierarchy and telling you to worship the top and pay your dues
>don't have the initiative to program something in my own time or try anything entrepreneurial or do anything that takes initiative - feel like an obedient student who was trained in to being a worker drone who needs to follow a set path
>main hobby is walking around central London, drinking coffee, feeling sad about life, hoping I will spontaneously feel like my 20s haven't been wasted because I "just went outside"
>can't bear going full hermit autist, obviously can't do anything normies do
>feel under constant pressure to read lots of boring books, learn lots of boring shit, and so on
>waste shitloads of time on internet
>spent many months after university working part time menial jobs and wasting all my free time on the internet and genuinely see my time back then as a near zombie stuck in a loop
>fully grasp the arbitrariness of all philosophical axioms - as a result I see proselytisers as either fucking ignorant or dishonest

Go make friends in /r9k/

This copypasta just keeps getting longer and longer, doesn't it?

Sounds like you need to fuck off from london

Bitches ain't shit. No one wants to be around the guy that bores them with philosophical wankery. Get yourself checked for depression, get yourself sorted. Oh, and leave that shit hole.

Back to where you came from paki

You need Jesus

find something that gives you joy.
just be yourself dont care what others think... just be !
well if you can program make something of it... or with the knowledge you gained from reading books.
i know it all sounds easier said than done !
the universe is yours just do something with it ;-)

Start working out, travel, fuck some whores. It’ll all work out brah.

Do weed user.

Shut up nerd

Not nice

go to /biz/ start trading shitcoins, enjoy your retirement before you hit 35
srsly if you're an autistic fuck you should try to weaponise your social retardation and start earning a fuckton of money for which you will buy whores, coke and lambos
at least you're gonna die in a lambo and not shut in your own room

Make yourself more attractive. Seek a purpose. Also I love you.

Teach yourself to draw.

Teach yourself a musical instrument.

Read schauberger

Read masanobu Fukuoka

I don't look great either so I did all these to fill in the gaps.

I will give you a secret user and you didn't hear this from me, but lurk on the board that seperates the chads from the betas. Go to /fit/ user and /lit/, the combination of this knowledge will make you not only more intelligent, but also gain the muscle and looks you want. Heed my warning user, there will be great mishaps throughout this quest, and DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT LOCK OUT ON LEG PRESSES OR DO AND RECORD IT FOR MY WEBM COLLECTION. You have been warned.

P.S. by this time most of /fit/ is asleep.

Get a run in, lay on the couch watching tvseries, get comfy.

this is not politics.

Take your pathetic ass somewhere else.

You know full well how not to be pathetic, and what other people have that makes them happy. You have everything you need to improve your life and be less pathetic but you don't want to.

so fuck off. sage and report.
This isn't a board where we coddle /r9k/ losers.
we're meant to contribute to the white race and make it better.

Best worst advice

I can't unsee that video of the guy getting his knees wrecked.

sacrifice yourself for a race war.

You've posted this a few times. As i've said earlier user I would be happy to meet up and hang out.

London can be a lonely place.


At Least you have a good job. I'll be working part time doing nights at a grocery store for the rest of my life.

you go to a bar, sit right at the counter. people will come and go and talk to you. noone will ever just come walk up to you and start a conversation. if you dont go to places where people meet and just walk around, well anyone would be a loner that way

stop wasting limited resources and kill yourself op. your parents should be ashamed for creating such a loser.

I thought my life was bad, then I read your post. I feel better now.

So thanks, now fuck off!!!