What will amerisharts and eurofags do, when this happens?

What will amerisharts and eurofags do, when this happens?

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Obviously they would liberate Mongolia.

Oh this thread again

>my empire consists of rice farming zombie hordes and endless wastelands
i am shaking in my boots

get rekt slav shit



the real question is what will russia do?

Ahahahahahaha. They STILL haven't managed to annex Taiwan.

>biggest population
>biggest economy
>biggest amount of natural resources with Siberia and Central Asia
USA is already slowly fading away. But in that scenario you literally won't be able to compete.



Nothing, it will just spread their cheeks to chink overlords.
Here you go.

They will cheer why exactly? So that they will have to go against unstoppable China instead of weak and pathetic Russia?

God that's ugly. There is no crime worse than bordergore.

China 350 nuclear warheads
Russia 7000+ nuclear warheads

>when this happens
>Crimea isn't Russian territory
color me doubtful

crimea fucking river you fagkrainian

>t. Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov

Isn't the Jewish autonomous zone out there somewhere? Don't count on the world letting a yellow shoa happen. The world will dump it's whole nuclear arsenal before it lets a single jew have to grow rice on a Saturday.

throw memes all you want, deep down you know the truth.

We will be here alot longer then the meme state you live in Ivan

laugh as i see chinese cities get destroyed by Tsar bomb's

I'm pretty sure that there are almost no jews in JAO. JAO is a joke, all jews ran away as fast as they can and they can run away really fast, you know.

How exactly would this happen.
>Russian troops are used to walking through the snow.
>Chinese troops are used to walking across temperate plains.
It'd just be like Hitler and Napoleon all over again but 20x worse because Siberia is a lot colder than Moscow.

>border gore

That's my fetish!

Your pic is still better than being under the thumb of bloodthirsty muslamic warmongers.

I see... Then America doesn't have a horse in this race. Sorry russia-bro, but if we aren't serving Jewish masters, we can't help you fend off the chinamen.

laugh in my grave as china waits on the global warming meme to melt the permafrost


The real problem is that China can now claim parts of Arctic

>invading country with the largest amount of nukes
>invading Russia
>invading Siberia
It won't be invasion, they are not that mad. They will send milions of chink immigrants and when there will be much more chinks then russian, they will just switch control.

Probably not care.

Clean up the smoldering ruins of China.

BTW Jewish Autonomous Oblast has pretty fun flag (pic). Fighting chinks under this flag for the will of jewish master will be counted very glorious even in Russia.

Aren't there already tons of chinks in that bit you annexed from them? Even if the region becomes pre-occupied then it's not like Russia will just say "OK, take it". A war is pretty much inevitable if a piece of land wants to become part of another country.

China doesn't fear the jew. Only America does.

It will happen by colonization and peaceful annexation.

Many chinks near to the border, but not that much. I'd say that less then 5% of russian and native population in whole Siveria.
Well, if the region will be swarmed by chinks, probably russian government will be soirt of puppet, so they could say: "ok, take it". But we have to wait a century until this.

Are you ready to serve the Great Han Man, Vanya?

>be ukrainain
>teach russians peaceful annexation
Ok, you are kind of right. Everything will be China, India, LatinAmerica or Afrika in a 100-200 years. Unless it will be Glorious Peoples Republic of Robots.

Wow, i see ukro-turk found himself new greatest ally (apparently ISIS wasnt good enough). Hate to disappoint you, but chinks hadnt won a single war in entire history so probability of this happening even less than probability of non-jewish government coming to power in Ukraine.

I'm sure I will be already dead.

That depends how it happens. If it's the result of military conquest, huge trade sanctions would be imposed on China. However if China bought Siberia from Russia, and peacefully persuaded the Central Asian countries to unite with it, nobody would try to stop it. Everybody would be too busy trying to sell things to Russia which would (for a while at least) be the world's richest country.

We''ll nuke them and fight em till dealth. which will also clean us up so there's no negative.


Grin, very smugly.

>biggest population of dumb insectoids that can't innovate or even copy tech properly
>biggest economy that entirely depends on insectoid slave labor and the West buying its shit
Sorry Mykola but China is a meme.

>largest amount of nukes

I doubt tat

This pretty much

>Russia allowed to exist in Europe
You had one job.

First or second in the world, nut it does not actually matter, because it's enough to destroy the whole world just exploding half of them in a random place.

>biggest population of dumb insectoids that can't innovate or even copy tech properly
They were in space before the usa.

I sometimes feel happy to be able understand mongolian


You don't understand Chinese.

who the fuck would bother taking an inhospitable over a frozen wasteland

Are you just bitter that the USA isn't pushing the RF out of Ukraine?

This is not realistic though.
If Russia will sell itself to the Chinese, it will be only the very Far East part, but it can happen.
>oy vey, it's just some clay goy, we sold Alaska, why don't we sell Far East

I'm just curious, who are you trying to troll? Anyway you say strange things.

Laugh as the chinks try to hold back the islamic hordes.

America wouldn't permit this.

It's a power triangle, first one to disturb the power gets fucked.

Oh great, the Chinese-Ukrainian Autist ruins yet another thread with their shitposting just like their sad pathetic blog about "getting a digital tablet look please guys my drawings arent shit i just need a digital tablet by the way digital tablet im getting a digital tablet soon like somehow i'm automatically going to not be shit with a digital tablet"
And it's because lon is here, honestly with the fuckups he's been doing over the last several months, i honestly wouldnt mind him just leaving for good at this point

India will shit it down

Two hordes holding each other back. Sounds amuzing.

>Invading frozen barren clay
Who gives a shit?

i'm probably going to have a shit thus it's what i spend most of my time with

It's funny how Ukraine can't do shit about Russia and can only wish someone would invade Russia so Ukraine could have it's revenge.

Shiiiet, this is like a Soap Opera drama top tier. So much drama and shit.

The main question here is Ukraine only wishful thinking or is Ukraine actually doing something about actual revange?

I think Ukraine is just wishful.

They shouldn't have ran away from Cremea in the first place and they should have declared a war.

Ukraine is butthurt as fuck though. That's for sure.

I don't think Ukraine got what they wanted from the start. Maybe Ukrain should just be a part of Poland and Russia. This way they can come down and be happy.

If Ukraine stays by itself them everyone around is gonna bully her to Death.

It's just some countries can't handle shit on their own and then they get butthurt.

Dont sit/ strain too hard

Keep dreaming, cockhole.

It would probably be worth it for two reasons. (1) China could absolutely eradicated every last vestige of Islam east of the Caspian sea, and (2) the then le 25% North America would get humiliated on a regular basis, and probably lose everything from San Francisco to Alaska to Chinese colonization.

I can smell your sense of dread

How come Russian men are extremely gay for cock? They're extremely masculine but yet they're still homosexual

Its used to be similar to that, but these Russkie comes and invade us asian, now many of us asian belong to Russia Federation as Oblast like Yakultia, Buryatia, etc

What's so special about the arctic, anyway? It's just ice and ice and ice

>Russian breakaway regions have jewed all the coal
>Schools running out of books to burn for heat, better shut them down till April
>Fat president (((named))) in the Paradise papers as the GDP nosedives.
>Better draw some fantasy senarios where mighty Kazakhstan somehow succumbs to Chinks.
>This will both make me feel better and show those Russky Putleristas how fucked they are.

t. Hoholmaps

Yellow people are subhumans, you deserve it for being mongrels.

It will be the new ethnostate for whites, sven.

Welp, thats a Ukrainian nazi on the pic.
learn what national-homosexualism is.

Nothing. Ukrops will be part of Poland or Russia anyway

didn't know

t.currently on vacation in merica

Laugh and mock based Putin

Well the first thing we'd do is update our maps.

it's your god (or whatever you heathens bow to) given right and duty to take back those lands, chink. START WAR NOW! RUSSIA MUST SUFFER

Lol chinks are shit tier at expanding outside their middle kingdom

Only Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese (gooks in general) like us are mongrels...
The rest like Bhutan, Mongols, etc are fine don't hate them for no reason dude.

white ethiopian

Take the western part.

Speaking of which, when will the Italian master race take back it's rightful clay.


It seems that you want some more ficki-ficki from Russian liberators, my fellow Hans?

Ukrainian Empassy in Vietnam please


I'd make a joke about Germans raping Russians, but rape was never necessary.

Jewish Autonomous Oblast is like 1% Jewish because they all fucked off as soon as Israel became a thing

You idiots don't seem to understand shit. For a political board, you are all kind of ignorant and retarded.
Chinks need resources, especially energy. And Siberia is one of the most resource-rich places in the world. Plus the climate is warming, so more land will be livable in the future. And with melting ices, northern route will be more available.

I don't understand this either, the three eastern Slavic countries do have a shared history going back at least a thousand years (Kiev being the central slavic city for a long time).

And all that Holodmor, red terror and dekulakization, that wasn't target based on ethnicty rather than ideology, the top cunts issuing orders were in Moscow, but the ones carrying out them with both enthusiasm and bayonets were quite often locals, happy to exhert their will and power over others.

I guess Belarus escaped the same fate of post-USSR anger by having an autocratic leader, thus silencing any strong dissent, while keeping the populace just about prosperous enough to not have any grave reaskns to complain.

Ukraine though, the respond to being elected (both on the national and local level) has been "OH SHIT SON NOW'S MY TIME... SNATCH AND RUN Y'ALL", making the average person not part of this larceny-lottery jaded and no output for this hate/rage apart from the Musocvites which appear slightly better off.

It's ironic because Russia, by mentality comparison is relatable to both Belarus and Ukraine (there's an element of autocracy, but not as much as in belarus, there's corruption but nowhere near the Ukraine's level), and the average citizen, jaded for the similar reason as his Ukrainian neighbour to the south, lashes back out at him, it's kinda fucked.

Fixed your map for you

>the three eastern Slavic countries do have a shared history going back at least a thousand years
Bullshit! R*ssians stole our name, faith and history. They have nothing to do with us, they are not even Slavs!
>that wasn't target based on ethnicty rather than ideology
No, Ukrainians were specifically targeted because we wanted to be independent.
>It's ironic because Russia, by mentality comparison is relatable to both Belarus and Ukraine
No, r*ssians are asiatic and we are European.

Chinese fears Mongolian

>No, r*ssians are asiatic and we are European.

This is something that strikes me when i see Putin, him and his cabinet all have an Asiatic look about them.


>Chinks need resources, especially energy. And Siberia is one of the most resource-rich places in the world.

The sheer amount of untouched living space will be nirvana for the Chinks who have shitted up their own land.

Russia reduces the world population by 1 billion in 45 minutes