An Urgent Appeal

The topic of climate change is brought up here every once in a while (usually to be drowned in ridicule) but what doesn't seem to be appreciated is that climate change is only one fragment of a much larger phenomenon that's identified as "Anthropocene Phase II" in the scientific literature. It's a unique moment in all of Earth history: the time when a single species overcame the natural processes that had governed the surface of the planet ever since its inception.

As a result, human beings and the natural world are on a radical collision course and the scale and speed of changes in the Earth system (like the biogeochemical cycles) are generally off the spectrum:

>Current perturbation of the nitrogen cycle has no precedent during the last 2.5 billion years
>Current pace of ocean acidification has no precedent during the last 300 million years
>Current carbon injection has no precedent during the last 65 million years and is at least 10-times faster than the closest geologic analogue 55 million years ago
>Anthropogenic carbon injection has already catapulted atmospheric chemistry back into the Pliocene and is large enough to delay the next glacial cycle by at least 50,000 years
>Current exchanges of animals on land is unique ever since Pangaea fragmented 200 million years ago and likely has no geologic analogue in the ocean
>Humans have brought about the wholesale transformation of ~40% of the Earth's surface (which is larger than the transformation that resulted from the termination of the last glaciation)
>Humans appropriate between 25-40% of global net primary production
>Wild animals only make up

Other urls found in this thread: ball&t=ffsb&iax=videos&ia=videos

Well Shit. Guess the sand niggers will inherit a piece of shit for their Islamic brothers. We fuck it up and they get it in the ass. Sounds good.

Except its not real, you're talking out of your ass, and climate change is part of a globalist plot to distribute wealth globally in their new global superstate :) I'll gladly burn as many forests as it takes for my livingroom to stay warm, and my car to run, and to get my nice things. I dont care if it fucks with temperatures in the middle east or africa. Let them roast (although they probably wont since its all fake).

> It overshadows all other discussions and will determine the fate of the Earth.

Once we get the many governments back in a functioning-type order, then we have a shot. Responsibility is the order of the day

Humans conquered the Earth. Fine with me. Next step is turning the entire planets matter into something useful to us. The sooner we get to a Type I Civilization the better.

(((Civilization))) was a mistake.

I'm just happy I'm alive to see it fail and to see all these neoboomers hedonistic materialistc pieces of garbage like

to suffocate in the excrements of their own degeneracy.

There isn't going to be a civilization to develop in the first place if the Anthropocene is allowed to continue. And that's not me saying this, it's the conclusion that's drawn in the scientific literature.

>The concept of the Anthropocene, as it becomes more well known in the general public, could well drive a similar reaction to that which Darwin elicited [111]. Can human activity really be significant enough to drive the Earth into a new geological epoch? There is one very significant difference, however, between the two ideas, Darwinian evolution and the Anthropocene. Darwin’s insights into our origins provoked outrage, anger and disbelief but did not threaten the material existence of society of the time. The ultimate drivers of the Anthropocene, on the other hand, if they continue unabated through this century, may well threaten the viability of contemporary civilization and perhaps even the future existence of Homo sapiens.

If people don't have enough sense to grasp that this is phenomenon is incompatible with a habitable planet rather than the tool for one - and that this is the only home we have rather than an enemy that needs to be conquered and subdued, then there is no hope left.

>(((scientific literature)))
Appeal to your kike authority.

explain cLIEmate change on other planets of solar system, or you might just fuck off sweetie: ball&t=ffsb&iax=videos&ia=videos

the dinosaurs had no industry or oil but the climate change killed them anyway.

so much for antropogenic factor.

How can you live in a first world country and deny this. Secondly you're fucking retarded if you dont consider the fact that all those kebabs and frogs and other shitstains whos living quarter you want to turn into a sauna wont move to your comfy white ethnostate and fuck your women. Ultimately its kinda like pascals wager. Either you believe in man made ecological effects and maybe we can keep some of the kebab away. Or a syrian oil baron fucks your daughter

This is now a thread about our glorious rise to a Type I Civilization

Nothing will happen, we will rule this planet and its biology.
See what we have accomplished in fifty years, another fifty and we'll be done. That is only a hundred years, that's nothing on a cosmologic scale.


Humanity will be the last thing to go along with the roaches. And if push comes to shove, it won't be because of our activity, but due to a cosmic cataclysm.

We cannot, as a species, take our own impact into account, because there was never an evolutionary need to do that. Evolution, both biological and social, cannot overcome future hurdles, it devises defensive and exploitative mechanism as it comes across the problem. So in order to overcome an anthropogenic catastrophe, we need to experience it which we will. It would be more comfortable if we could colonize space in some form by that time, but we would have to make do with what we have.

you are stupid sven.
You should simply sink the boats and shoot the trespassers.
you have an army for a reason.

you dont have to cuck yourself out of electricity, heating, industry and economy hoping to preserve the homelands of roaches.
you just kill them.


>then there is no hope left
Hope for what? For a peaceful and effortless existence? True. For an existence itself and continued adaptation? Not true.


If were true that we can ruin the climate there must be a way to fix it too.

we could bring the temperature down by dispersing large amouts of sulphur in the upper atmosphere, that would color thesky beautyful red and reflest solar rays back
we coild launch a giant sheet of foil into the Lagrange point and reflect solar ratiation
We could nuke the fuck out of Afrika and middle east to start the nuclear winter.

If humanity can affect climate negatively we could also affect it positively.

Where did the OP go?
Faggot shill BTFO

>Humans conquered the Earth.

what an amazingly weird thing to say. conquered? who did they beat? who did they vanquish? how?

Humans have expanded as a species to t apoint where we are destroying the ability of the planet to sustain our species - that is not conquering anything - that is fouling our own nest to the point where we die off. that is not winning.

well your bigoted know nothing stupidity has no authority at all, and is very unappealing...

>Dinosaurs died without anyone shooting them so it is perfectly safe for me to put this gun to my head and pull the trigger.

Jesus, do they pay you to shill this poorly?

Every issue we face is SOCIAL (or spiritual, etc), inasmuch as everything depends on what people are willing and able to do and sacrifice *collectively*. OP says this overshadows every other issue, but that is in some realm of hypothetical truth-- in reality, this is overshadowed by countless other issues, nor will this issue unify people unless and until it forces everyone's attention into itself. Hence the social/spiritual questions of humanity remain paramount.

the eternal cuck

>Hope for what?
any kind of decent survival

I think the things you listed would only strongly exacerbate and magnify the ongoing crisis. In fact, I think a lot of the geoengineering that is being proposed seems to me to be a potentially bigger threat than climate change on its own.

It's completely transparent what needs to be done to avert the oncoming storm: the fossil fuels need to be left in the ground where they belong - and that needs to happen as soon as technically possibly. Otherwise feedbacks inherent to the ice sheets, biosphere and carbon cycle will continue to respond to the perturbation for millennia and keep evolving until the system is knocked into a new equilibrium.

yes, these cute artists impressions really destroyed me. I'm just waiting for people to actually say interesting things that are worth responding to.


Make sure to cite your sources, I sense a certain amount of seriousness in your worry, so I suggest in order to start a realistic discussion that you archive topics and articles and then share them with the class.
Other than that there is a 100% responsibility of humans to worry, debate, study, and prove if our continued existence here is bad for the planet. As a rule, it is, if you were to consider that there were a lot of over-hunting and extinctions caused by us, a lot of places that are polluted beyond belief by us, and whole swaths of jungle, rain forest, entire temperate forests cleared and then burned to be used for farmland...
That being said we need to find out if it will inevitably cause us to go full on Mars, turning us into an unlivable wasteland. Or if we're simply on the curve of a never-ending cycle the planet has gone through multiple times. A cooling and heating cycle that has sustained life for millions of years.

Wouldn't it fuck up the atmosphere? Wouldn't it suck it out in the open space&

Climatology is not science. You have no scientific literature.

my original post had a source for every one of the claims I made, but I had to remove them to get within the 2,000 character limit. Also, i suspect that when I try to dump all the sources here at once, my post will get rejected as spam.
Here are some of them (in the same chronological order as listed in the original post):

It's also notable that the sort of catastrophic outcome implied in OP seems to have a level of inevitability about it. Humans following their normal impulses and abilities would end up here, and it's possible to imagine life evolving and technologically developing into the same crisis in countless iterations of planetary development.

And that can lead us to suppose and hope that the religious ideas of human and planetary transformation are indeed true, and that God don't just set us up to fuk ourselves.

Hi Varg

>ruin the climate
>whites just leave the planet
>niggers die out
Sounds like a plan boys

>any kind of decent survival
Mesozoic-era climate and carbon composition of the atmosphere would cause massive crisis in us, but would hardly present any threat of viability of humans.
>the fossil fuels need to be left in the ground where they belong
Why exactly do they belong in the ground? Fossil fuels consist of carbon that was sapped from the atmosphere by the biosphere and buried underground. We are digging them out and burning them up to put them back into the atmosphere where they, indeed, belong.

>any kind of decent survival

Lol. Homo Sapiens have survived on insects and grass before and we can do it again after the weak ones dependent on 'civilization' have been culled.

> I think a lot of the geoengineering that is being proposed seems to me to be a potentially bigger threat than climate change on its own.

No guys don't try to fix the problem!!! Just whine about it with us.

> the fossil fuels need to be left in the ground where they belong

You complain about the downfall of technological society and advocate for it in the same breath. so strange.

I look forward engineering a better world for humans. We could CRISPR all edible plants to be C4 photosynasizers and up our food supply. Fuck, we could CRISPR our way to making actual real fucking dragons; let alone make ourselves immortal superhumans. Then there is computational advancements. And engineering advancements. And the increased harvesting of the suns energy.

But OP is worried that some animals dying is going to mean anything. His Zionist overlords need to fuck up the Aryan scientists before they loose control and become extinct with the rest of the parasites.

no. Do they pay you to shitpost such rubbish?

In Soviet Russia, Carbon breathes you!

Pure. Bullshit.

Fuck off and die kraut. Yes humans change the environment in unforseen ways, no it isn't irreversible. Even moreso you fail to realize that "natural" was also a human caused environment.

The black forest is not natural.

>the fossil fuels need to be left in the ground
1 the fossil fuel is a natural part of biosphere, if anything they will bring back the jurassic clinlmate
2 It is sumply impossible to maintain technological civilization on renewable sources until we run everything on fusion an space panels.
If hunlight carried enough energy to heat your house in the winter it would be summer.

I dont think we should abandon the energy, instead we should master it.

ocean level rises?
then dig up a giant hole on the ocean floor to let it sink in and use that material as groun to build more upon.

the ice caps melt?
paint them white to reflect more light.

The CO2 level rises?
bio-engineeer a super- plankton species to recycle it back into oil.

the new problems arise?
find new solutions.

when its finally fucked we will make Mars green and pretty.

Only Americans and Russians may go into space. Other races lack the mental capacity.

Our civilization cant survive without oil. Even if we were to transition to a different energy source, oil is the feedstock for far too many different materials.

>In Soviet Russia, Carbon breathes you!
Carbon dioxide in the air does not affect mammals in any way at all, in order to choke us from the oxygen it would have to increase more than fifty times over, which is impossible. (really, the only thing it can do is let all the Flora everywhere flourish and kill some faggy fishes).

Even better.

We could CRISPR superhumans who will fix everything with their superior intelligence

I'm not sure about USA, but the Soviet Union had emergency procedures in case of oil shortage. We could, with little loss of efficiency, run everything on coal, and rely on nuclear power plants for electricity

technically we could synthesize plastic and chemicals out of carbon and shit.

that would require IMMENSE energies though and plastic would become the new gold.

>The concept of the Anthropocene, as it becomes more well known in the general public, could well drive a similar reaction to that which Darwin elicited
And here we go, it's Global Warming 2: Sustainable Electric Boogaloo. The goyim no longer believe the man-made climate change scam, so we'll tell them the world is literally going to end. Heard it all before. Even if it's true, they've cried wolf too many times, and scientists have shown themselves happy to jump on any bandwagon if it generates research bux.

Plastics, medicines, fertilizers, lubricants, ect....We would have to regress significantly. It wouldnt be the end of humanity but we'd be looking at a 19th-century style civilization

>Jews finally succeed in replacing the white race with mongrels, shitskins etc. and the planet is finally their forever
>only problem is, the whites have polluted it so much that the planet is now effectively worthless and unable to sustain life
>Holocaust beyond the grave via extreme weather

I can live with that.

Nice post.
About renewable sources. There is more than enough energy from the sun. We don't utilize it very well. 29% of the suns energy is reflected away. The earth is radiating tons of heat energy into space. We could store that energy in the earths mantle and put it to useful work using geothermal generators.

Gooks will get their by piggybacking and stealing tech like they do with everything.

Hydrocarbons are just a storage medium for energy. A very good storage medium. We'll make more with the suns energy.

CRISPR superhumans + AI


If the planet gets catapulted from a Pleistocene interglacial climate into a Cretaceous supergreenhouse in the matter of a century or two, then you would likely look at the biggest biotic crisis ever since a meteor the size of Mt. Everest collided with the planet 65 million years ago (indeed, it may already be). It's been recognized among ecologists, that even slow incremental steps can push systems like the biosphere across critical bifurcations and induce nonlinear responses. If the geologic record tells us anything about the selectivity of mass extinctions, then it's that complex animals on the upper trophic stages are the first ones to go, while organisms with a simple, undemanding metabolism and a fixed ecological niche (e.g., plants and insects) survive. So that's for human extinction.

As for the rest: it couldn't be more easy, right?
Just dig a ditch and paint everything white. What about the Arctic and Antarctic ecosystems that are intimately tied to the presence of sea ice? What about the effects of the ocean salt budget, stratification and circulation, which are highly sensitive to freshwater forcing my meltwater? Doesn't matter, not our business.

Both major ice sheets are right now losing on the order of 400 Gigatons of mass every year (and you will have to add the thermosteric ocean effects, mass loss from GIC and groundwater responses on top of that), which is also in the process of accelerating. Do you know what kind of logistical enterprise it would be to mine the same mass from the ocean floor? That alone would be the single biggest human undertaking in the history of the world, would cost insane amounts of money and resources, manpower, energy, etc.

If you honestly think that that is an easier solution that to phase out fossil fuels then I don't know what to say to you.

>recognized among ecologists
Still appealing to those (((authorities)))

You didn't read those posts we were very specifically talking about the complex hydrocarbons needed for things other than energy contained in the oil.

Any you forgot to read
>Make more with the suns energy
I know hydrocarbons are used in all kinds of shit. We can make more of what we need, it just takes energy to mash the hydrogens and carbons into the configuration we want.

A kiloton of water is rougly a cube 10m*10m*10m.about the size of a truck.
A megaton is a 1000 of those. a gigaton is 1000 of those.
doesnt appear to be impossible on global scale.
especially if we can extract some mineralf from that too.

think about large scale mining, they literally level mountains and pile up new mountains.

Thats some actual math, i like it.

Could you account how much energy the planet is using (including heavy industry) and the speed at wich the demand grows and then try and eyeball how many solar panels we will need to provide that accounting for night, winter and northern places.

i have a feeling we compare the hard to the impossible.
also do you think so much rare earth elements even exist on the earth?

and by the way.
if we cover the ocean surface in solar panels it will suffocate and starve the oceanic life and kill all the plancton that recycles CO2

I sincerely hope you die. Retarded fuck.

My dude. Look into solar thermal. You can low-tech harvest the suns heat energy with current technology. If we build out shitloads of solar thermal we can handle our global energy needs and more. Heat is actually a good energy storage system too. Massive geothermal storage would work well.
I agree current solar panel tech isn't going to scale to what we need.

Why is there no solar thermal in Canada or greenland?
Yeah its OK for some small scale energy production in hot regions bit it looks like it wont work in frozen hellholes so well.

hell we have regions where sun literally doesnt even rise in the winter.

Solar thermal wasn't price competitive with cheap hydrocarbons. It made a lot more sense to run our world on fossil fuels.

You can heat an entire home will simple evacuated tube tech that fits on a homes roof; even in the dead of winter in Canada. There are logistical problems that homeowners don't want to deal with currently. A system like that would massively overproduce energy in the summer. What do you do with it? It's also expensive right now because efficiancies of scale haven't dropped prices down. Also there is no widespread knowledge on the subject like plumbers and electricians need to know to maintain the system.

There are doable solutions to all these logistical problems. There needs to be a strong economic need to switch from fossil fuels. That will come in time.


We have hope. We are merely held back like kikes and megajews like you. Not only do we have clean renewable energy (4th gen nuclear) but we also have had the means to leave the cradle for decades in a real manner (project orion). It would be simplento setup a massive solar shade in orbit. For other problems we just kill the niggers chinks poos and jews and the worlds problem of the "anthro"pocene are solved. Dumb nigger

We dont need a type 1 planet to reach a type 2 civ you nigger. Just make loads of o neils cylinders wtf nigga

4th gen nuclear would provide the energy to synthasize oil out of the air. Would also keep greenhouse gases at a fixed rate

Say I give you faggots the benefit of the doubt, why should I believe you warnings of Earth becoming Waterworld when it could just as easily become The Day After Tomorrow? And don't even get me started on "prevention", that time has come and gone, if you're right we're already fucked, the time to act was the 1970s. So why don't you do us all a favor and kindly fuck off with all this nigger tier bullshit?

Implying you can measure ANYTHING over the last million years, let alone the previous 2.5 billion years.

Fuck off.

I hate myself. I hate my life. I hate this world. I don't care if it ends.

>blah blah blah
>mah global warming

Fuck off. When this planet is depleted we will find a new one as God intended.

The disconnect between public opinion and the scientific community is really obvious from posts like these (it's also very easy to tell when someone is completely uninformed about the state of scientific research).

Take one of the most salient cases as an example: when you take a look at the reasons why people on Sup Forums dismiss climate science, probably the most common one is that scientists allegedly thought that we were going to be drowned by 2013. But when you actually take a look at the scientific literature, you find that the scientific community has been extremely conservative about the disintegration of ice sheets. When you take a look at the IPCC TAR from 2001, one of the summary conclusions was that the Antarctic ice sheet will likely *gain* mass during the 21st century (and the sea level rise is accordingly very low).

It's been really only during the last decade that glaciologists have come to understand how radically wrong they were about their previous reticence. I can give more detail and references to anyone who is interested, but the bottom line is that the scientific understanding is moving in extremely ominous directions and with time, previous uncertainties seem to mostly stack up on the more severe side of the probability distribution.

Is that going to matter to the contrarians? Of course it wont, because the cheap laugh and the easy joke about Al Gore or Bill Nye will do for them.

>(((scientific community)))
mah... mah... appealing to authority.

Looks like somebody better nuke China and India.

Our uniqueness and our jarringly sudden development of civilization leads me to believe that we are seeded races from an extraterrestrial/extradimensional source, and I all signs point to our being monitored/controlled by them or similar forces

So I think we will never get to the point that we destroy ourselves or the planet completely

>implying they're not using thermonuclear weapons to break away the ice in order to find Atlantis

> while organisms with a simple, undemanding metabolism and a fixed ecological niche (e.g., plants and insects) survive. So that's for human extinction.
Humans have one trick up their sleeve to make them more survivable than some of the larger species of the past eons, namely i dare claim we are more intelligent than cockroaches and while i have heard there may be some intelligent cockroaches in the Anatolian region i think we may be able to adapt better than some wild beasts of the past.
>Both major ice sheets are right now losing on the order of 400 Gigatons...
Actually the ice sheets are gaining ice.

>Actually the ice sheets are gaining ice.
that's contradicted by mass balance calculations, independent gravimetrical measurements and the sea level budget