Think we will ever see more of the in universe manga series?
Monster Musume
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no crab has more than likely forgotten about it
also inb4 fuck off
Not on Sup Forums at least
Wait, is that a flyer sized version of the SS cover?
Doubt it
That looks like Papi running on the lower left of the flyer.
/jp/ has a dedicated Monster Girl thread. If enough people go there, it probably won't be too much different from the usual MonMosu threads on Sup Forums.
No one wants to go to /jp/
The population density is unequal. Think of it like trying to breed a humanzee.
We don't want all you autists and retards over on /jp/. We have enough of those already and I say this as someone who posts in both threads.
>it probably won't be too much different from the usual MonMosu threads on Sup Forums.
This is precisely why no one wants you faggots to come over. Keep your shit here.
kill yourself
I know it's not what you meant but China censored a lot of stuff, it's possible their experiments succeded before the program was shut down and the scientists were imprisoned/killed.
Uhh, have you even seen the /jp/ threads.
meh, just a suggestion with all the recent general purges on Sup Forums
Oddly enough, the elitism is rampant on both sides; nobody wants anything to do with the other.
A better suggestion is to just let it die since there's nothing of value in these generals. A mass migration of retards to /jp/ will help no one.
Monmusu isnt dying though
this autists won't let it though
An autist OP isn't the problem. It's the people posting/bumping the thread.
It's actively supporting the autism.
Now's not the time for that, user.
Oh, okay.
There's no reasoning with him.
He's not just a futafag, but a falseflagger.
I'm glad you understand.
No, I wasn't falseflagging, I'll delete it.
For what it's worth, I hope whoever deleted your thread got canned.
You posting that every thread doesn't help it not get deleted, you know.
I only did it once, I wasn't aware it was a recurring thing.
I only come here once a month.
A not pointless thread would help it not get deleted.
Turn page pls.
this thread is gonna get deleted soon
neither side helps prove their point when they argue like little bitches
You're basically making shit up about stuff not even the author knows or cares about. The only official posts are from a tripfag who is "bullied" circlejerked around for half a thread if he is ever mentioned. These threads are shit.
not in defense of the ttf circle jerk but he is a translator and usually updates us
That "bullying" hardly ever actually happens. Half the time he only posts official updates about the manga.
More people circlejerk and feed the other tripfag than they do ttf
I'll defend TTF, the dude never does normal Tripfag attention whoring.
This. Some other people that frequently post could learn a thing or two.
Although you can generally tell which posts are his.
They practically reek of short and balding.
Sure, but atleast he posts user when he's not doing actual content posts. It's hard to hide your typing style.
They smell like wet dog.
He wishes.
This man has the best taste!
You can just say Tarage user.
We've always known crab likes boobs and ntr. Why else would he like the cuckcow?
Actually talking about hound, who always has the trip on looking for attention.
No person who likes Cathyl can ever have the best taste.
Both are shit.
But Crabman liked her so much he practically recycled her wholesale at 15% off for his spin-off Gyu'd Nyu's.
He's trying to save the design by giving it to a new girl that isn't shit.
>inb4 she's Cathyl's oneesan
I hope not. She should have no connections to that shit cow or else she might be ruined.
Siblings have just as much, if not more chance of being opposite in temperament to each other. She'll be the calm, rational, peacemaker. Or Cathyl v0.9a.
Are you trying to convince us or yourself that she isn't shit?
Cows are meant to be loved and to be happy and you are doing neither
Only cow I love is one between two pieces of bread with a piece of cheese on top
You forgot that he's actually a character in the manga which must piss the mods off because talking about him isn't off topic.
Cathyl is shit user. You must accept this fact. Crab has given us plenty of new, better cows.
She's got a nice, wide smile.
What reason have we been given to like her besides her body?
She's got anger issues, is physically violent, let's other guys fondle her until she's weak at the knees, thinks about other men, unfaithful, and a shitty tsundere.
It's just a bunch of garbage in minotaur form. You can meme all you want about prime beef and big girls, but she's an awful girl.
>wants an 18+ MonMusu game
Thank you
I want Cott and Ton to bully Cathyl with their hyper penises. Sparrow style
You come home to see your waifu crying.
What do you do?
I like Dragons
Close the curtains.
Hug her.
>My top 5 are in crab's top 10
Truly I can wait for more lewds of my girls.
Wonder what in the bloody christ happened
i'm still waiting for a doujin with futa cerea taking care of the others in heat while master is away.
Best we can do is make discussions around(not in the "about" meaning of the word) the blogshit. I wish people stopped responding to the obvious off-topic crap and "forced discussion" like "what music you're waifu likes?" and .
It would have to be on the blood moon.
Drop a fat log in the toilet as I would any other time I come home then after that ask what the deal is
>have to keep her warm
>help maintain her scales
>claws that dig into your back
You've got some pretty great taste.
>Suu recieved no love over several chapters already
Crabman better make her shine next one.
They really are the best
Suu is the only one who has noticed Papi is missing so she might be the one to save her if things go south.
Love me some farm girls, a snuggly sheep and touchable cow, hope they get in an OAD
did a cow eat your family user?
Hey TTF, I'm considering posing a query to Crabman, so would like your help.
After that, I'm kind of stuck. Basically saying "she doesn't seem 'bad', but her anger is scary. will she get some help with it?"
"Okayado-sensei, thank you very much(standard polite greeting). Cathyl doesn't seem like a bad person but she's scary when she gets angry. Will she ever become nicer?"
If that works for what you want. I could also write it more explicitly "will someone help her to become nicer"
What's the best number of eyes for a girl to have?
not that user, but tell'em we need more farm girls, and to show us cows sensative side
Judging by crabs recent cow obsession I think we'll probably see more of the farm girls.
YES! encourage him in his bovine habits, because i need my fix
Your version is fine. I think almost all the girls are/have redeemable characters (except the racist poodle musume), so hopefully he calms her down to where she's only angry when you knock over an oil-drum's worth of milk or something.
Six, ideally.
Is that a Klan member behind her?
Glad it works for you. Always happy to help.
Well, he says he will be gentle, with a thumbs up, so I guess that's good news for cow fans. Thanks again.
Actually he says "she'll get nicer" so that's really good news for cow fans.
No. It is a crusader
>we'll probably see more of the farm girls
That would be awesome, farmgirls are the cutest and most useful girls.
Technically, it's worst news for Kaede 's orthopedic surgeon.
Or good news depending on how she shows her love.
Good point. Regardless of her temperament, that guy's guaranteed a job for life.
So we're going to read "Daily Life With Alien Girls" in a few years?
Plot twist: it's exactly the same as MonMusu girls, from a parallel earth.
Now don't say Ol' Tanktopfag never did nothing for you guys.
I ask crab about maybe seeing the girls moms again some time (and Polt's mom too cause of course I'm gonna ask) and this was his response:
Original question: "Recently we've been talking about whether or not we'll see the girls moms again. What do you think? Personally I'd like to know what kind of person Polt's mom is too."
Response: "Hmmm, Yeah it could be interesting to have a chapter where the main character's moms get shown around Japan! It might be interesting to include the other girls mom's who we haven't seen yet too!"
Mom chapter V2.0 coming soon maybe.
Dare I say that we might see the Mama Slime that Suu budded from? I'm getting my hopes up here which I believe very likely will be dashed.
But that's Miia
That puts a different spin on the Miia molesting cold Suu in the recent color pages.