

this is white in america

Looks like a kike

he looks like an arab
just his face at least


he is a dune coon, its easy to tell with his ratty pinched face

America is where the white supremacist aren't white and the black supremacist aren't black

Well, he does have the little jihadie jr. starter beard.

Looks like that arab belgian football player i forgot his name

Who's the mulatto? Slightly blacker than Obama, but so is the pope, so not saying much.

It's always the halfbreeds who are the biggest racial tryhards. He wants so badly to be able to have a racial identity.

does he have like, a specially made afro-helmet?

He looks like a sentient fart.

This man is more colored than Kapernick.
Has anyone ever brought up the fact that he's not even an octoroon at this point?

That is one jewish nose.


Kaepernick and his parents.

I’m aware this is likely a slide thread but shit.


Kapernigs face and hair are so ridiculous, he gives off a muppet vibe.

Good god what is that thing? Looks like the joker without makeup.



looks 100% semitic/arab
his biomom' is pic related, biodad must've been something like egyptian maybe (some speculate that his biodad is James Lofton)

according to wiki she was a dumb coalburner
>Kaepernick was born [...] to Heidi Russo, a 19-year-old who was single at the time.[4]
>His birth father, an African American man, left Russo before Colin was born

and then it gets better: she dumped her baby - just like shitskin who impregnated her

>Russo placed Colin for adoption with Rick and Teresa Kaepernick, a white couple

>>Kaepernick was born [...] to Heidi Russo, a 19-year-old who was single at the time.[4]
>>His birth father, an African American man, left Russo before Colin was born
>and then it gets better: she dumped her baby - just like shitskin who impregnated her
muh heritage

Black too
