Shingeki no Kyojin 88

Kruger a best boy
Annie a best girl
Eren Kruger >>>> Shit >>>> Eren Yeager

Very important reminder

first for YH

Last titan will be an aquatic titan that will attack them as they cross the ocean



Eren Kruger was the coolest guy.

The series should end with this. Bonus Nile as Noo-noo please.



Dogs might not like him then

>finally, I have become Attack on Titan™


attack on ancient aliens

He can be the sun then. A giggling Nile beaming down from the sky would be a beautiful way to start off a day.

I think that might ve scarier

Why are you people pushing aliens so hard when it was magic? Source of all organic material and miracles sounds more magic than aliens.

How does source of all organic material sound like magic? Organic material is just anything with Carbon, and we are carbon based life.

Aliens man it's aliens

>Source of all organic material
Aliens terraforming and seeding a lifeless planet.
>and miracles
Sufficiently advanced technology.

It could turn out to be pure magic, but primitive societies rationalizing hyper advanced aliens as the supernatural is a pretty common plot, and its already been shown that at least parts of titanization can be understood with science.

Endgame right here, brothers.

endgame right here

all it had to be was super soldier serum gone wrong there was no need for divine intervention and magical links

BRA did nothing wrong.

>titans are a result of ancient alien technology
>Annie literally confirmed for a miracle of the UNIVERSE

YH is cute and canon.


Eren Jeager is dead. Only Kruger remains.

Who's best Shingeki? Eren or Eren?

would've been really lame

Eren a shit.

Will RA ever see each other again?





>the blood and bones that formed a titan were sent to them through those paths

>that bright light when someone titanizes is a satellite/mothership/moonbase beaming down their titan meat

holy shit, is so retarded that i hope it becomes canon

there's no way any of these plot points wouldn't be lame. he's written himself into a lame corner.

I am under the impression that Kruger doesnt exactly have an endgame.

What's that corner?

Nobody is. Just a meme poster from /x/.

Eren is best Shingeki. Eren a shit.

This is so stupid that it's actually plausible

the corner I defined so that I could insult isayama's writing doofus

of course, nigga just want Grisha to fuck shit up with his titan power in hope he will instead come up with a detail plain on how to win back the mainland
see how it goes, the power finally got in the hand of absolute worse case possible, eren, and thanks to his he seem to kill lot fo titan including Krisha's exwife

Why did Isayama make Eren and Armin so unlikable if he wants them to be the main characters?

I doubt it. Nothing good ever happens anymore, especially not for BRA

People will bitch and moan way less when they die.

>muh desconstruction of shonen stereotypes
He's doing an amazing job on doing it, though.

Because they're going to lose.

But they are likeable?

Can someone explain the entire eldian and bob marleys story?
I dont understand.
Spoonfeed me

And I love it.


This was a coincidence, right?

Eldians were magic giant nazis who did muh eugenics somehow and now the remnants of their race are being punished for the sins of the fathers. People in the mainland feel screwed by the peaceloving King who left and moved to the walled place we know and love, and let the other Eldians get fucked by the other government. Oh but apparently that may not be completely true according to the recent chapter. Fuck you, read it yourself bitch

Women called Ymir "made a pact with the devil" and gained access to the source of all organic life, making herself a titan. Later she splitted that power, making it 9 shifters in total.

Descendants of these shifters are called Eldians, they have the genes to become titans, normal humans dont have that gene and are called Marleyans.

Marleyans said Eldians discriminated them and did ethnic cleansing, which can't be 100% true or else all Marleyans would be dead already.
Eldians believe Ymir helped the people and build bridges and stuff for everyone and was like a goddess, which is also bullshit because in the end she is still human and humans aren't 100% perfect.

We don't know who is right and everyone is stupid for fighting in the first place.

>walled place we know and love
Hell no.
And do not take everything as absolute truth. Not even the suposedly 100 years inside the wall.

Isn't dog titan a shifter?

>Oh but apparently that may not be completely true

FK's, Rod's dad, Uri's , and Frieda's reign, all together, don't even comes close to 50 years.

>some girl makes a deal with the devil or maybe aliens shit we dunno
>her and her bloodline become YUGE and build the Eldian empire
>she dies and gives her power to 9 successors
>Eldia becomes decadent as shit somewhere around that point and rapes/murders the crap out of everyone else, or maybe they didn't shit we dunno
>as their empire collapses, the non-Eldians gain the upper hand, form their own empires like Marley, and put Eldians into ghettos as revenge

>some Eldians left and walled themselves off on an island to wallow in their white guilt
>Marley now wants to genocide this island because its full of DELICIOUS GAS
>they will probably not be happy when they realize Eldians have been using the precious gas for spiderman cosplay

Just read 88, at the end does stumps eat the owl and make his way to the walls?
And is Eren now the attack titan?

Annie a shit

>Headcanons: the post.

We will probably see that in the next chapter

>Descendants of these shifters are called Eldians, they have the genes to become titans, normal humans dont have that gene and are called Marleyans.

what about armin

You forgot the asians. The race that Marley's fear.

Everyone who lives inside the walls is an Eldian, except Ackermanns.

*East country
The're just enemy. It was never said Marley fear them. They too, want the coordinate for themselves.

And Touyous.

I dunno, I mean, this is probably 99% true, but they said that eastern people were rare not unique. And if there are eastern people mixed with Eldians and the Ackermans, can we really be sure there isn't a single other person with different ethnicity?

We know he did.
And yes.

>Whole name drop is ruined because Isayama english is shit.

Eh, I can think of a few ways it could be used in an English phrase. Only problem is it would work a lot better if the English title were naturally plural.


it was written in Japanese

So if Armin, Annie, Eren, Reiner, Ymir or Zeke died, they're Titan magically goes to someone else?

Eldians should be gassed.

if it was actually a name drop wouldn't the translators just translate it as attack on titan? or are they missing the point and being stupidly literal, or are you just baiting me mister?

Apparently. I wonder if it stays dormant until they get the serum or if they become full shifters right away.

Bert deserved happiness

And better anatomy

Wouldn't make sense for babies to get it and die by 13, there must be an activation clause

Best boy, best shingeki

blort went splort! haha!

Armin stop

Bert's body the best

That actually sounds like a plausible way for Marley to track and gather them up. Its not an instant death, so if they figured out the limit they could hunt for sick 12 year olds.

Armin a shit

Being outwardly sick at 12 and being caught wouldn't really change anything though, the Bobs can't control the spread through the "paths" so it might be that they are looking for genetic markers.
On the subject, do we know who all "the nine" are?

It is known.

>Eren, you are now finally Attack on Titans
Really, Isayama?

Female Titan.
Armoured Titan.
Beast Titan.
Colossal Titan.
Dancing Titan.
Attack Titan.

"Attach Titan" is a perfectly fine name.

They can't control the random spread, but they can chain it like the Reiss did by feeding them to mindless titans as the limit approaches. The random transfer is only relevant if someone randomly dies.

Yep, my bad I thought you were just talking about finding them and thinking that was the end of their issue.


He truly did. RA as well.

Those probably aren't their actual names. Dancing in particular is entirely fan made.

The point stands that Attack Titan is fine.

Wasn't that also used in the second official manga poll? Same for Rouge Titan.

Vanguard Titan sounds better.