Will Hanna be saved, or will she kill herself? The answer might be today.
Lostorage incited Wixoss
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How "old" is her LRIG anyway? The older one might commit sudoku like in the previous episode because bored of being a human and shit.
Only Kiyoi can save this mess.
I haven't watched it since episode 4, did it get any better? More thrilling at least? It was so boring compared to the original, especially the characters.
So Piruruk wasn't even relevant yet?
She actually was, and the last 2 episodes were hilariously bad in my opinion
I hope she doesn't kill herself, but that she's in despair for most of the rest of the show until Suzu snaps her out of it or she gets another LRIG specifically to make herself forget again, all while being super edgy.
Lostorage Column 06
Lostorage Column 07
Lostorage Column 08
The last two episodes were a comeback after it had started to stall a bit in the middle.
It's been getting better and better with every episode but I liked it from the start so my opinion may not be worth much to you.
I'd mostly agree, but the last episode was a step down. They tried to cram too much into one episode.
Actually, I recently rewatched the first episode, and it wasn't as bad as I remember it. There's a few things that are legitimately bad, like the horrible CG doors, but most of the negative impressions I think come out of it being a big step down from Infected/Spread. Rewatching it makes you appreciate more just how unlikely the Selector series was: a bunch of very talented people (Sato, Okada, Pablo) all working on a card game anime. Lostorage is more where expectations should have been. It's Selector that's the outlier.
that fucking deathflag
But at least he prove not every LRIG is bad after all.
Would you do it with Chii-chan?
I'm coming in late; did they seriously kill off the last guy they had?
Well, he kill himself for saving the loli.
>They tried to cram too much into one episode.
On raw amount of things that happened there was a lot, certainly, but it's also how you interpret things.
If what you saw was Piruluk's story, Hanna's story, Shouhei's story, Yukime's story, Chinatsu's story and Suzuko's story, then certainly it would seem like a ton of threads at once. How I see things, however, is that it's just Chinatsu's and Suzuko's story, which has been the entire point of this season, to follow dual protagonists. And through those two we get glimpses of the others.
Notice how Suzuko specifically asked to go with Hanna, because we really were following Suzuko's story and Hanna just had a very important role in it at that moment.
Same with Kiyoi, clearly she's doing something behind the scenes but we only get to see her when she intersects with Chinatsu (in fact, it's interesting how Kiyoi's role seems to mirror in function what Hanna does for Suzuko; kicking Chinatsu into gear at the start of the season and now in the last episode bringing her up to speed on the history behind Selector system, same as what Hanna did for Suzuko). The only time Kiyoi interacted with "Suzuko's side" of the story, it wass not with Suzu directly but with Hanna instead.
Yukime's whole deal obviously had a huge impact on Chinatsu, again, we wouldn't see it if Yukime was gonna just do that on her own.
Shouhei fits this the least as he was actually physically on his own but from the moment he got some drive (instead of moping around because he doesn't want to batoru) he was motivated by Chinatsu, firmly planting him under Chinatsu's story in my eyes.
Or maybe I'm just an armchair critic full of shit, grasping at straws to defend a show I like that Sup Forums seems to love to hate. That's fine, that's a valid interpretation too.
>Well, he kill himself for saving the loli.
What a hero.
>saving the loli
>an hero
Just watch as the loli goes on a killing spree at the end mark my fucking words.
>Kiyoi confronts bookmaker-kun
So this guy is related to remember right?
comeback to your girlfriend, kiyoi!
Just watched the episode.
Nah, she can't.
Peeping Analyzing bookmaker literally gave her and Piruluk 2.0 PTSD. She couldn't handle the sheer amount edge in his(her) heart.
Someone needs to give Ruu a call.
I bet people will try to get her card now.
So the donor take over his body?
So this shit has two episodes left. With all the plot threads still hanging, this will either be rushed to hell and back or there's a second cour just like infected/spread.
The exact nature of the new LRIGs seem to be based on the memory they were born from.
Shitty Memories probably create evil LRIGs. Good and Warm Memories create kind LRIGs
And unlike the other LRIGs who were angry or apathetic, Donna was actually mourning and crying over Shou for his sacrifice in throwing the match against Loli.
In fact, I kinda hate loli and Mama now.
If only Ruuko was here. She doesn't afraid of anything and beats up edge and suffering for shits and giggles.
Rio didn't really know any better since she's literally just a kid. And Mama's concern for her is genuine. She's just taking actions that ensures that her kid is going to be fine.
No, leave Ruu happy with her girlfriend
is not like Tama had power now
>inb4 subs delayed
Who´s the gamemaster?
LRIG placeholder?
Ulith? (raped by the black hands of doom)
another 100% original character?
>selectors can now be any age
inb4 S2 Hatsu with memories of Ruu as her LRIG, pic related
2 years late but I still wanna fucking see it happen
Asenshi fucking when?
>[HorribleSubs] Lostorage incited WIXOSS - 10 [480p]
1-2 days like always.
>The last booster set released was WX15
What a cheater!
Forgot picture
At least we have an idea what's getting released for the future.
Suzu being absolutely based as usual.
Well, Carnival gets introduced in WX17 so it's not really wrong to show her exclusive cards.
That's Mama and loli.
Fun times with Satomi.
Those are some nice tits
>liking balloon tits
Good taste
>Amika cards actually happening
why the fuck is this guy's heart nothing but blackness and darkness
>No Guzuko
The dream is dead
That's not Satomi.
With all the faces he made this episode I thought we were getting a Satomi is Ulith reveal today.
>Original Satomi ran white
How did his LRIG end up so evil?
>Satomi is Ulith
None of you actually believe this, right?
Best boy KIA, after this episode is there any doubt that Chinatsu is the worst piece of shit after Satomi?
Would you erase yourself for her? She is probably gonna lose all her coins anyway
This face turns me on.
At least he's fun to have around.
No, but it feels like a bad enough idea that they would make it happen. It would both ruin Lostorage and the yuri healing Ulith got at the end of the movie.
Well, now it's confirmed that all LRIGs aren't innately evil. Donor was clearly crying over Shou, so clearly they're based off a person's innate traits and how they perceive the most influential people and/or events based around that person in their life.
Second cour will have Donor fighting with a genderbent Shou LRIG.
Remember was also a white LRIG and she was pure evil
Yeah, sure, I mean, she's gonna get fucked anyway so it's better if someone would gently erase her.
>>Original Satomi ran white
Did I miss a crucial line indicating this?
How the fuck wasn't that confirmed episode one? Guzuko isn't evil. I don't think Aya is either, she's just making the best of a shitty situation now.
I could envision Donna becoming a selector for the sake of restoring Shou.
White just indicates purity. Pure evil, or pure good, it's all the same shit.
Black is the opposite, chaos. Not necessarily evil, but usually is due to what it entails.
How are they gonna unfuck the whole system now?
The cards behind him in that shot?
That's Shou
Why doesn't someone just shoot or stab Satomi and call it a day? I don't understand why everyone in this series always feels compelled to just play the game completely by the rules despite the bad situation they're in. Did anyone ever try to destroy a LRIG's card? I can't remember. Can coins be stolen even? Man they could of have done so much more with the plot if they had wanted.
>not even Kiyoi was strong enough
I have this dreadful feeling that Suzuko is gonna fix everything. I don't like this feeling.
She seems way too nice.
What is she up to?
What skeletons is she hiding in her closet?
Like Ruuko "fixed" everything?
Chii-chan will save everyone and bring Shou-chan back!
Original Satomi ran green. Even if it was white, it was his LRIG that was evil.
>Can coins be stolen even?
No, they appear by opening your fist, they're not physical coins.
Manipulative is nice now?
> wasn't that confirmed episode one
Because Meru and a couple other LRIGs that we saw in the first couple episodes acted insanely creepily. Especially Meru.
Nanashi, who acted neutral at worst, turned out to be Hitler-incarnate, which put even more doubt on their collective intentions. Top that off with Guzuko and Aya both helping LRIG-Hitler, and it seemed pretty convincing until this episode.
She's a bitch like user-chan. Not that it's surprising considering she's based on Chi's negative memories and feelings about Suzu. Meru is basically evil Suzu.
Just like my Higurashi.
I thought accelerator
>Nanashi, who acted neutral at worst, turned out to be Hitler-incarnate
Nah, she was just a massive cunt. At least she delivered on her promise.
Ahahahaha. We all know that Chii-chan is going to be manipulated by Satomi into getting revenge by killing that bitch loli so that she can cross the moral event horizon once and for all.
To be honest, evil Suzu is far more interesting that good Suzu.
Lostorage would have been so much better if Suzu was the master manipulator, or secondary manipulator instead of Satomi. Meanwhile, Meru would be like the present Suzu. Suddenly, 10x better.
>Kiyoi will never use Peeping Analyse on you and read your love for her
Feels bad man.
We all agree Ulith 2.0 is Loststorage's best girl, right?
>tfw that unrelated artist you like suddenly drops WIXOSS fanart
Shit, this is HQ as fuck. Is there more?
Damn son
Only WIP pieces.
>suzuko beats bookmaker in batoru
>carnival takes over bookmaking
>nothing changes
What would even be the point?
What happened this episode? Has Suzu finally munched on Chiislut?
Next episode.
That yaoi hand tough
Only Akira is capable of stopping this.
>Sup Forums
She's been saying "I'm gonna git stronger" for the past 4 episodes now. Literally nothing has changed.