What a white knight cuck. We need to gas these fuckers

What a white knight cuck. We need to gas these fuckers

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That much anger because of someone posting something

I bet that guy is an upper middle class hipster who never wouldn't be caught dead in an un-gentrified neighbourhood but since his Coffeebuddies and starbucks told him that gentrification is bad he feels like he has to protest. We have the same kind of idiots here in Germany.
"Stop gentrifying the city....except the part where I live, I don't want to actually encounter any plebs on my way to the Reformhaus."

it's not "gentrifying"
it's changing it back to the way it was before all the wogs turned up

Can someone fucking explain to me why gentrifying is "bad"??? Why do only niggers and spics and Brazil monkeys get mad about it???

it involves whites fixing something browns fucked up

None of them actually own any property so white people move in and make the neighborhood nice and all their rent skyrockets, lol

It's just them coming to terms with their normal hypocrisy. They love gentrified areas because they're upscale and well-to-do, but eventually realized that's because it was getting rid of all the undesirable elements which are the minorities and poor (which includes poor white people, but those don't matter).

Go get yourself killed commie nigger

Means that people will expect them not to shit all over the place and police will give a fuck about preserving the peace there since it's no longer 100% god forsaken.

thats bollocks tho. Where I live in Glasgow, many residents were forced out of their areas due to either demolition or landlords spiking rent. Both caused by the commonwealth games. Posh places started opening up and now its becoming a hipster heaven. Gentrification sucks.

also this

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glasgow_effect - the study itself was flawed, highlights some major issues.

Society progresses, that's good. Get competitive or at least be happy that you can sell your property at a healthy profit.

You own property... right?

This. It's hilarious really, they have no self-reflection.

I do, I own my own flat. Im a mechanical engineer and a 2 bedroom flat was HARD for me to afford. I was very lucky in finding the place for so low.

The UK has a housing crisis, and many first time buyers/young professionals are finding it next to impossible to get on the ladder. It's not an issue with working hard enough for them.

The issue isn't to do with bringing money into an area, all you are doing is shifting wealth around.


If it's anything like the housing crises in the US, barrier to entry is artificially high. Cities like San Francisco or Seattle or Portland all have high levels of regulation and things like $15/hr minimum wages that essentially put anyone with a job in a bidding war for whatever housing is available.

The people that are edged out of jobs can't afford housing at all, thus the problem of too many bodies around with a shortage of rooms.


Glasgow would be better as a fucking smoking crater.

English poofter detected.

Glasgow is the best city I've visited in the UK.

Gentrification is great. It drives the scum out, makes parts of the city nice and clean and safe again.

I started out making about 40k a year. I bought a house that is less than 50k. I keep my second paycheck each month to spend on whatever i want.

I dont get why people insist on living in cities that cost such an exorbitant amount. Youre making a lot of money but youre still effectively in poverty.

Are they, dare i say, /ourcoffee/?

What does gentrifying mean?

This. But screw us for wanting gentrification because it drives out the street whores, pimps, drug dealers and gangs (aka the diverse community aka black people) and makes the area safer and more happier.

Perhaps if white cucks and niggers hate this so much, they should get real jobs abd actually start contributing to society in one way or another and then they's see the benefits.

Degenerates that they are though, they'd never see the benefits or understand most people don't want to live in a literal shithole. So they scream racism.

Gentrification is great stuff. Hipsters get a bad rap on pol. They need a lot of political reeducation, but functionally they reclaim inner cities from the hordes. Any good coffee place is 90% white, and any nogs are well-dressed and well-behaved.

literally means whites moving into a neighborhood they built long ago, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Same rules applies to skateboarders in city plaza. Skateboards come in and start regulating, business people see the skateboards start eating their lunch there, tourists see the business people and start walking around the area, money flows into the businesses and boom you have a nice part of town. Had happened all over the country nyc Boston philly chi to Cleveland dc San Fran, Atlanta and tons more

means making an area more posh

What is gentrifying?

It's not, really. It's just "change" which I always thought leftists were supposed to love. I remember that Brooklyn used to be Italians and Jews until niggers took over. Now in the past couple years it's being gentrified by affluent whites and blacks are pissed. Hilarious if you ask me.

>shit neighborhood or low income area
>people make it more popular, via many different means
>rent goes up because it's a desirable place to live
>poor people can't afford to live there anymore, some become homeless

Current example would be Seattle, lots of opportunity there for tech industry etc. and businesses are catering to their needs which is out of the price range of the lower income people who may have lived there before this was booming

People move to the place where they can find work. It is good if you have a well-paying job in a small town, but that's not the case for everyone.

> poor people can't afford to live there anymore, some become homeless
This is a weird argument. If they rent, they should just move elsewhere, right? An earning person cannot just become homeless overnight.

If they own, but cannot afford bills and taxes any more - then that's indeed bad, but they still won't go homeless, they'd be able to sell the home and buy elsewhere.

the only gassing you'll be doin is taking a big inhale of carbon monoxide you fuckin loser

>wah they aren't keeping neighborhoods as rundown slums

goddamn son were you dropped as a child or did your mother try to drown you when she realized what a retard you were?

I don't have a problem with gentrification, but these guys are jerks and they deserve the crap they're getting.