Thank you gommunist. I will continue to tell the truth and train and masturbate to fictional 2 dimensional women while I wait for the end times in which I will fight, die and enter Valhalla.
Owen Lopez
is NN communism?
Ryan Turner
i would support NN is you fucking idiots would stop shilling it here, without know what you are talking about
in fact i support NN, but you make me think is a trojan horse
Its a sad day when shills make me decide between believing Soros, or believing Comcast
Isaiah Bailey
I forgot what NN stands for.
Henry Hughes
How do you know whats AI and what isn't?
Nathan Howard
net neutrality
Sebastian Long
Never Nude
Isaac Turner
do you think "aL/K1B4n"'s comment is generated from your previous reply this Anyway, Internet is my property so whether Government control it or ISP , they Both are wrong and communist since they are controlling my property.