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First for Okuyasu aka best boy



Missed the stream but I heard that the road beatdown between Crazy D and Killer Queen was amazing or something.

Was it really that great?

>They actually saved their budget and it fucking shows.
God damn this episode was god-tier.

you can pinpoint the exact moment kira fucked up

The beatdown on the streets was one punch short of elder god tier

Killer Queen was fucking GOLD

Yes, do you remember that scene from Ebony Devil where the doll runs around all over Silver Chariot? Imagine that fluidity but for that road brawl, they fucking nailed it.

Thanks user, I missed the first half of the stream.

>Part 2 ends with Kira triggering Bite the Dust
>the last epsiode's first half is Kira's death and Golden Hearts
>the second half is Koichi landing in Italy trying to find Giorno

Didn't anyone else think KQ looked way WAY better than normal when it wasn't a long distance shot?

He'll be back nothing can stop best boi

Anime has made me like Kira far more than I did in the Manga.

The amount of smug was great. The freeze before the advert couldn't have been more perfect.

Looked greato and colour work on it was fantastic.

Nah that would be better as a post credits stinger

So when is HS gonna upload it?

Killer Queen has honestly never looked better, it looked fucking menacing as all hell. Those red eyes are beautiful.

Delete this shinobu is made for happy

Fuck, I'm really hyped now. Thanks for the info. The anime so far doesn't have many moments with "smooth" animation, but when it happens it's fucking great.

Nah - as i said last thread they likely don't want to rush it and having 3 episodes is perfect

1 hour 20 minutes

Where did they end this episode?

Hope they fix his first appearance with the real design on the BDs

>yfw when deadly monarch was intentional to give us all these based Killer queen scenes.

With Josuke dragging Okuyasu into the house.
Hopefully. I never would've imagined they'd make him consistently (at least in mid to close-up shots) look as good as he did in the OP, this ep proved me wrong.

>Davidponies are this delusional

One retarded complain here. They made this scene look really weird in terms of Diamond man's plan to run straight forward at him because he can't blow bubble up near himself but then they for some reason had put a giant distance between Kira and Josuke in that scene. Looked ridiculous.

Meanwhile on twitter...

Called it, that was the perfect place to end it

I'm on my way to work now and you fuckers are making me super hype.

I need my jojooooooo

At least it had some really damn good animation and detail, the part where Crazy Diamond cut the bubble with blood was brilliant.

So do you think DIU's finale will end up as highly received as BT's/PB's finales were

delet this

Tumbling down tumbling down

Yeah. I was super surprised too.
But considering in BTD1 they fucked a few frames and had Dent Queen. I actually think they did the latter episodes first. Hence why they've all been pretty good.
Feel kinda sad for the poor guy who had run around brushing the dent out all the frames.

The slow mo made it really retarded. But there was a lot of dialogue to get through in a short distance.

Kira is moe

At this rate? Definitely, that street brawl scene was the hypest fucking shit.

No way are they going to screw up the last 2 episodes

After that they announce that 5 will be a OVA and the series are going to continue with the canon parts.

Will hayato finally give shinobu a good dicking when kira dies

Fuck off

But is she for glee?

if take a theme from another anime and give it to a jojo character:
vanilla ice

Where do you think the next episode will end. I will be with Kira dropping down on the ground or everyone appearing which is End of Chapter 8 beginning or Chapter 9

Fly me to the moon would be the best ED for SO

Probe me wrong

make it happen



The fuck?

True man's pacing
VA is now a 6-hour OVA, as follows:
0:00-0:01 - GE punches Buccellati and he cums
0:01-1:29 Giorno drinks piss in all known speeds and shots
1:29-2:00 Giorno MUDA MUDAes all of Passione
2:00-2:20 Jolyne masturbates to Tom Cruise
2:20-2:21 What a Wonderful World
2:21-2:30 HGIH voltage (it's mostly Johnny crying)
2:30-3:40 Joshuu makes me horny and rules the world
3:40-4:20 Giorno fucks Joshuu, Joshuu drinks piss
4:20-4:21 Gappy blazes it
4:21-6:00 Araki reads the entirety of Jorge Joestar while naked

I'm pretty sure Daisuke Ono actually said there'd be an end credits thing in a Q&A before Part 4 even aired.

It's gonna be episode 47 all over again

post cutie queen

Oh yeah, fuck. Forgot. What the hell was that music when the brawl began? It sounded like a mix between The Hand theme and Josuke theme. It was amazing. What the hell was it?

Oh imma probe ya alright

It's a mobile game that came out a while ago


More like part 6 will be an OVA and they'll put all their money on the best part

Whose piss does Joshuu drink? This is very important


>A mix between The Hand theme and Josuke theme
user if your ears are faulty I'm going to be fucking mad because that sounds like everything I could ask for.


Sleep tight Oku

i can't wait to see the anime-only tears

New log-in screen for Stardust Shooters

sleep tight

>Kira pops BTD during the advert for stardust shooters
>Advert loops
>Advert ends with Hayato waking up again

That was pretty cool to be honest

The wall eyes fusion of Joubin and Diavolo

Scary Queen is best Queen.

Sleep tight, dont let the hand bite.

As long as we get 7 and 8 faster

I might be. But that guitar in the beginning sounded exactly like The Hand's theme one.

Doc-kun, edit in that scene where Hayato jumps onto okuyasu to make it seem like he's grabbing his dick.

>they brought back the death particles

I'm drawing a very gay Josuke/Okuyasu Pic
rate this Josuke face

Too much dandy, not enough Jojo.

Also looks kinda black.

tumblr stlye/10

>tooth gap

He looks more like Dandy than Josuke.

Araki's, Giorno's, or Gappy's

Someone post lewd jolyene

What is that face trying to convey?

Soon, we'll learn that our Funny Valentine, Kira, was in fact...

s-stahp ;_;


I totally misread your request.

A smug jojo expression for when your main antagonist was handed to you on a silver platter by some kiddo.

keep practicing user, it's not like you're bad.

>best part
>believing this meme

Guys I have a serious question: If SBR gets animated, how will the voice actor handle the song ? What does this song will sound to our ears ?


Here come the "le part 4/7 is shit!!!!" fags

But he better change that tumblr-y artstyle.

It won't be animated.

And if you want to hear the song, the best you'll get it when Gyro sings it in the fighting game.

It's not like they had a lot to go on, so it's pretty bad.

Did you actually read it ?

Do not reply to falseflagging part hate fags.

Anyone else think that DMQ would work great as an OVA?

Why does everyone looks like a homosexual since part 5?