Is it okay to love healthy girls?

Is it okay to love healthy girls?

Morbid obesity is not healthy.

Heart disease and high cholesterol are not healthy.

Eat a fucking salad.

Healthy yes
Fucking whale pigs like pic-related, hell no

Right and even middle are still in the boundaries of a healthy health fetish but if left arouses you you're far gone.

literally only one on the right is fuckable. the middle one is passable and the monstrosity on the left should be harpooned and have her fat harvested so that eskimo tribes can survive the winter

choose one

How much pudding is too much pudding?

I like how they made an even fatter one to make the middle one appear "healthy".

Pochaco looks smaller than Sonico there.

They make Sonico look anorexic.

Life expectency for overweight (NOT obese) people is better than for underweight people.

Does any of that matter when they are fucking drawings.

People pretend drawings are real life people on Sup Forums, haven't you lurked long enough to know that?

>Let's make someone fatter than Pochaco with smaller tits

Yes it is, op.

That's not an excuse to be a fat pig when you'll die of an heart attack at 40.

>Not real
What's the point?

Obesity and being overweight are different things, user-kun. Does this man look like he'll die of a heartattack? He's overweight, you know.

>Ted Bundy is responsible for less deaths than Stalin.

Right and middle is OK
Left means you voted for Hillary in the primaries.

>this man look like he'll die of a heartattack?
Yup he sure does.

>middle is OK
Fuck off, pigfucker.

And being overweight isn't the same as being obese. Reread the post porky.

They look like pigs, seriously, look at how the design has changed from girl to girl. I wouldn't be surprised if the next girl would be a literal pig in a costume.

Yoo is there a VN full of chubbies?

>Evolution of a fat fetish.jpeg

Right is healthy.
Middle is unhealthy fat, but not too far gone.
Left is unfixable.

>legitimating pork by making the next character even more fat but with less tits
sonico looks like a supermodel now