Such a wise word from our beloved Yukari.
Do you agree with her?
Such a wise word from our beloved Yukari
But aren't Tanks and Mecha really the same thing?
Mecha can jump and sometimes even fly, and they can be used to move heavy objects.
Mecha are mechs, though we actually have a functioning mech built right here in Japan that actually fires a real m34d minigun and has a 40 mm mg grenade launcher
GuP is shit though
>a functioning mech
Adulthood is when you realise that tanks are obsolete and mechas would be too because they make nice, juicy targets for airstrikes.
kill yourself my man
GuP is better than Gundam.
Is when you realize their survivability under enemy air supremacy.
Then I don't want to grow up.
GuP with mechs when?
GuP is boring trash.
Why? tanks are better than mechs.
New gup series when?
OVAs next year.
I want more GuP too, but I'm not sure what else they could go with the story.
True adulthood is when you accept Rule of Cool. Realismfags are just manchildren in denial.
Unlike you, I live by logic.