ITT: We reminisce about old Sup Forums. I'll start.
>Back in my day, we had visible sage!
ITT: We reminisce about old Sup Forums. I'll start.
>Back in my day, we had visible sage!
Other urls found in this thread:
back in my day, we had comfy generals
I remember people being forced to discuss what was on the front page rather than choosing threads about shows they liked.
Back in my day Sup Forums liked Re:Zero
member noko?
member fortune?
member frames?
Geass Sundays. Those were the good ol days. All these new threads lack all the fun. Just shippershit
I miss the days when you didn't get ridiculed for being NEET on Sup Forums of all places
This, fucking this desu.
I miss not having dozens of thinly veiled porn threads everywhere. Is it that hard to control your dick?
Back and my day we started threads with Sup Forums related images.
Yeah bullshit Sup Forums always hated it.
I still like it.
Back in my day, desu meant something.
Yes and you're more or less retarded if you watch anime for any other reason
This started happening? Fuck. I'll still be a proud NEET.
Back when I were a lad (female) if you made a thread and you didn't noko, it was bloody well gone forever. How times have changed.
>oldfags were normies
Back in my day we had DJT and studied Japanese so that we could watch shit without subtitles.
back in my day Sup Forums wasn't primarily an assortment of various stealth marketers and political propagandists
Back in my day we wordfiltered roody-poos and candyasses. What the fuck happened Sigourney Weaver?
Haha remember when literal who was eaten by a shark? Remember when he took all of our 4chinbux and ran off to literal whoxico? That was t3h epic win DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU
Wait, I just came back from a long break from here.
I thought some threads were missing but assumed it was while the OP posted... so, where did the aikatsu general and the djt migrate?
generals are banned
I miss those days.
back in my day we didn't have generals
that's a lie
back in my day Sup Forums was an internet hate machine
Well, no, just the actual useful ones.
Back in my day memes were funny.
I think it's pretty funny that people that have been here for almost 7 years are still considered newfags.
The use of desu really has come full circle in Sup Forums hasn't it
Back in my day, we had gets instead of dubs, trips, quads, or quints.
Did we get something like /vg/?
I see nothing of the sort, and I missed the announcement if there was any at all.
Also, I still see buyfag and kancolle generals.
>lad (female)
What did he mean by this?
Back in my day, Sup Forums wasn't a porn dump.
Mods gave up deleting generals after two weeks.
They couldn't even purge Keit-ai, what more generals?
Back in my day we had a funposting admin who didn't ruin everything.
and mods that weren't total cunts
>back in my day
That's when all the edgy kids came here falling for the meme and shitty Sup Forums culture became equated with Sup Forums culture. I bet no one here even remembers when Sup Forums was still good.
>moot was a buyfag
A true cuck if I've ever seen one.
You all just jelly because that one at least managed to escape this shithole.
Back in my day, Keit-ai was left in its containment "Write an Anime Plot" thread.
Sup Forums was never good, you're just seeing through rose colored glasses.
What's your point, newfag?
They still delete DJT on sight.
One of these days I'm gonna find that Heaven guy.
member getting dubs?
Back in my day:
>normalfag instead of normie
>sadfrog instead of pepe
>loli loev pizza
>2hu was part of Sup Forums
>dolljoints and how to eat a chocolate cone
>fansubbing existed
>fansubbers shitposted
>fansubbers did a terrible job actually, either terrible translations or full of memes
>people didn't enjoy anime ironically because being a nerd was seen as bad
>those people didn't make anime memes in reddit, or fb, or whatever
>alas we didn't have this amount of fags
>but we had animesuki and gaiafags
it was just as bad, but a different kind of bad, you get used to it
Also, we had those stupid tripfags who posted with their faces... the fucking niwaka and the argie attentionwhore who got stood up at the airport
Exactly, it was only the first stop for many, so there's a lot of nostalgia, but it was always shit.
m8 that was yesterday
Well, we don't have desuspam but yeah.
Back in my day, tumblr, reddit, MAL, weren't openly accepted on the site and left alone by the mods.
Back in my day, we had high hopes for all anime.
>forget noko
Remember when Sup Forums was guro and /n/ was news?
God I miss guro
Back in my day, this girl was famous.
>those people didn't make anime memes in reddit, or fb, or whatever
But they did make the memes on other sites like deviantart. Shitty normalfag taste has always been a thing.
Anyone remember Park Ranger? How long ago was that anyway? I remember getting banned for posting Pork Ranger once when they did sweeping bans to anyone who mentioned them in some particular thread.
I really miss these shitty threads.
Back in my day, everyone found this hilarious.
that was fun
>no catalog
>browsing first page
>there was people who only browsed first page
>forget noko and trying to find your thread was a pain in the ass
Devianturd wasn't as normie (now that webcomics are full normalfag), it was full autism, and those memes weren't browsed in 9gag or reddit, they stayed in weeb sites.
that was also fun
The days of based mods are long gone. Wouldn't be surprised if they tried to ban our New Years party.
Back in my day, this monstrosity was a meme.
At least with 4chanx you can default the options field to sage. Though i suppose it's but a drop in an ocean. I also miss newfags posting their email addresses in the email field and the subsequent crying when they were signed up for various spamming porn sites.
Ohh, I 'member, candy-ass
wouldn't surprised since it could be construed as an annual general
Back in my day Daiz was a frienemy and not a memenemy.
Back in my day, BABY FUCK BABY FUCK!
There was a time where posting that gay frog or feels guy got you banned almost instantly. Now you can post it here without getting banned.
Anyone remember?
What the fuck just make one right now, and I'm sure it'll get attention.
>Geass is back
>moot isn't admin
>board isn't a funposting train
I hate this present.
>annual general
No, that would just be an annual thread newfag.
>people didn't enjoy anime ironically because being a nerd was seen as bad
I shouldn't get into this, but people have been calling themselves "nerds" longer than most of this board has been alive.
Mods don't give a fuck unless it's a general.
They don't even delete pokemon threads anymore.
At least he's eternalised in a banner.
>annual general
What the fuck does this even mean?
that's why i said "construed"
You can't really tell with these new mods.
>Unless it's a general or a Keit-ai post
Back in my days I wasn't told to go back to whatever website by people that have most likely been around a lot less longer than I have.
Member the Moe vs GAR threads?
Member GARcher?
Member GAR anime?
>our New Years party.
R/a/dio was taken over by Sup Forums shitters user. New years is going to be really shitty with all of the Sup Forums memes we had last year.
I miss every thread hitting image limit due to him.
>R/a/dio was taken over by Sup Forums shitters user
That's an outside archive site. How is it supposed to know if sage was used after it became invisible?
>tfw got banned for jokingly posting a keit-ai pasta edit
Christ, take me back in time.
Back in my day there was a lot more terrible tripfags
No one knows what it means, but it's provocative
Gets the people going
Were you seriously not here last year? Do you not remember that one fag that played Sup Forums music every few Sup Forums songs and repetitively played the papa rappa shit?
Anyone remember this shit?
At least we still have some good ones and less blogging retards.
Papparappa is anime though.