Thoughts of the new epsiode?
Jojo DIU 37
A lot of talking
SHA is useless against josuke cause he can send it back where it.came from
Read the manga
>Still mad about Hamon
pure shit like half of this season's episodes.
I felt the same as last week... they wasted time and great opportunities like last week not finishing with Josuke hearing Kira's name...
Now well, the episode was pretty much ok with Stray Cat + the bombs and I actually felt excited at 08:30 when Killer Queen and Crazy Diamond exchanged blows... the looks and sound were superb...
As for pacing I feel they're gonna take like 2 more weeks to finish... and here I thought they'd wrap it up by next week.
Leave DIO to me
here you go
this is very close
Go discuss reddit shit in reddit and never come back.
Do you think the OP is going to be changed yet again or just go back to normal for the last 2 episodes?
well he did say that the bombs had like 3 meter radius explosion
who /waiting4part6/ here?
this is far away
>forgetting KQ's silent explosions
>forgetting the "coffin had a 2nd compartment" explanation that was in both the anime and the manga
>treating Hamon getting removed as poor writing
Well it's not like people in these threads are any less retarded.
Half the scenes were good and the other half was shit. Better than D's Wood which was all shit.
>*Record Scratch*
>*Freeze Frame*
>Sooo, yeah, i bet you are all wondering how i got here, huh?
>This random guy told me to leave, better listen to him
>people prefer Hamon over anything
I don't really like Part 6 all that much, but god damn it's gonna be a fucking SLOG to get through Part 5 for it.
Like, at least Part 6 had a point to it.
Part 5 is just italians and Crimson Queen memes.
Why won't Sup Forums admit that Part 4 is shit.
>Bites the Dust rewinds time till pic related
>"It all started from here..."
Is this a street fighter reference?
Since BTD ceases to be a threat it's probably going back to normal, there's no reason to keep the BTD OP anymore.
Bites The Dust is done, Kira is done, the heart symbol being shattered is the symbol of that.
>Crimson Queen
Fuck me, meant King Crimson.
Would Crimson Queen be some kind of stand that explodes time?
You should.
Part 6 just like Part 4 suffers from bad writing.
an even better "far away"
as an italian i am offended
>B-Baka Diamondo...
Part 5 suffers from bad writing
It's your daddy you fucking emo edgy bitch
>Crimson Queen
New Stand.
If I told to kill yourself, would you do it because some random guy told you to?
jojo suffers from bad writing
Probably my first and last attempt.
I love KQ's demonic little cat skulls.
just poor translations.
This probably the worst in this adaptation: The backgrounds. For medium or long shots it just looks like they throw the characters there without taking on acount their CGI backgrounds (which look like shit on their own), creating weird shots with strange and broken perspectives, out of scale characters or assets and so on. Combine that with shitty drawn faces for distant (and not so distant) shots and BANG, there you have most of the problems with DiU animation.
There were some interesting uses to it, and people probably wanted to see what else could be done with it. I think stands are better and way more interesting than Hamon, especially since otherwise the villains would all be boring and exactly the same.
>Crimson Queen
>not Killer Crimson
Loved it, it's doing some damn good justice to my 2nd favourite final battle in the series. The scene where CD and KQ throwdown was beautiful.
Solid 9/10.
Those were my favourite 15 fucking seconds...
I wouldn't be surprised if it was the opposite considering how much Street Fighter has taken from JoJo
>I thought the rain sounded like Josuke's voice
>doesn't bother checking if it's Josuke
>when they are constently being attacked by stand users
You seriously can't make this shit up
Kira is a way cooler villain than DIO.
>turn someone into a bomb through the future
>kill them before they can die
I always new Kira would spam Hadouken like a fucking scrub
Friendly reminder that part 4 would be much better if Araki had Okuyasu die
see , ,
so... how long will the hiatus be? i mean optimistically when are we gonna get vento aureo?
pretty much this.
but it still enjoy it for baing an over the top shonen/seinen with ridiculous powers, like kinnikuman.
i'm kinda hoping for a new kinnikuman anime sometime in the future
And shitty translations. The version I read began with newer scans, but about a third of the way in changed to old scans, and the change was massive.
Kira is the more loveable villain with better writing.
Araki makes you almost root for him but DIO is just a bit of a cunt who wanted his inheritance
No, clearly it's the perfect ship.
>Kira just wants to live a normal life
>Diavolo just doesn't want people to know who he is
>And then they fuck
Actually, thinking about it, since the stands often mirror their users, there must have been a time ZA WORLD was pounding Whitesnake in the ass.
>autistic hatefags pretending that this episode was bad
>so desperate for ammo that they watch the godlike street brawl scene frame-by-frame just to shit on the inbetween frames
when you animate a scene like that, you're focusing on animating the MOTION. you're not focused on making every frame look gorgeous because it's not meant to be watched frame-by-frame, you fucking idiots.
>I only explode the results
>Diavolo with slicked back Kosaku hair with spots on it
>Killer Crimson alwasy has an 2 angry cat faces
This fight is so fucking shit, the dio one on part 3 had a reason to be long but for fucks sake okuyasu has the best stand and never uses, they dont fucking scream "ohh jotaro help me hurr durr"
part 4 is boring as hell
>creating weird shots with strange and broken perspectives
>implying this is actually a problem and not deliberate
Are you the faggot who complained about the Kira fish-eye shot as if it was quality ?
>and people probably wanted to see what else could be done with it
Literally anything. That was the problem. The good guy would win and the bad guy would say "N-no, that's impossible. But how!?" and then the good guy would tell them "Hamon lol".
Stands, though eventually more powerful, are weaker than Hamon in the sense that they have limits to what they can do. Hamon just allows you to do anything because of breathing exercises.
Fuck off nigger
Of course but even then Part 5 still suffers from problems. Bad Translations can't excuse anything
I don't have to kill myself, I don't read reddit. Get back there and never come back here shitting this place with retarded images.
Using my screenshots to reference bad parts on part 4 will never make the shittiest part, part 5, good.
The problem was that Hamon was very limited in what you could kill. Vampires and Zombies only. So that's already limiting. Stands are better since they allow for so much more creativity. Hamon was okay for the first two parts but it got boring pretty fast
Well... people were shitting their pants over the "2001" sign in the Great Days Opening...
Here's hoping they do it... and that they manage to explain that shit.
If it's gonna happen next year, expect it to air late 2017. Like fall season. 2018 seems more likely.
Honestly speaking senpai, I don't see your issue. That shot looked pretty fine, and people are exaggerating the "shitty faces" thing for this episode a whole fucking lot.
This happens every friday mate
>using mine edit
You have made me happy
How would you fix part 2? It had the potential to be GOAT but just fell apart
Still taking webm requests.
This is my favorite part of the episode.
Better than 1-3.
What does Sup Forums consider good writing ?
So why is Kira's head suddenly a watermelon?
>killer crimson with leather groin and gloves
Oh, because your posts telling me to fuck off because I use reddit are soooo much better.
Let's be honest, there's DOZENS of times that these people who should ALWAYS be on guard say "Maybe I was just hearing things." or "I'll just ignore it and keep going"
It's as if they're constantly forgetting they're being attacked by stands.
Part 2 is GOAT
Shhh, don't let them hear you say that, remember, this is DIO's World 2.0, okay?
holy fuck kira runs like a goddamn sperg. its like a fucking bully is chasing after him
why is this so funny
>H-he's fast!
Fuck me thats always funny
Because they had to give the last fight to the Jojo of the part.
He's too busy telling Josuke what Kira can do with Stray Cat and the Okuyasu thing.
thanks doc
Less asspulls, Caesar and Lisa Lisa actually do something important.
hes wearing a suit give him a break
Explain to me how Josuke running face first into Kira's air bubble bomb isn't an asspull. That bullshit excuse that the bomb was a little close to Kira doens't cut it. He can control the radius at which the bombs explodes and he wasn't even that close to the bomb or Josuke in the first place. This fight is littered from top to bottom of asspulls both for the main protag and villain. I don't remember this shit being so awful in the manga.
There was no way this could be adapted without being funny
if kira was knocked out, would that have undo BTD? and were they planning on killing himj?
Yeah, I agree, but a lot of things like King Crimson make the part absolute shit if you don't understand how the fuck they work. Same with the Silver chariot bit, and Gold Experience Requiem. Those bits were poorly translated and made no fucking sense, making it hard to follow the story. If they fixed the explanations for those powers, part 5 would've been much better.
Since he has to actively recall KQ to undo BTD, no.
That "dora" is so fucking cool.
the BTD episodes were fucking great but it was only the short hand-to-hand segment that was well done this episode
the chapters in the Manga had an intense energy and were fast-paced enough for any plot holes to feel less obvious
Thanks David