Fire Punch

What is even happening in this series

The butt talked!

I dont know.
I was kind of bummed when the Ice witch turned out to be the next ice age and that meant no happy ending but no someone claiming to be the witch turned up.
Also the whole movie thing.

What's funny is that was her actual line, word for word in English in the raw.

MC is accidentally founding a religion where he's seen as a god of justice.
Also there's a guy who baseball bats bullets back to the shooter and a chick who can control a spear and goes around wearing a bikini because she has a fast metabolism.

The person writing the english text for this series is clearly having a great time

Looks like the author stopped giving a shit and starting writing as she goes and is back to giving a shit.

>the whole movie thing
director's movie plot kind of went tits up already, now agni is just going around saving slaves.

Agni-sama accomplished nothing.
The Ice Witch is real.
Director's silly plans got screwed.
Why does that guy wear the mask?
The butt talked.

I hope Agni has violent sex with the ice witch.

>Agni-sama accomplished nothing.
That's unfair, he liberated a few truckloads of slaves that will likely starve to death or start cannibalizing each other once they realize nbody in Agni's group has the means to procure food for that many people.

That "Ice Witch" is likely some weird prisoner from the prison that just got freed.

B-but they are free now!

More like she's working with Director-chan to give Agnry a new motive

you forgot
Agni set a facility on fire
Not-imouto decided to suicide by Agni
Someone cut her head off, saving her life

I'm mad. I seriously hope Doma is alive.

>chapters out again
This is some crazy shit. Cant wait to see the ice witch with her hood comes down, I kinda hope she is another Luna clone just because.

Everything escaped Director's control long time ago.

>Someone cut her head off, saving her life

What a great sentence

>being gradually tortured to death for the entirety of existence is somehow better
you dumb nigger, they didn't even have the freedom to die before this

>Agni set a facility on fire
Do you mean the entire city?

Agni please you literally leveled his city

>Someone cut her head off, saving her life
Who also claimed to be the Ice Witch. I don't understand this manga anymore.

As expected of butt.

Huh, I thought ice witch was a fiction made by the govt?

you're not supposed to, just read it for the wild ride

also recently the art got so bad I can barely finish new chap

Apparently not.

Is that an icicle-sword? She might actually be for real.

Guessing it's just someone with ice powers who is using the made-up Ice Witch meme for themselves

doubt she is anywhere close to being powerful enough to freeze the entire world

Oh right it was a city.
And it's not even the cute "oh we're in a perpetual winter, the fire will eventually stop" kinda set on fire, Agni fire NEVER stops burning.

yeah, when she showed up she also bring some kind of blizzard with her

this is very much likely

pretty OP build if you ask me

okay question

if Agni's flames can also burn buildings and such to a crisp, why hasn't the entire world been consumed by his flames by now?
he's been walking the earth for quite a while now

I'm thinking of this too but hell with the author probably going to go on another crazy ride with it might be the real thing but the witch likes him and just want to die too. This time no one jumping in like ice witch did, so we get some hijinks of them chasing each other like a romcom.

> throws an arm at some guy
> he is engulfed in flames and dies
> explodes
> every random bit hitting someone is a kill

That might also be because they're living in a frozen hellscape and there are no standing buildings left to shield from the wind.

he can't set snow on fire, funnily enough.
> they defeat the ice witch
> eternal winter ends
> ice melts
> agni fires spread
> last surivors have to escape to islands as the rest of the globe burns in eternal fire
> domo arigaotu agni sama

The slaves didn't even give a shit either, they just took as a gift from their god and died peacefully rather than screaming.

he mostly stayed outdoor and it's snowing

deus vult

Hello Sup Forums, I am here to talk to you about our lord and savior, Agni-sama.

not magneto was pretty closed to kill him, fucker should have impaled him with more metal rods so he cant move his arms around but nah

he can choose to suicide himself before the snow melts but after killing the witch

Domo's fire goes out when it's no longer touching something combustible. Which is why snow isn't on fire, and it goes out when the thing is reduced to (incombustible) ash.

easy, you have 2 immortal regenerate xmen, so chop them up and do some cooking,
director chan probally wont do this. Oh well with agni too bad you can only have roasted meat

>he can choose to suicide himself
didn't he survive getting his head cut off and thrown into the sea?

Also it won't stop burning as you eat and will burn your stomach from the inside.

he did, he can just choose to stop his regen, and let the fire consumes him

He can decide stop regenerating his head.

for the slaves that would literally be eating their own god
also they would burst into flames and die because agni fire.

Wouldnt killing Doma make the flames go out or is it that Doma can put them out?

well shit, they could try and build a heating system with agni as the power source then
>no food
just cook those soldiers

Then he'd just be fuel and they'd be just as bad as the guys they were freed from.

he cant put them out or it goes out after his death

one fuel > hundreds of people dying slowly for fuel
it wasnt that hard he just need to sit still in one place, since he didnt need food nor rest

>for the slaves that would literally be eating their own god

>While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body."

So since Agni is still burning then Doma is alive?

But Christians also eat their God

Deepest lore

no I mean his flames will burn forever until it becomes incombustible even with his death

just imagine the bible of agni
> and then our lord screamed "fire punch" and the big guy's mask broke and he was set on fire
> it was really painful

He is flaming justice in a frozen world

He lives

Hes just senile

The blizzard actually seems to be coming from her face in that pic

I think this manga lost all meaning when Doma turned senile, which is why the author is doing random shit now

But he was the one who made Doma senile.

And? Now destroying Doma doesn't mean anything as he probably won't give a shit even when burning alive

director's whole point is lamplighting how this manga's plot is betraying storytelling basics
you really shouldn't be reading this if you want a streamlined plot.

What happened to electric boy?

He still has stumps for legs, but he's safe in one of the trucks being carried by camera girl.

I know this post was made two hours ago but this guy deserves a reply. Kek.