How can you call yourself a man when you watch anime about little girls?
How can you call yourself a man when you watch anime about little girls?
I watch manly anime, for manly men, like myself.
Because shows about men are called "yaoi."
Do you enjoy resetting phone ips or something?
how can you call yourself a man if youre a faggot gay n*gger aids faggot pepe mobile poster faggot n*gger fuck?
I'm a man like OP, and I love Yuri on ice!
Being a man is not giving a fuck and not being ashamed
Only women care what society thinks
A man forges his own path
Hiw own path of wasting his life on anime girls?
Too bad they are limited and you can't keep this up all day
But I don't watch moeshit.
Because I don't let the expectations of others rule my life
Shonenshitter here, so that doesn't apply to me
>pic related
Real men don't care what useless frogposters think.
This is the first post I made on Sup Forums in like a long time
I'm a little girl.
The fact that you keep responding to me means you are so fucking mad airplane mode boy
but i am a little girl
How can you call yourself a man when your life revolves around posting cartoon frogs on cartoon porn discussion forums
i don't do either
Ya, why not? At least its fun.
thanks for nothing, mods
We are on a cartoon porn discussion forum?