Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the official Frid/a/y night Osu! thread
All Sup Forums lobbies will have the password "rage" and can be found by simply typing "Sup Forums" in the multiplayer search bar. Please make sure to choose songs accordingly to the lobby's prescribed difficulty.
You can now download Osu! completely free on the homepage: osu.ppy.sh
We also have an IRC channel that anyone is more than welcome to join. It is found on the Rizon server. Channel name is #osubantz.
Frid/a/y night osu!
Other urls found in this thread:
christmas circles
please come play with us!
not anime or manga
Why isn't this in /jp/? They have a rhythm game general there.
This isn't Sup Forums content.
>it's my first week on Sup Forums
>rhythm game
ill be coming on in 10 minutes so keep the room going
There is but osu shitters get mad when their game gets called shit. Basically, osu is to rhythm games what toonami is to anime.
uh, i play other rhythm games as well and i'm pretty sure osu is a rhythm game
Come play with some faggots who click circles.
>Play Count: 16,070
>Play Time: 212 hours
Still can't play insane songs.
Need more friends in here.
Need more players boys.
if the maps aren't at least 5.5 stars i'm not joining
Fuck off frogposter.
they usually are
you can make an ins/a/ne lobby for extra hard maps
I can't play this game anymore. After *upgrading* my computer, the game stutters every 10 seconds or so, locking the cursor down for 0.1 seconds. Unplayble
Have you tried "reduce dropped frames" option?
Have you reinstalled your drivers?
Yes, I've tried everything. Clean reinstalling drivers and the game, every graphic option, beta and dev branches. It just doesn't work. A shame since I've been playing this for 3 years after Sup Forums introduced it to me.
Are you sure your new gear has enough power?
Do either your cpu or gpu spike during the lag spikes?
Just throwing out ideas.
I've been playing this game for about 3 months now and it feels like I've finally hit a wall and stopped improving at maps that are around 4 stars. My hand just seizes up and won't go where I need it to.
itll be your driver settings... cmon man ...
I can run GTAV maxed out at 75 hz so yes, I'm pretty sure I have enough power.
take a couple of day long break
when you whine and complain you just end up as the 99% bad players. all the best players just play the game and try to improve.
for osu you need to progressively get better, that means you cant play songs out of your league or your reading and accuracy abilities will get ruined. play stuff thats very hard, but not way too hard. I hate seeing noob rooms with people playing big black, its just retarded spam playing
could also be his ssd or hdd is starting to kick the bucket, if osu is on your ssd, try putting on the hdd instead and youll notice the stuttering magically dissapears
that's a common place to hit a wall. You just need to keep playing. You'll slowly get to 4.5 stars, then 5 stars. Or you could go the 2-3 star DT route if your a pp farmer.
I tried ssd, hdd and goddamn flash drives.
Just sharing my experience with the game so far, didn't mean to come off as whiny, sorry. I'm doing my best to try and play songs that I just barely can or can't pass until they get easier or beatable.
>that's a common place to hit a wall
I can see that being the case. I'm still improving but it's slower now.
osu! lazer should be coming out in the next few months.
good luck
>osu! lazer
Oh, I didn't know anout this. A sliver of hope, thank you user.
>Joined: 8 years ago
>rank has been decreasing for years
I never should have stopped playing
check out this sweet bump
is it?
Don't do necromancy user.
you got me
Holy shit, i really suck at this thing.
No u
Life's good.
Delicious ~4.75* HD
Who're your favorite players, Sup Forums?
I'm in the process of making a new build and was thinking of grabbing U2515H monitor because muh IPS and 2560p.
>8 ms Response Time
Would this fuck up everything?
To give numbers, Ar 9 gives 600 milliseconds to hit a circle once it appears and Ar 10 gives 450 milliseconds. Depending on your own reactions, it will take maybe 200 of those milliseconds for your brain to realize that a circle has appeared.
A monitor with more than a 60 hertz refresh rate would be most optimal for osu, but 8ms probably won't be noticeable and you will get used to it after a day. If you plan to do a lot more than osu with your monitor than go for it.
Since most of what I do is shitposting and watching chinese cartoons, that's good to know as osu is the only game I play. Thanks for the info.
>takes a break from playing because hands are too tired
>wants to start mapping
>have the whole map in my head
>it's absolute shit when I finish mapping it
I hate my life, I should just go and put random jumps that doesn't fit the music like everyone instead of trying to do something good.
My Angel Haruna a shit
How do I switch from pen tapping to hovering?
I feel like I can never get the coordination right when clicking X and that I'll be hindered later on because tablet hover is what most good players seem to be using.
mouse is able to all
120 misses strong.
>2 months in
>27 hours played
>play count 2700
>#150k rank
Will I ever make it?
Yes, keep fighting on, user-chan!
it can't be that bad
RIP Taiwan
RIP hvick
internet down went for 5-6 hours when I was playing the other evening or so
room still up?
Of course, there are actually people who never sleep.
>time zones
Room is still up.
tfw ill never get gud
>about a month ago
Just play more. You can try to practice something you are bad at.
Xilver and Rustbell
7ms is about the difference between ar 10 and 10.05, you shouldn't be able to notice it.
you can adjust offset since response time is static
>2nd year of osu
I already give up. I can't do more than 4.5 stars. It's my limit and from now on I'll only have fun and play alone.
Well that's how you get better, actually I used to think I would never be able to fc anything higher than 5.5* and I was getting really tilted by pp maps, then I started to play offline, only random maps with songs I like, and I became so much better in only a few months of playing offline.
Now I'm afraid to get restricted if I try some pp maps online.
No, user. If you keep trying, you will be able to do it and just play with others. It's sometimes better than just playing alone. Playing alone truly sucks ;_;
come play with us!
who m/a/nia here? rank 1500 here
I'm too shit for that.
I wish to be the little girl ;_;
>on Sup Forums
>isn't a little girl
did moot ever became the little girl?
No he is and will always be a fag.
If there's a room for people who are shit like myself then I'll be there in an hourish. If not it's no big deal.
I'm in about the same spot; had to quit for a month too due to an overwhelming level of shit to do so now I'm back in the 3.5-.8 range. Just keep pushing at it.
>playing alone truly sucks
People think this? I've literally never played online on account of being actual shitgarbage.
i mania, rank 8050 4k player
I can't believe DJT and Buyfag among other things get quarantined to /jp/ but somehow this continues to be allowed on Sup Forums
staff, what are you doing?
Indeed, mods are fags.
>moving DJT to Sup Forums
Who are you quoting?
The pain and sorrow of many anons.
Well, you're taking the game too seriously then. The point of a game is to have fun anyways. Single player just forces you to git gud in an environment where you can only compete with yourself. It just makes you extremely frustrated when you underperform 99% of the time against yourself. However in multiplayer, you're basically competing with others. Some players are better while some are worse so you'll win and lose against them rather than losing to yourself everytime when you shitmiss. I'm pretty garbage too but I still enjoy multiplayer because of that. Single player at this point feels too much of a chore because all you can do there is gain pp or set new scores or just get frustrated because you can't do either of that. Well, I dunno mang. Whatever works for you I guess. Sorry for longposting.
For me it's the other way around, I like to play on single player to git gud and not being too shit when playing multi, it can be frustrating but it's also fun (or maybe I'm not there yet where I can't perform better). Just have fun.
I see single player similarly to . I just play the songs I like and watch myself get better over time, which is great. I'm not really concerned with PP, the game is just intrinsically fun for me.
Every time I've joined a Sup Forums game you've all bullied me because I couldn't play your 7 star shitfest maps. No thanks.
Damn son.
Well, different folks, different strokes I suppose. It's just that I've reached a point where any true improvement would require me to devote a lot of time into. Single player for me is basically just playing a very specific subset of maps which is just plain boring. Good for you guys I guess. I just can't enjoy the game anymore with the exception of weekend mp rooms.
stop caring about score fags and just enjoy the music even if you lose every time
that's how I justify playing in the Sup Forums room