Which L do you like more?
Which L do you like more?
>make all nips white
>make L black
The one that actually tried to be L, instead of just being cast because they wanted MUH DIVERSITY.
Haha wow.
My god its not a joke
What's worse?
That they cast a black man for L because diversity or that a black man auditioned for the L role in the first place?
god this is going to be the biggest flop
The one that's Anime & Manga
live adaptions of anime are almost always crap
Guys, I don't get it. How is it that Hollywood adaptations are always so shit?
They basically have the anime right there as a goddamn storyboard that they just need to try their best to replicate. But instead they usually tend to stray away and change it to be something completely different. It's like having someone give you the correct answers to a test and you just toss it aside and mark in your own answers, even though you know you're getting them wrong. Where's the logic?
At least the black guy isn't an Asian, but then again it's not as if they would've brought in a white guy to Japan.
They're both terrible and I don't understand why people change shit for the sake of diversity.
It feels like there is now some sort of quota for black dudes in Hollywood or something.
What the fuck happened?
Aren't afroamies just a tiny fraction of US population?
There's never any anime or manga discussion in these threads. Just Sup Forums and Sup Forums garbage ranting about black people and America.
the one that`s closer to the source material, so obviously, right.
I can't even believe this garbage is still happening. What a fucking disaster.
Why is the movie L a 40-year-old nigger?
l's canon mixed race and one of those races is asian, so that's more accurate.
i'm all for diversity and shit but at least fucking try to stay true to the character. idgaf if he's black, just research the character you're meant to play, and the writers need to do the fucking same, but they won't, and it's lukewarm garbage at best.
when is this coming out
delicious black of course
my boy Darius aka Snoop of course
They have to appeal to Western normal people that can't pronounce karaoke or kamikaze to save their life and can only relate to white loser protagonists.
Is the recent DN movie any good? It seems to be popular in Japan.
The new Death Note isn't even set in Japan is it? Not sure why Black L is that big a deal, then.
Go look at his picture again stupid newfag.
>discussion of live action is permitted so long as it's based off of an anime or manga series
It doesn't have to be anime or manga discussion you fucking retard.
>They picked a series worshipped exclusively by Japanophile fujos to diversify
It's like they didn't even want anybody to see it.
this is why i have live action adaptions that my country makes. they take all the charm and cultural uniqueness that makes them charming and forced to appeal to a western audience.
I have faith in Stanfield after his Darius in Atlanta. I always hated the japanese LA.
What, nobody cares about fujos here. SJW is the niche.
What do you mean why? Literally the only audience for Death Note is people that want to bang Japanese twinks and watch Japanese twinks bang each other.
So pic related was legit?
It wasn't the death row inmate decoy?
Because of right pic, I'd actually watch this shit out of curiosity.
Hollywood is trying to appeal to a niche, milk-drinker. I bet you also think superhero movies are for comic fans.
Neither of these are faithful to the character's race so it doesn't really matter, does it?
L is supposed to be English/French/Russian/Japanese (1/4 each)
Are you guys just mad because it's a black guy? Christ
>I bet you also think superhero movies are for comic fans.
No I don't but I'm also not going to pretend that people just ignore forced diversity when literally every single time it has backfired and cost people millions.
Name one black Frenchman.
>Light Turner
Because they simply don't care. It doesn't matter if the source is an anime or game or something else.
>Thinking anybody here is mad
I don't think anybody on Sup Forums even cares about the actual Death Note. It is Naruto grade entry level.
>instead of going with an european guy filling 3/4, let's take a random nigga
No thanks
French is full of niggas nowadays
There are millions of them now, goy
>L is now a nigger
Good luck trying to remember a sameface-case. Or light kills all the niggers in the world or he isn't able to kill L because all of them look the same.
Sure, Alexandre Dumas.
What I'm saying is that the Japanese L is still the wrong race for the character, so that shouldn't be the basis of your criticism for this new L.
I'm actually glad because this means they're not just going to copy the show shot for shot, with all it's terrible dialogue and its trite, overly dramatic edgelord characters and scenarios. At least this is indicative of the possibility that it might be something a little different and inventive. With that being said, I expect it to be trash, as Hollywood has a history of fucking awful adaptations.
Who would be the black girl in a K-On! live adaption?
"Forced" (contrived, milk-kun) diversity didn't "backfire". People trying to cash in on something instead of actually making something good backfired. Besides, it's one character; Ghostbusters was obvious pandering (every trailer had at least one "woman" joke), but here people are just reading into something based solely on a single actor's skin color.
What if black L is funny and always crack jokes? I can see them doing this.
mugi obviously
i actually am mad because its a black guy, i feel the same way about the new ghost busters with all females.
they weren't trying to make a diverse cast of strong women it was pandering to sjw garbage that shoe horned women in to be politically correct.
this is the same thing. they aren't taking artistic liscense to make l a black man with an interesting twist on death note, its just western pandering to sjw's which has completely dominated united states media as of late.
For there to be a black guy in a story set in a large American city?
No silly, Mugi is a blonde girl so she stays. She has a black love interest however as blonde woman/ black man is symbolic of the extermination of the Aryan race by the Jews.
France's most popular celebrity is black.
Plenty of them, it's 2016.
I'm interested to see him in L's poses. But this does feel like the kind of WE WUZ posting you'd see on shitty Facebook comments.
Maybe that would be valid if they make his blackness a defining trait and fuck with the character to satisfy some sort of demand.
But we know pretty much nothing about this series so far, so there's not really anything to indicate the "pandering" you're claiming aside from the fact that a black guy is going to play him.
How do you know that? In what scenario would casting him as L be "artistic license", as opposed to "pandering to sjw's"?
No, these are not rhetorical.
He's probably just going to dab n shit
Look I honestly couldn't give a shit about niggers, but making L black is fucking retarded. It might be funny I guess if it's bad enough.
Are you stupid or don't you know a single thing about France's history of colonization?
I still remember when they put Wilbon on PTI even though most sportswriters are white. What a joke.
give me a break anyone living in the us and isn't completely cucked knows by just looking at that picture that its pandering to sjw's
>muh diversity isn't being rammed down your throat in a movie adapted from a japanese anime for western audiences.
next you are going to tell me he is black to appeal to african american anime fans.
>genius kid
>a nigger
top kek, gonna laugh all the way to not watching this shit alongside with gits
How do we feel about this?
How can we judge if the right one isn't out.
If he actually did a good job playing a character of L. Which we can say for 100% certainty that he won't because it isn't out yet, but, he won't.
They literally picked the fan favourite character and most popular character among females to make black and nobody else. This is literal propaganda.
He looks like the prime minister of Canada and Tom Cruise had a baby.
>a movie adapted from ... anime
I sincerely hope that's not the case. I'd even prefer the novels to that.
Also, what's weird about casting a traditionally-American actor for a movie that isn't aimed at fans of Japanese stuff at all?
>most popular character among females
They have to appeal to the white wimmin senpai
This has nothing to do with "diversity", the non-white characters could just be nips and it would be much more appropriate as an adaptation.
This is just pandering.
People can cast bad actors without having an agenda, friend.
for there to be an intelligent black guy
I wasn't the guy you responded to in the first place. I was saying that these threads are garbage and you should head back to Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
Who gives a shit, besides normalfags who love it and normalfags who hate it?
They also chose to make the protagonist white
What's your point dude
>somehow no one objects to Light Turner
hypocrisy at its finest
That's what I was saying. I fucked up and meant to say "we can't say for 100% certainty that he won't because it isn't out yet"
But he probably won't
I know fujos personally that got started with Death Note. Death Note is the Naruto of fujoshit in the West.
Making him black was retarded for that reason alone. They might snag a few normies, but nobody is going to be talking this shit up beforehand because by not making him a Japanese twink they have spit in those people's face. Literally anybody would have been better to make black, they could have made fucking Misa a black man and probably gotten away with it. But L? This shit is going flop so fucking hard. Not to mention that it isn't even a real fucking movie. It's some Netflix shit.
the fact he is a nigger is whats wrong with it. the author of the series didn't make him black, and the only reason a black man is being chosen is for political correctness.
>catering to sjws and propaganda
>they got rid of an all Asian cast
You trump supporters gotta find something else to complain about.
We wuz anime characters and shiet.
He's not handsome enough to be Light, should have gotten Zac Effron.
>She has a black love interest however as blonde woman
Niggers really want to believe this, don't they?
He will survive in this one, right? I mean... killing a black character is too much.
is that his actually outfit for the movie? It's not even bad that he's black, his style is so off from L. This guy's roles are almost all... rappers. How is that even close to L?
I've seen him act in Donald Glover's Atlanta, and the character he plays is a big weirdo and it's great. I have confidence that he can pull off this role.
Blonde women love to throw their genes away.
Fuck off back to plebbit newfag, rule poster wasn't me and what you actually said was "There's never any anime or manga discussion in these threads." when the rule clearly states there doesn't need to be if it's live action based on anime or manga.
>But he probably won't
Does he have a bad track record?
>Choosing what looks like a twink to play the role of Light
It'll be the first time the black guy isn't the first character to die.
America, literally just stop.
Where did you get that idea from?
I'm just going off of what we've seen of every other live action western adaption. I haven't seen anything he's ever been in.
My vacation to Sweden (Africa).
the one from Atlanta
The fact you are mad proves is just a tantrum of some some children that think something like DN is a masterpiece, when in fact any attemp to make a LA of DN means throw away 80% of the material because is mediocre or stupid. Maybw jap actos are willing to portray ridiculous manga characters, but not western actors.