Hayao Miyazaki

Hayao Miyazaki's thoughts on an artificial intelligence
ah ah ah. he is full on retarded.

That CG was fucking disgusting, I love it.

No idea why they showed it to Miyazaki. Anyone could have guessed he'd have some moral problem against it, for some asinine reason.

>muh disabled friend

>ANN is stealing from Sup Forums again

Few people of his generation have any grasp of that subject, or even of science and technology in general.

It's just that people keep asking for his opinion and give him credit because he is a succesful anime director.

/3/ BTFO

It did remind me of some kind of Silent Hill-monster.
I mean, it does try to walk through its head. That's really an insult to life and utterly disgusting.

No. This is not it.

He just actually thinks he is the one person that represents humans well in any media when most of his movies are mindless shit with little to no story.

Monoke Hime being the exception.

To be fair, that's cyberpunk levels of creepy.

Isn't the technology just showing something awful? Isn't that the whole point?

It's kind of sad how those youngsters can't really argue with the geezer because he's influential in that field


Who the fuck cares, he's literally retarded and living 30 years in the past.

Why would anyone ask him anything about AI?

The presenter looked like he was going to cry. To have your hard work crushed by none other than Hayao Miyazaki. He probably killed himself when he got home.

>Why would anyone ask him anything about AI?

Because this is Japan user, and in Japan they worship sensei because they're told to worship sensei.

Damn, this really triggers my PTSD, like when you work hard on some project and then some professor gives you a "Well, and what's the point of this?" reply after reviewing it.

and that was one of the things it irked me in this video he talks about compassion and shows none.
he's a total dick.

sorry he really annoys me for some reason.

For people who don't know the context of this video, it's for that CGI caterpillar short he's working on.


Science = bad

None of his work has ever portrayed engineers or scientists in a good light, besides the one film about the Mistubishi Zero.

Everyone in the room knew this and yet someone thought it would be hilarious to set this meeting up. They set those three guys up for a fall.

>showing artificial intelligence to the dude who thinks the iPad resembles masturbating


he said that?

Miyazaki is senile. He forgot the point of the presentation.

Big recommendation:
Double feature of The Wind Rises followed by Tora Tora Tora!
I did this inadvertantly the other day, and it was hilarious.
>I want to a plane
>Fuck your plane!

Its like asking for acting advice from Marlon Brando after he stopped giving a shit. He's the last guy you'd want to encounter.

You have some new animation ideas, you either get funded on your own or find some "bleeding edge" CG-humping weirdo like Mamoru Oshii.

>That's really an insult to life and utterly disgusting.

Perhaps because that was the fucking point?

I think the end goal of his experiment is what pissed Miyazaki off the most. You spend over 40 years of your life drawing, animating and directing animated films. Then some guys come across and decide they want invent a computer that can do all that for you. When you're an old man, that's got to get to you.

>muh feelings

I love how allegedly humanitarians can never come up with a direct argument about the topic itself, and instead goes with these emotional rants.

The invention and implementation of planes resulted in the deaths of millions, including millions of Japanese.

Why does Miyazaki romanticize planes so much when he hates everything else related to technology? Is he a plane fucker? Does he fuck planes? Does he sneak into Cesna hangars and get his jollies off, rubbing up against the rivets and pitot tubes?

>yfw you realized Miyazaki just killed the possibility of AI generated anime

adapt or fade away, the world is not a place for traditionalism, even more when it's a fucking arrogant old japanese bastard that is still with his pen up his ass.

can we all agree now that his movies are over rated and that he is a shitty person please?


At the very least the AI would still be largely directed by humans.

I don't know about the first part, but whoever just turns down someone's work like that just because of personal feelings deserve to be called shitty.

Not using
>CG is an insult to life

Utterly shameful.

Pffft, Miyazaki and his studio is just one of many possible funders.

You won't kill AI's future. Any job that requires repetition (i.e. animation) will be replaced. The first step is getting rid of all artists that aren't key animators.

But they actually wanted to hear his personal feelings about that.

>It's another "senile old man talking shit" episode
It's about time to take Miyazaki and Tomino behind the shed.

Doesn't John Lasseter worship the ground Miyazaki stands on? Isn't Pixar a massive source of funding that kept Studio Ghibli alive for some years?

And Miyazaki just takes steaming dumps on everyone he comes across.

>and that was one of the things it irked me in this video he talks about compassion and shows none
He's a hypocrite.

Maybe the subs should have said passion. That would have been much more accurate and still fit what Miyazaki was trying to say.


As an aviatiotaku, I recognize one of my own. Miyazaki is a self-hating Otaku. It's not uncommon.
Also, can I interest you in some pictures of Italian biplanes at Langley Field c. 1918?

>What do you think
Is he close to dying yet?


>Art is a gift arising only from a human soul, and thinking a machine could do it is an insult to mankind.
>Now get these key frames to North Korea so those soulless slaves can crank out an episode.

>None of his work has ever portrayed engineers or scientists in a good light
Are you fucking serious?

I'm crippled and you're offending me.

Except in Howl's Moving Castle, and Nausicaa, and Porco Rosso, and Arrietty, and Laputa, right?

Crazy how people don't understand this and think he's just being grouchy/angry.

The reason the animation in his work and the work of his colleagues is so beautiful is because they are putting actual thought, care, emotion and human experience into their content. Having AI "learn" that, at least at this early level, in no way compares to that mastery they apply to this genre.

The reason he used the example of his friend is because he learned that emotion by living that experience and witnessing it himself then he can call upon it to translate it into his work. It's not some animation factory where the goal is to pump out as many animations like robots. So it's insulting to him to try and take away from that process and ignore the cycle in life humans/artists experience.

You guys are absolute retards and this board is hopeless.

> source of funding

Spotted the burger.

Jews at least have thousand years of religious thought, while Americans are species that only react to money.

you copied this from the video comments cuck

All he had to do was say that the zombie was a tad creepy. What was the point of going on a rant about his gimp friend and how AI insults life?

Not an argument.

n no way did their presentation or pitch did they say it's to replace the current animation process. It was an idea of how their AI manages to adapt to the character model and make it walk/crawl - Hayao took it literally and assumed it was offense to people who have deformities. This has nothing to do with "Well Hayao uses life experience in his animation, that's what makes it beautiful" No, that isn't the case here. Even the presenter says the technology can be used for many uses, even zombies or grotesque creatures that ARENT human.

There retard so what is the point of this.

Have you tried watching the fucking movie?

Why this place is so contrarian when it comes to Miyazaki? Are you telling me you disagree with him? On a place where any CG show gets thrown to the side and labelled as CG shit? A place that mocks the western approach and worships traditional animation?

Even if you disagree with the way he puts it are you really supporting this shit? I don't like prospect of AI animation or illustration either. You are losing a lot in the process, you are eradicating all individuality, all different approaches to it.

This is not like a mathematical calculation. This is a leap in the wrong direction, if you want to speed up the death of animation as we know it go ahead.

That is correct, if you completely ignore the last part. They follows up saying their goal is to eventually replicate animation using only a machine. Not just for creepy unnatural movements, that's conceited as fuck.

That was hilariously awkward.

>On a place where any CG show gets thrown to the side and labelled as CG shit?

Expelled from Paradise was fine for what it is. My complaint against CG is when it's mixed in with normal animation and is absolutely fucking jarring. Strike Witches and GuP are recent shows that come to mind as the main offenders.

>A place that mocks the western approach and worships traditional animation?

There's nothing wrong with western cartoons being made by westerners. The issue arises from how the west treats cartoons as being something for children (and with shitty low budgets as a result) or as some "draw a yellow blob" minimalist design that is not aesthetically pleasing like the Simpsons or Family Guy.

I fucking love PIXAR movies, also contrary to common misconception this place isn't a hive mind. various people have different opinions, I don't hate cgi anime, no i don't like it as much but i'll watch it. i mean if it gets to pixar levels or movie levels it would be better than now

Well, he's not wrong. Artificial intelligence is one of the most retarded ideas humanity has ever tried to bring to fruition. It's like giving ICBMs to fucking al-Qaeda, or something.

What could possibly go wrong?!

It doesn't matter what Miyazaki says, Sup Forums is perpetually triggered about him talking shit about the sorry state of the current anime industry and otaku "culture".
It's quite sad seeing anons in this threads with the cognitive ability of a 5 year old when it comes to this subject.

Miyazaki came from a rich family and had a very comfortable upbringing even though most of Japan was suffering at the time due to WW2.

He went to university to study political science (kek) and then got into the growing animation industry because of family connections and made a few films that Western critics deemed masterpieces because of themes of feminism, anti-war, environmentalism etc

He's the Japanese equivalent of a fat Hollywood limousine liberal telling everyone else how to live their lives.

At least remove Miyazaki's cock from your mouth before talking.
If you actually think using a disabled friend to criticize someone's work makes any sense and that his attitude was correct almost putting a grown man in tears you are fucking stupid.

but Miyazaki is one of them, he was an otaku back in the 60s

The point he was making has been explained in the thread already, you may not be very bright but you can read, right?

Miyazaki isn't liked much in Japan and considered a bit of a traitor and far-left nutjob

Hideki Anno is the most well liked anime director in nipponland.

You uncultured uneducated pseudo-scientific zealots don't even have the brain capacity to understand that old wise man scourges both people that present him a useless prototype AND the state of mind that considers that AI-neural-network-procedurally-generated-fad wanking is a step to create a machine that animates like humans do, and also from on spiritual AND scientific grounds. Because science is *understanding* (typically, understanding of an utterly simplified model that we still can process), and happily growing complexity inside a computer to create something you can't reason about is just wanking (everyone who says "we don't know how this neural network works, but we predict..." is fucking wasting our planet's oxygen), and a step back to Middle Ages alchemy. Fucking idiots are expecting philosopher's stone in form of some computer program to appear and solve all of humanity's problems. OK, you don't know shit about something that happened 500 years ago, but do you know all those predictions about computers and artificial intelligence have already been made 50 years ago? Fuck no, everyone considers himself to be different from people of "old times". There is no computer to handle the complexity required for most of natural processes, and there never will be, and fiddling with computer-generated Spore models just because you happen to have a big hammer of excessive processing power to hit every nail around you won't make anything about human brain clear.

"What is your goal?" should really be written in the sky in flaming letters for all the humanity.

i don't need to read this topic to understand his point. i don't need an interpreter to filter shit for me unlike you i bet.

> Hayao took it literally and assumed it was offense to people who have deformities

This is where we see your limits of interpretation, not his own.

Which is funny considering the two of them are kind of friends. They both appreciate each others work even if they don't particularly enjoy it

Regardless there was no reason for them to do that tech demo with a human figure. They were just trying to show how their program learned to move. They could have just used a geometric shape with multiple limbs

Your "muh feelings", "much cripple" response tells me that you do.

This isn't true, by the way.

Probably trying to justify his dislike by gaining pity for a disabled friend.
People will use their disabled friends like shields a lot, it's more disgusting than developing an AI saying it could be used for zombies, in which case disgust would be the point.

> a few films that Western critics deemed masterpieces because of themes of feminism, anti-war, environmentalism etc

Why are you so happy to surrender a possibility of having your own opinion just to come up with some primitive explanation that is easy to digest?

Miyazaki may be right about anime, but he hasn't a clue about AI or physics-based locomotion so why even ask him?

This is the kind of retard that posts in these threads without turning on the brain first.

Crazy how people don't understand this and think he's just being grouchy/angry.

The reason the animation in his work and the work of his colleagues is so beautiful is because they are putting actual thought, care, emotion and human experience into their content. Having AI "learn" that, at least at this early level, in no way compares to that mastery they apply to this genre.

The reason he used the example of his friend is because he learned that emotion by living that experience and witnessing it himself then he can call upon it to translate it into his work. It's not some animation factory where the goal is to pump out as many animations like robots. So it's insulting to him to try and take away from that process and ignore the cycle in life humans/artists experience.

You guys are absolute retards and this board is hopeless.

It's not that he doesn't have a clue, he's blatantly ideologically against it.
Even more stupid on their part.

To see what will happen next is a valid goal.