BikeFairy fags living it up
Yuri On Ice
Otabek will break Yurio's heart.
Sauce please OP
>not posting the exclamation marks in the title correctly
one job
>not Yuri! on!! Ice!!!
>"what is your size?"
>"women's XS"
I love OtaFairy.
Why doesn't Yuuri wear contacts when he skates? And how come he doesn't wear his glasses when he's walking around during competitions before he gets on the ice? How did Kubo spend more time thinking about what colour his nipples should be than this?
I wish to be the Otabek
I need glasses because my vision is -2.50 and I only wear them at work.
He probably just can't see victor's face when he skates.
I was about to suggest he should hit a children's store
>Viktor in glasses
Before he gets on the ice he has to stretch so he shouldn't be wearing his glasses, he probably leaves them on the locker after he changes clothes. He either likes glasses or his condition isn't suited for contacts.
Record yourself singing (mp3 format, no background track) to the OP version:
email to: [email protected]
submission by 14 December (completed mix will release before final episode 21 December).
Listen to the preview (now 13 singers out-of-date) here:
hold my sides, can Viktor passive-aggressively buy this for him after their tiff on the beach
I basically can't see shit without my glasses but I still don't have contacts because to be perfectly honest they make me want to rip my face off. They're so irritating to have to deal with I'd rather just be blind and walk into shit than have to deal with them. I lost my glasses once and just took the bus to the optometrist rather than have contacts.
Maybe Yuri just has a hard time inserting thin pieces of plastic membrane into his fucking eyes.
MAL are a bunch of retards
Fuck, I need it.
they're still heavily denying everything
I agree, I do wear contacts but the fucking hassle of them. I work in a freezer at work and if I wear contacts and don't blink enough they can sometimes freeze a little and I have to take them out. plus you don't want to have a contact move off your eye in the middle of a performance OR have to sit there and wonder if you should take them off because maybe your eyes are too dry for them today. Plus with yuuri's anxiety I don't think he trusts himself to put things in his eyes
What even is it? A bib? A flotation device? A toilet seat cover?
Why is YoImerchandise so childish? This anime should be getting the type of merchandise Evangelion gets. It's obvious teens and kids aren't watching this anime.
He probably just sees things blurry without them or something, but still well enough to not bump into shit. He's not blind without them.
user pls, it's a neck pillow.
>toilet seat cover
That was my first thought too, but I assume it's a neck pillow.
YoI champagne when
YoI clothing line when
YoI tea when
YoI bath salts when
YoI jewelery when
Evafags have the best shit
Gucci is cheaper than I thought wow.
I still prefer user's idea of Otabek being blunt / making it sound like a business deal
>Are we going to get married or not
>Shake hands on it
Let them be
They really did a great job in making OtaFairy an very aesthetically pleasing couple together. They match so well.
Even Pokemon got condoms
Why did they give Yuuri such feminine hands in this shot? I know he's probably the more feminine of the two, but I've never thought of him as a femboy or anything like that.
>handsome angular darker hair and small lithe blonde hair
It's for literal four-year-olds
I can't wait for Yurio's growth
They did? I can't tell which hand is who's.
If you look at the shot right before, Victor's is the left.
They both have masculine and feminine traits, you can really fully pin it to one or the other thp imo Yuri comes off as more masculine to me
And I really like that to be honest, I'm tired of people who think gays imitate het couples
>I know he's probably the more feminine of the two
Anyways, that whole scene was super quality.
Some people don't always need glasses though. I only need mine at work or school or if i am watching a movie. Other then that I just skip wearing glasses. My guess is that Yuuri may be the same way.
I went to the men's section to look at shoes
That was from when an user edited a ring onto Yurio's hand because it was the only hand shot in the episode that they could manipulate.
Not that user, but he put them on to look at his phone. My vision is awful and even I don't need to wear glasses to see something that close.
>All of this Bikefairy content
What a time to be alive
there's a lot of crazy sjws going crazy on otabek's wiki for shipping him with yurio, it's actually pretty funny.
Had to make this.
Where do I sign up for the Yuri Angels?
His nails look so well cared for
Do you think he manicures?
This is why Wikias should turn off the comment section
Do it faggot, become your /fa/ idol
nice. saved
Maybe he has bifocals then? Either way even if his vision is decent enough he can tell distance without his glasses on he doesn't really need them when he skates
Viktor does it for him probably
Can anyone tell me definitively if Yuuri has underarm hair? I didn't tag all of the pictures as 'pole' so now I can't find them and I need to know for 100% chaste research
You have to be a cute lesbian then everything will come naturally.
Gotta love when people claiming to be progressive end up spouting some of the most conservative bullshit there is. After all, "gay men are pedophiles" is a right-wing favorite.
Yuuri is hairless
This is pretty damn beautiful and I'm convinced Fairy's going to have a few dreams about this scenario
>All this Otafairy content
>Zero Yurio/JJ content
The evil has been defeated.
Now, see, one arm is hairless, but the other has definite cross-hatching under it, which was why I asked. Are we Schrodinger's armupittu now? Sasuga MAPPA
That's just shading. That's not how kubo draws body hair
Oh, don't get me wrong, I appreciate that they're doing that too. It's really refreshing. It's more of an anatomy thing for me.
Well, okay, you've got me there.
I'd assume so.
Otabek just turned 18 and Yurio is almost 16, do people think the world revolves around US consent laws? Do people seriously think fairy isn't able to consent?
is he?
Doesn't look like it.
>sjws hate the ship
Even better.
I love you for gifting this to us, Kubo sempai.
the things I do for viktor god damn it
why does this show make me open my wallet like a fag at a gay bar?
But user, I really want it
Wrong Yuri
i assume he has a bush like most japanese men do
Even U.S. consent laws aren't consistent from state to state, Romeo and Juliet laws would apply since the age gap is so small. It's no big deal.
loved this
Even if he had body hair, Viktor would wax it all off him anyway.
In Canada alone the age of consent is 16, but people aged 15-19 can have relations with each other legally.
I really don't get what's buttblastng them all, a 3 year age difference is nothing.
It isn't even a full 3 year age difference, it's a few months apart.
I think I love you. This animu is changing our lives for the better
I hate that this got trips. Viktor can be shiny and smooth if he likes. I want Yuuri to have hair. I want it for purely sexual reasons, but I still want it.
YOI would be much better with 25 episodes. Sometimes it's hard to imagine that 8 months passed, because everything kind of feels like yesterday.
I forgot about that fairy butt, what a blessing.
I never noticed Yuri's tie sticking out of his pocket at the beginning when he has his leg up in the air.
>Otabek's face when he sees this
If the Otafairy drawfriend is still around, requesting a self-conscious Yurio at the baths with a nonplussed Otabek
>do people think the world revolves around US consent laws?
Literally yes. They don't care that the age of consent in Russia and in Kazakhstan is 16, it's all wrong wrong wrong if it's not what they're used to.
Nothing about Otabek being some kind of predator actually holds up. Their age difference isn't 3 years, it's more like 2 and some months. Otabek turned 18 very recently and Fairy will be turning 16 in a matter of months. Otabek's attraction to Fairy, if it exists in the romantic sense, probably formed back before he turned 18, considering they met when he was 13. Hell, even if he only became romantically attracted to Fairy right there in Barcelona, that still wouldn't be illegal because a romantic attraction isn't illegal. Liking him is not the same as actually having sex with him.
I should just ignore SJWs and their nonsense, but when the argument has this many holes in it, it's hard not to.
yoi is sexualizing a minor!!11
Different user, I have to always wear glasses because I see everything but it's kind of blurry. I can't read very well without them due to the blurriness so I shouldn't be driving, but I can still walk around, cross the street, do sports or even read papers up close if I cover one of my eyes and focus really hard on them. I saw myself in Yuuri when he squinted at the results, I do that a lot. I can't wear contacts even if I wanted to, though. Eyes are a mystery.
I regret not appreciating this scene since we'll never see this happen again.
Naw I think Victor is OK with body hair and even if he isn't I can totally see victor being into shaving his partners himself. It's such an intimate act and I can so see Victor being into grooming Yuuri, you know, shaving him, doing his hair, helping him in the shower, that kind of super close stuff.
>8 months
Why are the SJWs all so convinced they're anally devastating each other after the first date? It says more about them than us. Otabike is a gentleman and will wait until Fairy is of age/good and ready, whichever comes last.
I'm just gonna come out and say a 16 year old dating an 18 year old is totally legal. One may be a minor, but there is a legal age range which people under 21 are legally allowed to date. I am pretty sure that a 19 year old can date a 16 year old and an 18 year old, a 15 year old, but it gets trimmed to only adults once you turn twenty in a majority of places. Because of this, statutory rape cases which fall under this age range don't make it through court - because it's not statutory rape.
Is Victor the queen of /fa/?
because even romantically it's wrong in their eyes
I feel like fairy would be the one to initiate tbqh
If not queen of /fa/ he's still my queen at least.
Because they're the exact same as the conservatives they claim to be oppressed by
Yeah, Otabek seems like the type to get active consent for everything. "So are we going to be friends?" "So are we going to kiss?" "So can I put my mouth here?"
Which means he took it out to put it on his head when getting dressed.