The British should have done to the native Irish what the Americans did to the Indians - wipe them out...

The British should have done to the native Irish what the Americans did to the Indians - wipe them out. It would have stopped the inbred potato niggers from terrorising innocent people all in pursuit of "freedom". Agree?

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what does the koran say, ahmed?

Britannia must follow the Prophet in all things, desu

Nope. The brits are shitskin loving cucks. The Irish should have exterminated them


nice post. paki

Allah can suck my cock. Idgaf what their book tells them to do, I'm Northern Irish.

right now it is you getting wiped out, John

>Biggest Empire in the World™
>struggle against some Micks with Guns

Ireland president is literally a gay shitskin kek. Even if they wanted to exterminate the British in the 1600s, they couldn't have. Their entire army was 100 men and 20 potato grenades.

The Irish are busy with mouths firmly placed upon the UN glory hole. How they have fallen.

the ira only did what anyone who loves their country would do

That's why the civilian-bombing potato niggers lost kek

Even in the cucked-to-hell 6 counties, beheading comes to those who insult Islam, or the Pope!

>moral highgrounds over bombing civilians
>bombs dresden for his kike slave master
good post paki

Go home ya tea sipping faggot.

And if the Native Americans started an uprising and started bombing and shooting innocent U.S citizens, would that be acceptable?

"Should have" is a funny way to spell couldn't.

>stage a revolt when the Irish were happy enough to fight for the British during
>fighting in the deadliest war in history up to that point
>British resentment was low and only devolved government was wanted
>only when the British stop the needless rebellion do the Irish people decide "muh martyrs" due to republican propaganda

You basically sucked British cock for hundreds of years now fuck off.

And this is from a Northern Irish britbong.

>terrorising innocents
You are illegally occupying our territory. Death is too light a punishment for such a crime.


>Northern Irish britbong

Death to traitors!

American here. The Irish were a mistake.

i'm already missing gerry

They did all the time. Especially in the plains and midwest back in the day. We btfo them though and drove the prairie niggers out into the wastelands. You guys were too big of pussies to stamp out the Irish though. Sad.

Holy duck its weird bumping into this thread because I've been wondering this only 2 minutes ago.

Has there ever been an Irish civilisation? Their whole country seems to be based on brits building up Ireland themselves

Yes, kill all whites and bring more niggers. Britain - YES

you fuckers colonised us for centuries. you did to us like ahmed is doing to you. your army killed thousands more innocents than we did. the uvf were more brutal in almost every way to the ira. we don't want all you plebs from the north.

best thing is we are 95% white

most immigrants in ireland are british

Kek you're British too, traitor.


Very jewish attitude.


yes, celtic tribes. look up newgrange.
same as britain before romans and vikings.

>millions of shitskins conquered by Irish and then imported into the home country:0
>millions of shitskins conquered by Eternal Anglo and then imported into the home country:countless
Seems pretty clear who is the problem here.


>millions of shitskins conquered by Irish
They never conquered anybody.

Then we agree on the matter. Indians and Irish both should have been exterminated while they had the chance.

Beady british eyes lusting for Irish Blood on the Streets!

That is without mentioning that one of the SAS original founders was Irish and that we fought so many wars for you pussies, just like the ausfags and leaves did. my great-great uncle died in the name of your shitty country.

The British were hundreds of years ahead of the Irish in terms of infrastructure and culture. If they didn't land in Ireland, today it would look something like Romania or any other impoverished Eastern European country.

I think the english have proven to be so incompetent with taking care of their own country that they should probably hand over everything to someone else.

give the north to scotland and ireland and give the south to portugal to keep safe just incase france ever unfucks itself and wants to be white again.

bada bing bada boom everyone is happy

Brits have always been cowardly . Even in the war they let ameritards die before they would advance cause they fucking cowardly

they are too stupid to succeed in anything other than spending welfare money on alcohol

as i said, before the romans and vikings, britain was the same.

how about you get the fuck out of land that isnt yours and we can all be buddies?
Just be glad we didnt gas you all

That's kind of his point you subpotato, he is saying that the English are so fallen and disgraced that all the lands they once conquered are now conquering them to the sounds of adoring applause from the native English, while the Irish havent conquered anyone and are still just resisting the occupation of their native homeland.

It wasn't a complicated statement you utter failure.

Ulster is Gaelic clay fuck off squatter

yes and you should have done it before they managed to come here to america and fuck everything up

And now your country is cucked by the EU, elected a gay shitskin and for 40 years or so bombed innocent civilians.

I am also certain that most of the lower-class scum in Britain are Irish descended. I am Scottish, and highlanders are nigger-tier because of them.

>and are still just resisting the occupation of their native homeland.

England is keeping Northern Ireland afloat. That's why the majority favours staying apart of the UK.

Are these retards seriously fighting or is it all just memes? What is there to fight about in a first world country?


wat's the point in speculating?

My ancestors have lived on this island for more than 400 years. That's longer than your Obese country has existed for. So I'll gladly leave this Island once you and the rest of you burgers give your land back to the Native Americans.

""irish american"" ted kennedy is the reason we had the 1965 immigration act which destroyed this country

fuck the kennedys. glad their family line is cursred. glad jfk got his syphilaic brains blown out glad his little faggot brother got his belly filled with lead and glad that communist piece of shit ted is 6 feet under too.

>Northern Irish britbong.

cringe. You're not British. You've never been to Britain. You know fuck all about Britain. I'm Irish and more British than you since I was born and grew up in England from an Irish Catholic family. You're cringy larpers like muh heritage yanks. Embarrassing.

scotland has a way higher rate of gingers than ireland tho

Mainly to prove a point. Most Americans are totally fine with the massacre of the Native Americans but wouldn't feel the same about a massacre of the Irish even though it is the exact same scenario.

>Irish Catholic family
People who are Catholic cannot be British.

No its because you ousted the Irish from their home and replaced them with prodestant brits. The true irish there want the land to go back to ireland.

>implying they didn’t try multiple times
>being a butthurt brit with bad genes
>projecting inbreeding unto the Irish when everyone knows Brits are the most inbred people on planet earth

>Hart/Celler act

WASPs are the biggest jew lovers go jack your cut penis if you still have any sensitively, cuck goy. You brought over all the africans to the America all your own fault shoulda picked your own cotton.

Oh yes they can I went to a Catholic school in England eat shit

Britian has been owned by jews since 1650 that have tried to genocide many people for little reason
Irish may be subhuman, but theyre better than anglo kikes

We should have attacked Britain in WW2 and hanged that fat fuck Churchill from Big Ben.

Stop propagating the “irish are subhuman” meme. I’m 74 percent irish and I have a 131 IQ and am not a degenerate. In fact my whole irish family have above average jobs and intelligence levels

I'm betting you also want the Indians to take back all of the USA, commie scum. My ancestors settled here 400 years ago.

but is that because the irish are idiots or is that because real ireland has never been tried

A JIDF D&Q thread.

Well, fuck you, too. It's highly ironic coming from a country that's been committing suicide by muslim for decades. All this degenerate multiculturism shit comes from you and your Jew handlers.

>wipe them out
Please visit the Southwest and tell me the indians were wiped out. North America pretty much looks like what it looked before the Euros arrived

>live in Ireland for 400 years
>call yourselves British

wew. And no, I hate commies.

Slimy Jew begone.

Maybe the Irish should invade England and take it over. Just wait about 5 more years as Brexit really starts to choke the life out of those fucking mongoloids. prolly just walk in and take it at that point

>and for 40 years or so bombed innocent civilians.

Fuck. You.

I'm a British citizen, I live in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Oliver Cromwell let the Jews back in in exchange for funding for the conquest of Ireland.

Njet molotoff

Kek because 4 bombs is equal to the 200+ bombs the IRA planted during the troubles.

Key word is citizen. You're on par with pajeet and ahmed.

>muh passport

Didn't grow up in Britain though lol. Ulster is not Britain.

Those attacks were worse than anything the IRA did.

>let me tell you about your country
fact: the bill would have gone nowhere without ted's approval and endorsement
fact: ted materminded an expansion of refugee programs in the mid 70s
fact: ted was the one who twisted reygun's arm (read duped) into supporting the 1986 mass amnesty bill
fact: ted sponsored ANOTHER immigrarion bill in 1990 that increased yearly immigration by almost 40%
fact: this bill also established the lottery system
fact: he supported more amnesty until the day he died

nobody fucked this country harder through immigration than ted kennedy. so fuck off you scumsucking paddy parasite.

The Cromwellian conquest happened before the first Jews came back into England (In 1656) But these were illegal Jews, it wasn't until Jewish naturalisation act of 1753 that England (Great Britain at the time) allowed them back legally.

What about the Anglo-Irish and Scots-Irish? They're alright, aren't they, O.P.?


>4 > 200+


The Jews of Amsterdam still funded his campaign here.

Your country was fucked when you brought over millions of nignogs to do your labour blaming Irish is hilarious and pathetic. WASPs screwed themselves.

>subhuman paddies and krauts still cant accept the Anglo Master race

go back to sucking off niggers like you war-losing cucks do

1 of the IRA's bombs was almost equal to 4 of the UVF's, retard.

We have a good saying for this
>Хopoшaя мыcля пpихoдит oпocля
Which is translates in something like
>With the wisdom of hindsight

Every Empire regrets something like this. Im sure Americans regret not deporting all blacks into Africa during the abolition.

President Kennedy was a bad guy, user. Keep that in mind when you see the idiots going wild posting about him on those threads that come up every so often.

In terms of stand alone attack. And there was more than 4 that's just one event.

Jealousy breeds contempt

I know that Cromwell was inspired by the huge success of Dutch-Banking, but I don't know anything about the Cromwellian Conquest, really.

Another thread in which the Anglo's shill against European people. What's going on with the Brits and Germans lately? Everyday they post anti-European threads.

Cromwell tried to do the same

He was an Irish Catholic who didn't respect the CIA and other WASP elite so they shot him.

What does the fact that it was a stand alone attack have to do with anything? The IRA killed FAR, FAR more than any other group during the troubles.

Factually incorrect.