Choose one of these HEALTHY girls Sup Forums

Choose one of these HEALTHY girls Sup Forums

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Jesus christ Pork Chops wasn't fat enough already?

To think Pocacho wasn't always so fat, i'll go with Sonico.

Small fat, average american and death fat.



Taruko is so disgusting. Look at that thigh/calf ratio and those disgusting knees.

>Fat with small boobs

Fucking gross.

Pork is the only correct answer

Remember when healthy used to be a good and desirable thing?

Welcome to thicc

I don't know what it is, but something about the way they're officially drawn is just unsexy. I don't know what it is.
When they're drawn by a lewd artist I can pierce a neutron star with my turgidity, but here they just look like simple lewd anime girls in bikinis. The art style is just boring, if that makes sense. They need to be more lewd, spilling out of their clothes and shit.

>movie trailer voice over
They went to far...
They broke all the rules...

The way Tsuji Santa draws hair is really unappealing to me, so their entire face area just looks off.

I miss Healthy Drive, maybe I should rewatch it.

I want to breed with this fat fuck!

Same, their tiny heads and baby face don't help either.

it's because the artist doesn't know how to properly draw heavier girls

pochaco especially just looks like someone went into a character creator in a video game, took a regular sized girl, and cranked all the width settings up

honestly the OP is one of the better models/examples of her, but a girl her size still shouldn't have a flat stomach and pronounced collarbone

All your kids will be girls though.
And they'll only be chubby girls, too.

Sonico, because reasons...

They have weird faces and why the fuck are they wearing headphones? I'll fuck them aside from the matriarch whale

>And they'll only be chubby girls, too

>am black
>will probably have qt THICC mulatto daughters


Sonico because she's the better ass.

>This pressure, turgidity or turgidness, is caused by the osmotic flow of water from an area of low solute concentration outside the cell into the cell's vacuole, which has a higher solute concentration. Healthy plant cells are turgid and plants rely on turgidity to maintain rigidity.

>>am black

>chubby brown lolis

But being fat is the opposite of being healthy, OP.

Sonico is the comfiest.

I have heard that they are robots
and that the headphones are part of them

>after white wimin
like clockwork
good thing is you can only take our 3dpd but you can never have our qt 2d waifus

When will they make an anime about REAL women that are a HEALTHY size? I'm sick of all these annawrecksick bitches in anime, I could break them in half just giving them a hug!

We need REAL women in anime, not SKINNY BITCHES!

That only applies to Sonico. Pochaco has been officially shown multiple times without her headphones.

You appear to have posted an animal, not a woman

Too fat
Pork isnt even that out of shape

I want to bully that milf

Taruko is the patrician choice.

so this is a thiccfags dream girl



No one can have qt 2d waifus. Theyre 2D.

Who the fuck is fatass on the left?

honestly thats too much ass

She's the dream girl of every "THICC" poster. Next time you see one post, make sure to link him to that video, he'll cum instantly.


When will they make an anime about REAL women that are a PETITE size? I'm sick of all these obeese bitches in anime, they could break me in half just by sitting on me!

We need REAL women in anime, not FAT BITCHES!


Thank you hungry skeleton

Pudgy co. is and always was the ideal. There was no need to make the new girl, unless their goal was to make Porky look even better.

You're only making it sound better user.

>better ass

Quads for Pochaco!

Nitroplus Blasterz Steam version came out yesterday, by the way.

No porkchop no buy



What, is the healthy girl behind one of them?


No, the healthy girl is behind you. With a knife.


No bully. Just snuggling.

Bully her so she can lose a few lbs so she can be perfect

Why would I want her to lose weight. The way Santa draw her is perfection. Any slight loss or gaining of weight would throw off the proportions.

This is why I think fan artists can't draw her.

>tfw you will never come home to this after a hard day at work

why even live

Please tell me there's a way to batch download the pics off of HatenaBlog

Daily reminder that fats/thick/obese/whatevers CANNOT be beautiful; they only exist as a fetish and nothing else.

Too much ass.

Sonico has the best proportions, the best curves, the best shape overall. She has real meat.

>Too much ass.

Sonico is honestly the only one who doesn't look completely gross, and even that depends on which artwork we're talking about

fucking fatfags

>Too much ass.
Unless its wrinkled and flabby, there's no such thing.

>when her husband goes to ram her through the door like it's a normal thing he does everyday

>there are anons right now in this thread that think this cow is too fat

There are anons on Sup Forums who think the girls in To Heart and KyoAni are too fat. They were spamming hate all the way back in 2006 when Tamaki started the healthy meme. And some idiots still think this is fat.


Taruko is the one for me.

How did she even get in the store?

what now

Porkster wears them too.

She uses contact lenses now.


Pochako was already too much, mane.

Who's this blue bitch?

>am black
Don't you ever get tired of Prison, Thad?

I wish they'd make a tall musclegirl already.

whats the orange for?
size comparison?

>not knowing Tsuji's masterpiece

Making Taruko's tits smaller just makes her look like a fucking mess. Porkchop was already crossing the line, but acceptable because of her massive tiddies.

It's not related to the franchise, but I think you guys might enjoy this MMD channel:

i think tarukos problem is that she looks like a fucking triangle and not her breast size

Triangle can be cute.

This is an affront to God and Human sensibility.

I thought 2D was supposed to be free of Lena Dunham looking bitches

I'm gonna call her tumblr-chan, because she is fat and has a retarded hair color.

I don't think whales qualify as girls

But shes actually cute, unlike tumblr.

would you guys a loli porky?

>average american

We fucking wish.

it's, from left to right:
Average American

The Body every American thinks of when someone says "Voluptuous"

and Chubby but Boobs to belly ratio is far in the positive so definite bang if cute.


I feel bad that I only find a girl cute when she has breasts as big as her head. But I can't argue with my dick.


Any person with a BMI above 30,and a body fat percentage above 32% on women is obese by definition, and that is the opposite of healthy.The only character in that image without guaranteed chronic metabolical disorders and who would likely survive an emergency chirurgical procedure is the middle one.


pedos pls leave porkchops alone

Well, in their defense liking a girl that fat is in about the same level of paraphilia as being a pedo.

in their defense? you basically said they're ugly but stupid

Pochaco x Taruko anime when

They look so cute together