Why do nips always tease girl/girl relationships but they never actually turn them into a couple? they always hug, hold hands and sheeit but never a single kiss.
Why do nips always tease girl/girl relationships but they never actually turn them into a couple? they always hug...
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Nips don't take lesbians seriously
because yuri doesn't sell
come on user we've had like 5 threads this week alone on the subject
then why do they keep making it?
Even if they kiss they don't actually start a romantic relationship, it's just fanservice. See fate/kaleid liner.
Real answer? Japan is pretty fucking homophobic, though since the country isn't Christian it comes out in different ways. (Ironically, this communication disconnect makes a lot of Japanese think America is more gay-friendly and vice-versa, even back fifteen years ago when gay marriage wasn't on the horizon.)
Ikuhara has been fighting a one-man crusade against anime's weird treatment of lesbians since he directed Sailor Moon S.
Back then when lesbians and gayness in general wasn't as normalized as it is now, hugs and handholding used to be the actual way to turn them into a couple. Today the conventions are still there, but the viewer is so used to gay shit, they need to be presented with more to infer romance. Basically it's the case of Japs being behind the times with the whole progressive agenda.
>Basically it's the case of Japs being behind the times with the whole progressive agenda.
bless their nip souls for that
because it sells to the normal audience if it isn't real lesbian action, and gets lesbian lover's fantasies going so they buy it too.
money is the answer to most anime issue.
The one-sided yuri bait is the worst. I honestly feel bad for shirai.
>Japan is pretty fucking homophobic
But then how come they have entire magazines dedicated to gay and lesbian manga?
because you're new and fuck off
That means literally nothing.
>never a single kiss
There are dozens of shows where this happens. Go watch Sakura Trick or something and stop being such a retard.
Same reason America has lots of gay,lesbian, black and fat people porn despite being racist, sexist and homophobic
Because that's what most people want to see, at least in Japan.
From one side they get aroused by girl x girl interactions like any healthy heterosexual man, from the other side they dislike from a moral standpoint girls doing lewd things, because "mah idol must be pure".
Then they buy doujins of them fucking like snails, but that's okay because that's not canon.
The guy who posts Sakura Trick should be here any second now. But really it's because Japs understand that yuri is ultimately just the cutesy immature prattlings of dumb schoolgirls and that's exactly what their fans want to see, that lovely period of time where they can explore that "love" thing they think they're feeling for the first time ever before they grow the fuck up, enter the real world and get into an actual adult relationship with a man who's got his shit together. That's just how it is.
>progressive agenda
>behind of times
Kek. More like they are ahead of time.
>america is muh racist muh sexist muh homophobic
found the hillary voter
Stop using fake words, user.
But it's true
this is bait right
No. It's true.
At least google around a bit before throwing such claims.
The point is that there can exist homophobia and homosexuals at the same time.
But if they have an entire magazine dedicated to that, why couldn't they also put actual lesbian in anime? its not like it would be the same as legalizing gay marriage
Black people are less likely to graduate because they're retarded. Nothing else.
It's not because of your race, it's because of your grades dumbass.
Asians and Indians (Who also qualify as PoC) are more likely to get a into university than whites. Doesn't see we whites claiming 'Asian' or 'Indian' privilege.
>why couldn't they also put actual lesbian in anime
Leaving aside the fact that it does happen all the time, you obviously can't show the same stuff on TV that you can in print.
But there is. It's just that your children's cartoon that you watch on your computer is shy to show it as Japan doesn't believe in the 'hurr durr no equal gay propaganda in children's cartoon. OPPRESSION 101!!!!' meme.
And that's precisely how this paradigm we live with came to be, where people will freak the fuck out if a girl they like from a manga they read commits the unforgivable crime of liking sex, send death threats over twitter without rest demanding a retcon and then will immediately spend tons of their disposable nip income on graphic depictions of the very same character getting brutally gangraped and mindbroken by fat bald men, but it's okay because it isn't canon and as long as she freaks the fuck out like a psycho bitch every time something sexual is brought up and refuses to hold hands with anyone (who is male at least, it's totally okay if other chicks squeeze her titties while bathing together or something because that apparently doesn't count as anything) until at least thirteen episodes of romantic "development" then you get your emotionally repressed fantasy of an imaginary girl who'll stay pure for you then fuck "your" brains out when you self-insert into the porn, and all of it only at the cost of the creative freedom of being able to write any kind of female character who is the slightest fucking bit original and doesn't have to carefully stay walled behind arbitrary creative boundaries set in place by a bunch of autistic shut-in gook faggots. Good job, Japan.
Or you could just watch and read some stuff where that isn't the case, you complete retard.
>Good job, Japan
Japan is not a person
And also you're retarded
I did. Liberalism is literally cuckism.
>using meme arguments
What you describe only happens in anime, manga and other otaku ridden shit like idols tho. If you want all of that you can read jap books or watch asian movies.
But he's right. Nobody wants to be another Canada.
>fucking like snails
is that a real saying?
Why are you acting like there aren't literally hundreds of anime where romance gets "completed", because there are.
Oh, nevermind, I'm retarded.
He's maybe talking about otaku pandering anime.
Or maybe he's a real blue pilled retard.
SJWs get the FUCK out my 2d board. Thankfully japan is free from your infection.
This is insane. You know that? Just because it triggers you so badly doesn't mean you get to ignore reality.
The truth is, yes, Japan has some homophobic tendencies, and that comes out in its shows. The fact that you want to deny the very concepts or the facts of them exist suggests you're too much a pussy to actually admit you're a piece of shit.
Fuckers like this, though?
At least they're honest. They hate gays or blacks or whatever, and they're proud of it. They aren't pussies who would rather shut their eyes and ears to the truth.
In that sense, they're better than you.
Of course, the fact that loathing entire groups of people for no reason is fucking retarded, not to mention evil, means that at least you PRETEND to not be the sort of scum my grandfather shot to death in Europe in WW2, so hey, there's that.
Wewww whoever made this doesn't understand statistics and percentages at all. This was done ironically right?
>for no reason
you being ignorant of it or hiding your head in the sand does not mean there's no reason
What the fuck did homophobia in japan have to do with black graduation rates, you stupid dumb cunt?
>Japan has some homophobic tendencies, and that comes out in its shows
Evidence please
it does sell, but only when it's very soft and casual
just like how ecchi sells well despite being the entire purpose of the genre being a cocktease
I thought he meant when a girl is revealed to have previous sexual experience, not when they have sex with the MC but they were virgin prior that. Like when it was revelaed that the girl in Kannagi had an ex bf and otaku had a meltdown
Yes series where that isn't the case do happen to exist, brilliant I know. So fucking brilliant that I didn't feel that fact needed to be mentioned because I'm not a braindead faggot like you two cock inhalers apparently are. I never said in the vast world of anime that every single one ever follows the exact same guidelines, but if you can't recognize the fact that a modern standard has formed that they must abide by if they ever want to produce a successful franchise that doesn't bomb like Nagasaki then you are an objectively incorrect moron who clearly doesn't watch very much anime or read much manga to know it as a fact. It's amazing to me how stupid you people can be sometimes, but if you can name a few respectably popular and successful series of the last ten years or so with a main cast that has realistic sexual relationships and experiences then I might actually take you somewhat seriously.
That's all I'm referring to really, this is Sup Forums anime and manga, not Sup Forums books and movies.
Japan doesn't care about 'muh oppression', but that doesn't mean they are homophobic. You can be gay there .
The whole concept of cis privilege will only be taken seriously in some cucked white country. Rest of the world knows being the majority is not oppression.
Okay: Why are people who love the same gender bad, exactly?
How do they, living, hurt you? Or me?
Why do you think you're better than them, or portraying them in fiction positively is bad?
Redpill me, user.
Because girls already frequently hug their friends and stuff it doesn't mean they're all lesbians you delusional fag.
>that a modern standard has formed
Name just 3 shows this year that follow your summation then, you utter fucking donut
Idea: have "cuck/cucked" and "redpill" autofilter.
go visit Sup Forums with an open mind instead of one clouded with liberal rage, this isn't the place to redpill people
Hey, little kitten....
True, they're different subjects. But I didn't bring them up as the first part of my post, but the second part.
You know, the part about people actually admitting to the evil in their hearts and wallowing in it like a dog in shit?
At least that poster and the other I mentioned, like said shit-wallowing dogs, are true to their nature. Unlike the first few, who try to deny, deny, deny as though that gets them off the hook.
>bomb like Nagasaki XDD
>punctuating my epic essays with irrelevant images
You're trying way too hard. No one's going to cap your post, sorry.
I see you are still retarded
I'll repeat again
There are anime and manga that gives exactly what you want
Read them instead of what's not meant for you
And stop complaining about oppression
This thing is loaded as fuck. It doesn't adjust for variables or population and makes a blanket statement you can't actually draw any real conclusions from because "white" and "PoC" is so goddamn vague. It doesn't tell me socioeconomic status, their locality, if they're first generation college-educated, etc.
Why are you calling people cunts for denying something that you're not providing evidence for? Are you really that fucking dumb?
>they always hug, hold hands and sheeit but never a single kiss.
So you've got nothing then, got it. It's not liberal rage to note that hating gay people is bullshit. In fact, the only rage is in those hearts that look down upon others who have done nothing to them.
Seriously, think about it. How is it not rage, how is it note hate, to think gay people are bad? What does it do, except excite that bit of adrenaline inside you, except allow you to feel like you're better than someone else for no good reason?
Like a poor white man in the pre-Civil War south, you can say "well, I may be shit, but at least because of something easy that has nothing to do with my character I'm better than THOSE people!"
It's pathetic, is what it is.
Have any of you /u/fags ever watched a girl hang out with a gay male friend?
They'll hug and hold hands and stuff with him all the time. Does that mean they love each other? No its just how feminine people act as friends
They aren't denying. And the later two guys are actually true about what they said.And you're just badly triggered.
You are just using the guilt by association to win the argument.
Well, I do have evidence they're cunts. Their very posts. Show them to your mother, your teachers, that gay friend of yours you don't know is gay.
They'll see it.
>allow you to feel like you're better than someone else for no good reason
you mean literally exactly like what you're doing?
>the south is raciss
>southerners are the debil
It's true that black people are retarded? Are you a doctor? Where'd you get your medical degree?
How many of them have you tested? What parameters did you use? What did you account for?
I've actually met retarded people, and I've actually met black people. Funny how little the two overlap in reality.
You have no evidence for any of you claims about racism and homophobia in media and education, not Sup Forums. Are you going to back up your claims or just keep virtue signaling?
No he feels better than you because you can't argue and he called you out on it
Holy fuck what does this even have to do with lesbians in my animus anymore?
Just go back to Tumblr
I showed it to my mother and she's laughing at a triggered idiot
Why would anyone in their right mind visit Sup Forums for any purpose other than to shitpost/troll?
Where is your proof that black people graduate less because of racism? Provide evidence for you fucking claim you cunt.
Nips don't care about actual lesbians.
You show girls making out, kiss your sales goodbye. Teasing though, that's still a lot of wiggle room
like I said Sup Forums will cure you of your ignorance pretty quickly so if you're really interested pay it a visit, but I don't think you are you just want to throw insults around like a child. either way Sup Forums isn't the place for you to vent your liberal rage
nice samefagging
It's true that Blacks get lower grades.
Also see
I AM a southerner, dumbass. Raised in a tiny deep-south town that even now looks the same as it did in the 1940's.
Southerners are fucking great, and I've had nothing but grand experiences there. Of course, I'm white, and follow my family's religion. Of course, my family and I aren't white trash, either, the ones who back in the day would've had nothing to protect their fee-fees with than just the color of their skin. You know, the trash I was talking about.
Actual yuri is cancer and kills sales
>believing in Sup Forums
>believing in spooks
Good, now fuck off. Nobody cares.
Throwing insults like a child like, say, "niggers are retarded"? That kind of childlike insult?
nice blog!
You might be the one who needs to go back to Sup Forums and stay there.
first day on Sup Forums?
I used to have the liberal rage before coming to pol. Go to pol. There are some racist posters of course, but some sane ones will tell you why your liberal rage is bullshit.
>t. South African
Kill niggers.
Yes, it's true that blacks as a group get lower grades. If I went to some of the schools in predominantly black areas of Chicago where I live, I'd have probably gotten lower grades too.
After all, it's also true that low-income white children get lower grades. Are there issues? Are there, in fact, some societal issues that black people in the US need to address? Absolutely. You have no idea how many times black friends have complained that when they were in school, fellow black students got mad at them for "acting white" because they actually did their work.
These are serious issues!
They're not "der niggers are retarded."
>/pol will cure you of your ignorance
>Why would anyone in their right mind visit Sup Forums?
why? that user's the one going on huge political rants on the anime board
The Japanese look at being gay as something that passes, or just happens every so often. You generally can't "Be Gay" because you can't get married, settle down, provide a family, etc, etc. It's all about their social structure, and being gay is shameful as fuck. Basically what you're saying is "Nah, fuck you, you provided for me all my life and that's cool and all. But I'd rather fuck around instead of doing TheRightThing™." You're shirking responsibility, and for that, you're a piece of shit.
They don't really give a fuck if you like dong or tacos, that's your own business and you keep it to yourself. But if you're Out and don't give a fuck, society as a whole will shun you, and that's an ultra dishonorobu disprayy.
It's retarded, but this is Japan we're talking about here.