Why are you deleting non-general threads that are 100% about anime discussion?
Why are you deleting non-general threads that are 100% about anime discussion?
Other urls found in this thread:
What happened to the previous thread?
This isn't the way to ask this.
Mods are fags. News at 11.
What's the proper way?
Piss off.
All you faggots do is blogpost and go on about 3DPD shit. You're fucking cancer and need to die.
New janitor?
Anyway, just one more chapter and we get what we want.
After so many years.
I guess it's time to bitch in /feedback/ again.
3DPD shit is not allowed in these threads user.
Cry moar.
Something that won't get deleted on sight, like using Feedback.
>All you faggots do is blogpost and go on about 3DPD shit. You're fucking cancer and need to die.
I'm not sure what you are talking about? Where else people suppose to discuss BL?
Stuff like can't support a thread, the only interest is here.
And the thread aren't continuative.
Haha wow mods are buttblasted.
If that is what you really want.
>TnC anime
>TnC homostream
Good times.
So I was saying, what's people opinion of thick boys?
Yesterday was even worse. Today they seem to be overreacting, yesterday they didn't give a shit for hours.
It isn't, unlike your YoI threads.
Yeah, might as well delete this board desu
>Mods delete non anime discussion threads
>Later they remove the mentioned threads
Not sure if mods are too new or something or they don't know jackshit about this board
>Lurk moar. Mods.
What were the best homostreams in the history of Sup Forums?
Where does the line between generals and non-generals lie anyway?
Homo threads are not a general.
>Never up 24/7
>No paste bin or edition
>Never up 24/7
>No blogging
>Never up 24/7
>No image dumps
>Have been around for 9 years now
>Literally one of the banners
>Does not belong on /y/, because /y/ unlike /u/ don't allow discussions of any kind, being only a image dump board
>Never up 24/7
When we watched Batman and Robin.
YoI is a general, but it's allowed, since it's an airing show. Homo threads are not a general, for the reasons I said above.
It's retarded to delete these threads. Been around for years and they weren't a problem until the new mods rolled in with Hiro.
That logic is fucking retarded. So only seasonal anime are allowed then?
I always thought it was the continuous nature that made a thread a general. Making a new thread the second the old one dies and all that. These threads are about a general subject but they aren't really what Sup Forums thinks of as "generals" any more than two separate threads about the same series that happen a week apart are.
I remember that corn.
Apparently, one of the mods is a shitter from /u/ who doesn't know anything about Sup Forums?
You can talk about any old anime that you wish, but you can't have a general.
>Success! Returning to index...
Remember to mention it's the second time they've been deleted.
No? There's just no point in continuously creating threads to "discuss" shows that are not even airing unless you just want to feed cancerous circlejerks.
Hiro killed Sup Forums. moot's poor carcass is turning in the grave.
Don't bring ths garbage here, DJT-kun.
>No Porn of Dojima Young Azami and Souma's dad EVER EVER
neo-mods are just """mods""" that hate the board they monitor
We need new mods that love their boards and know their shit, we're losing quality of this site if we keep going like this, thus, many people will fucking leave here and Sup Forums might die soon
Just use some nice adblock everyone
When was the first time?
>>Have been around for 9 years now
Christ where does the time go
Well, newshit mods? Would you prefer going back to the homothread days of pure image spam?
Great good thing these threads don't meet the qualifications to be a general.
If you need an example of seeing a general in action, please go to /vg/. Stop talking about things you don't know anything about.
That one when everyone discovered the glory of Bancoran
>if the show becomes too popular it will be infested with retards and tumblrinas
>if the show doesn't become popular there will be no one to talk to about it
Because he's a faggot that's why. But then again so are you, so you probably like this.
The new janitor have a small penis.
Actually it might've been more since it looks like I missed a thread, so I don't know if it died on its own or not.
We need WT Snacks back.
Never ever indeed. Considering that series is already on life support and will probably get axed next year if things continue like this.
Are you implying you are not one too?
Fuck you. If there's an insurgent of people that want to talk about an anime and one thread follows another don't sit there and bitch. You have just about as much say about this shithole as I do.
The other one died on its own. I thought the one you linked did too but I guess I wasn't paying that much attention to it. I'm sure about the later one though, I remember noticing it was on page 10 and then it fell off.
Gay artists don't read SnS. That's the problem a lot of the time.
This is beautiful.
Such is life. Trying to talk about BL is even worse.
But if I had to choose I'd still go with unpopular hell.
Thanks. This is indeed getting scary.
I'm not talking about homo threads, you mong.
Found the user who's never been in a homothread before.
That one was deleted. It no longer exists in the native archive; a thread that fell off page 10 would be listed there.
There was an even shorter thread that was deleted a few days after that as well.
I remember that one. Yes, it died on its own.
>one thread follows another
An old show can occasionally have a few consecutive threads to discuss something about it, usually recent events or announcements regarding the series/franchise. That still doesn't mean they're generals you fucking retard.
Why are you even trying to discuss this when you clearly have no idea what the concept of a General is?
I miss I hate you all. I wonder where is he now.
Newfag mods better get their shit together before R3. I can already imagine their tantrum when people make multiple CG threads at once.
Surely they aren't stupid enough to mess with CG.
>missing tripfags
Don't fool yourself.
I can't remember the last time I saw hate-kun. I hope he didn't die.
Also I think the piratepad is gone, but here's a blast from the past for everyone: pastebin.com
I remember when Sup Forums had multiple VVV threads on the day it was airing. Especially after the rape episode. It's a wave that cannot be stopped.
Pretty much this These threads are one in a while (once a week or week and a half, as of late). If they where kept up 24/7 they would basically be generals.
>Small Boys Topping Older/Larger Boys xxxxxxxxx
>Socially Retarded Boys Being Molested (they want it) xxxxxxx
>Hypnosis xxxxxx
My dachis.
>homothread gets deleted
>but the old and tired Sup Forums bait thread about anime characters don't looking japanese is still up 5 hours after being created
Really makes you think.
Goddamn the new chapter delivered.
Because apparently templates are evil now and they're ruining Sup Forums. Thank you for complaining about pointless shit, /qa/.
There's also how since pretty much every thread on Sup Forums can be considered a general in some way, this mod can handpick anything he feels like to delete and he'll get support from that same board for doing that. We're fucked.
>Socially Retarded Boys Being Molested (they want it)
Oh yeah, that hits the spot. Is there a specific tag for this?
If it reaches /djt/ levels we'll just have to change the OP image.
Indeed. Yesterday there was this awful Hibikek thread too. Cringeworthy.
Yeah, that one was definitely deleted. I made a thread on /qa/ about it and got no kind of mod response. It's getting really ridiculous.
Sick, sick bastards.
I don't know what I want to see most honestly, Jouichiro fucking Azami? Jouichiro cucking Amazin with Doujina? Them initiating him at sex?
>Tfw your fetished will never be satisfied
>changing _homo.gif
Other general threads were issued very explicit warnings to disband. If homothread violates new regulations encouraging specific over general thread topics, then I would rather have a mod tell us in person to immediately stop than be left in the dark, guessing as to what policies apply to this thread.
>Post-sex cuddling with ghosts
Does anyone have a screenshot of that last time a mod gave permission to homothreads (with the condition that they don't go back to image dumps)?
>changing a topic starter that's been the same for years without anyone raising a fuss over it just because one new mod dislikes it
Please don't give in to the new people who for some dumb reason find issue in boards having culture. _homo.gif is eternal.
Not like that means anything, DJT had that too.
It's been so long since I saw this compilation.
I don't get why homo threads should be deleted when there's shit like a constant YoI general that degrades into image dumping and blogposting.
There's actual discussion here when it's only once a week or so.
DJTs and sadpanda also had support from mods, shitposters "argue" with >year. Gotta love when someone says moot's ironic shitposting post is outdated.
>DJT levels
Nah. DJT got banned for the excessive shitposting. The rest of the generals on Sup Forums that week got a warning, but DJT was pruned without a chance.
Favorite threads are homothread and drawthread and this bullshit is negatively affecting both
What happened to djt? Didn't the move to Sup Forums?
Forcefully moved, yes. Nobody wants to be on Sup Forums.
Not even >year shit, you could post something by a mod or Hiro from just a few months ago and they'd do their usual "times change" bullshit. At least that's good enough proof that those people don't give a fuck about the board and just want to ruin everything for everyone, which sadly seems to be the same mindset as this mod.
PLEASE remove Killua from this, he is NOT that homo.
You want to fuck him in every thread, so why are you bothered?
Killua is full homo.
I was about to post that it will be forever until this gets updates but forgot there was another group who was translating . New chap up now
>DJT got banned for the excessive shitposting
Which is funny because people always reported the shitposters yet the mods did nothing to stop them (wait, they did warn people for using the report button too much), I wonder if that HUEshitposter shits on other threads.