This Tomoko, what do you think of her english dub
This Tomoko, what do you think of her english dub
I bought it but I haven't watched it yet. I plan to booze it along.
Tomoko's faces are dope tho.
Terrible, just like her.
I've never heard it. And never want to she's too good for that. Only one voice for tomoko
I want to cum on her eyebags
I want to buy it, but it did be probabilly better, altough insanly more expensive to buy the japanese one.
If only I had lots of money.
Yes, I fucking love junkies
I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Altough, for me it did be more like, I want to do whatever she wants, and make sure she stays happy forever, and to wake up every day with her smile.
If you pamper her, she'll just become Himouto.
You have to make her the perfect wife, with sternness and the dick
I just want to make sure we can both be happy. But most importantly, keep her smile up at any time.
That would come up wherever she is ready or wants it.
I want to build a big family with her and make sure she enjoys every moment of her life. I want to watch anime, play videogames, and read manga with her, as we see our family grow healthy.
Is it any good? I saw a couple of minutes but decided to stay with the original.
Should I give it a shot?
I just seriously hope this isn't that ESL-kun fag.
Regardless, thanks for the bump.
It probably is, he said he got banned last chapter thread.
where's this from?
Fuck. It's all happening again. The nightmares.
You don't have to be afraid anymore, I'm her- OH SHIT!
The dub is nothing special. They opted for a veteran over a new voice so the result is as expected.
I take sub over dub for this show.
what the fuck is happening
please no
I ran out of Kii pics, you got lucky, kid.
Here, I've got this one.
Normie dubfags, back to r/anime.
Is she even human?
Why don't you check these for me then?
The fact that she isn't real torments my head every single day since I knew Watamote. This will never be possible. But hell, if I won't try to get the closest to that.
You need to stop already.
>ywn never shitpost on the internet while she sits in your lap, the scent of her hair lingers around you
Why do we go on, why must we suffer through this pain?
Everyday seems darker than the last, when will total darkness consume me?
I'd pay her to take a dump.
Watamote have a dub? I'm sold, I want to see if it manages to be more cringe.
shouldn't she be grinning uncontrollably here from the anxiety
You don't think I'd fuck him or you or both of you at the same time?
You are about a sorely mistaken as you ass is gonna be once I'm through with you, babe, get ready to be spread out.
Who made this shit? That's not how manga formatting works.
Fixed it for you.
Why was deleted? Too many spoilers?
Didn't knew that was a thing.
>You will never marathon a complete cour of anime in a single sitting, with you both sitting in the single deskopt chair, her over you as you hug her and telling her how she is perfect no matter what anyone tells her, then finishing it by just moving the chair directly to the TV and playing all the co op vidya you can play as you feel her get tired and with every hour she slowly lowers her head into your shoulder and arm, watching her eyes slowly block your view to her beautiful green pupils, with her small frame resting over you not adding that much of a weight, as you then both head to sleep in very late hours at night in a medium sized comfy bed, only to keep going by killing more time with lots of manga, as you both stop only because you can't stay awake no more, waking up with her hand holding yours, and seeing nothing but her gorgerous face, covered with all her black hair everywhere around her
I did say we will have to deal with it. Perhaps one day, we will be able to craft machines, not to make our creations real, but rather to take us inside such creations. Or maybe, just maybe there is some other way. But no matter what, I am not going to give up until I find her, wherever she is, whatever the way is, just so I can see her smile.
You'll find her user.
I think we will both find our Tomoko, we just have to become better men, we need to be ready for her.
I will do the best that I can, and become the best out of me. She may just be a piece of paper, but I will just find the way.
tfw no qt Tomoko gf or bf
You did have to redraw the whole thing to make it posible. I would do it if I knew how to draw.
Like girls(male)?
I was talking about traps.
it wouldn't be the same
I loved it.
Yea that'd be fine by me.