Anime is a insult to life itself
Is Miyazaki right?
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>old man yells at computer
Yes. I'm really going to miss this old codger when he eventually kicks the bucket.
He's an insult to life itself just by being still alive.
He wasn't calling anime or even cg an insult to life, just that particular zombie animation which disturbed him.
I can kinda sympathize but personally I just think the dude's completely out of touch
>watches some AI come up with purposefully unnatural movements for horrific animations
>brings up some unrelated bullshit about a disabled friend
Is he clinically senile?
Can we just bury this irrelevant geezer already?
Why is he always so butthurt about anime?
Does he forget that there's still really good anime out there and that not everything panders to otaku? Hell even if he hates otaku he has to admit that they keep a lot of companies alive.
yes basically.
he is literally the definition of that old guy who complains things were better back in the day.
those young guys are just so fucking devastated too
Crazy how people don't understand this and think he's just being grouchy/angry.
The reason the animation in his work and the work of his colleagues is so beautiful is because they are putting actual thought, care, emotion and human experience into their content. Having AI "learn" that, at least at this early level, in no way compares to that mastery they apply to this genre.
The reason he used the example of his friend is because he learned that emotion by living that experience and witnessing it himself then he can call upon it to translate it into his work. It's not some animation factory where the goal is to pump out as many animations like robots. So it's insulting to him to try and take away from that process and ignore the cycle in life humans/artists experience.
You guys are absolute retards and this board is hopeless.
Meanwhile, from his one and only living disciple Anno:
>Katabuchi asked Anno if he had seen In This Corner of the World, and Anno replied, "I saw it. What a woman, doing nothing. I wanted to strangle her."
Why did they even invite a senile old man who's internationally known to abhor anything related to modern technology to see their weird AI animation that was supposed to be used in zombie games
They literally asked to be put into that extremely awkward situation
I don't care if for you Miyazaki it's your God, I'm still atheist.
>Why did they even invite a senile old man who's internationally known to abhor anything related to modern technology to see their weird AI animation that was supposed to be used in zombie games
He was trying to animate a CGI caterpillar's movements as realistically as possible. They were showing him a software that could pull it off. Instead he chose to be a retard,
He's right, and he's extremely based for telling it like it is without sugarcoating it. It's a dumb project.
I want a tv show where they show miyazaki new things and he shits on it
So is his caterpillar garbage so who cares what he thinks.
>The reason the animation in his work and the work of his colleagues is so beautiful is because they are putting actual thought, care, emotion and human experience into their content. Having AI "learn" that, at least at this early level, in no way compares to that mastery they apply to this genre.
He said nothing about an AI you dimwitted fuck. He didn't even object to it being an AI. He was triggered because of something completely unrelated with his friend. Show him something hand-drawn like Attack on Titan with its werd-ass giants and he would spout the same shit.
>You guys are absolute retards and this board is hopeless.
I'm sure your circlejerk on Tumblr agrees with you.
The future is now grandpa, emotions will be emulated without your permission
What are you talking about?
fund it
He's basically the Japanese Hank Hill.
>hwat? a modern thing I don't understand? well that's just asinine I tell you what, get it away from me before I kick yer ass.
But he has a point. Why are people so mad?
It clearly represents the end of times when the AI does all the animating, the animators lose jobs leading to the ultimate collapse of the industry.
hahaha what the fuck are these even real?
>But he has a point.
It's like you didn't even watch the video. He said nothing about AI.
>disgruntled old man angry at his growing irrelevancy
Anno wants to strangle all the drawn women.
You tell me user.
>So, what's your goal?
>Well, we would like to build a machine that can draw pictures like humans do.
He is right tho. The only reason people on this thread shit on him is because they want their futa porn as realistic as possible.
>“That thing that looks like a gaming device in your hand, along with that strange stroking movement you make with your hands is by no means attractive to me, nor am I at all impressed by it. I feel a sense of revulsion for it, in fact.
>I’m sure in short time there will be an increase in people on trains making those strange masturbatory strokes. It was the same when everyone started reading manga on trains, and when it became cellphones – I’m fed up with it.”
>It may seem like I am ignoring your human rights to say this, but you can’t research any of that. Why? Because you have no way of knowing what it’s like to be on an old trireme, or having empathy with the men on board, covered in sweat as they labour at their oars.
>You go out into the world without enriching your imagination. You are merely grasping the iWhatever as a skimming tool you use to stroke yourself.
>I’m sure there are many people who want to become omnipotent by getting their hands on this iWhatever. I’ll tell you sir, there were once a bunch of people who wore radio cassette players (those bulky things) wherever they went in the sixties. They wore it like a priceless emblem.
>They’re mostly probably living off of pension funds now, but you and them are the same. You jump at the newest gadgets, and all you do is relish the pride in owning one as some consumer.
>You must not become a consumer. You must become someone that creates.”
It happens when you get older. Old people just instinctively distrust change brought on by the younger generations.
He didn't even respond to it. The section at the end came from a different scene entirely.
He said nothing about AI. Don't put your words in his mouth.
Everything is gonna be controlled by AI at one point in time, user.
I feel you user. Nothing but disrespect for someone who did nothing but better the anime industry. Sup Forums can be full of edgy retards sometimes.
> average shitposter seriously considers that crap a ''''disrupting'''' ''''achievement''''
I found the audience that has been so brain-fucked by banal Hollywood special effects that they happily munch on ''''next-gen 3D anime'''', as long as it is properly marketed.
Anyway, I've already pissed into your blind eyes in previous thread:
>better the anime industry
How so?
I'm not an artist. But I imagine that they channel their experiences, thoughts, feelings, etc. into their work. A simple AI that has decided it's efficient to move a computer model with joints in a certain way - like, you have to imagine that they've worked out how far those joints can move, at what angle, at what speed. That's all sitting in the programming...
And they want to use it in the same industry he's in. Would he find that troubling? Almost revolting? Yeah. That sits on the complete opposite side of the spectrum from him.
I do think their is room for both approaches though.
wow he really did model shinji after himself
Are you actually retarded?
>wanting to strangle anime girls
Great response you illiterate cocksucker.
you are too retarded to see the future, user. The real creators will write and lead the AI's to make the anime without risking their health.
All truth bombs right there. I feel the same way as Miyazaki. You kids are gay faggosexuals with your iShits and your big hoop earrings and your cordless phones.
The topic of the entire demonstration was AI user. AI. Obviously, everything miyazaki said was about his opinion on AI.
>having empathy with the men on board, covered in sweat as they labour at their oars
It just another tool. There may be people who use it well and make amazing art with it. There may be people who have no talent who use it as a crutch and shit out garbage. Miyazaki making a blanket judgement on the tool as a whole is just the idiotic ramblings of a crotchety old man who can't adapt.
>Obviously, everything miyazaki said was about his opinion on AI.
>Miyazaki: "my friend is disabled so we can't use this because it's disrespectful to him"
Where did he say anything about AI in that sentence, Tumblr?
>a 3d animation is artificial intelligence
wew, buddy
What, some of his movies were really popular and made a lot of money so everything he does can't possibly be bad? Fuck off, he isn't making the industry any "better" with his recent stuff.
>go to Sup Forums
>get strawman arguments up the ass
Not him, but besides being arguably its greatest creator (he betters the industry simply by existing within it), he played a big part in distinguishing Japanese animation from Disney.
Are you going off the article or do you have a quote from the film?
>greatest creator
Re-educate yourself, pig.
Why don't you watch the film and actually pay attention this time, ESL? He said nothing about AI.
I said arguably, and personally I think few Tezuka animations come close to what Miyazaki has created.
How dare you insult Apple® iDevices™?! They are futuristic! Moreover, they are work of USA™® entrepreneurship! I pay extra money each year to feel this way and won't let anyone spoil my consumerist arousal! There is no way these plastic boxes will be useless in ten years, and laughed at in 50! I live in the fuuuchaaa...
>disgruntled old man angry at his growing irrelevancy
He chose to retire, and the video has nothing to do with his "irrelevancy."
Miyazaki contributed fuck all to anime.
Tezuka more or less spawned the entire industry, anime and manga. The two are incomparable. Tezuka is a legend. Miyazaki is a moocher living in his own ivory tower.
You user, are bad at understanding the main idea or the topic of that entire conversation.
I find it funny that you conveniently forget to mention the part where he says the following:
>Whoever creates this stuff has no idea what pain is or whatsoever.
>I would never incorporate this technology into my work at all.
>I feel this is an insult to life itself.
So, what thing is technology, who creates stuff, has no experience of pain because it has no life, and an insult to life itself?
I mean, if you still deny this isn't about AI then you're just in denial.
You can even see it in his face when they said "Well, we would like to build a machine that can draw pictures like humans do." They close up on his face with an expression of hate, disdain, and disgust over putrid AI.
Isao Takahata is better
>Whoever creates this stuff has no idea what pain is or whatsoever
That's a pretty stupid remark to make when the animation itself was supposed to portray human bodies moving as if they didn't feel pain.
Miyazaki has made the most successful anime movies of all time.
>So, what thing is technology, who creates stuff, has no experience of pain because it has no life, and an insult to life itself?
Wow, so you totally put words in his mouth and are projecting your own opinion onto him, just like what everyone else in the thread said?
Fuck off you illiterate shit.
2016 really is an odd year. Miyazaki actually said something I agree with.
How much actual animation history do you know? You come off as extremely ignorant. I'm not denying that Tezuka is important, but as a creator of animations, I think Miyazaki is significantly better. What are your favourite Tezuka films?
Like I said, arguably. I prefer Miyazaki by a significant margin but I'd never fault someone for saying Takahata's the best.
Astro Boy was already nothing like Disney.
People just say this because it's hipster to do so.
Success =/= influence. Know the difference.
Many japanese filmmakers cite Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli as a major influence in their careers. Just look at Shinkai, dude has said multiple times that his favorite films are SG films.
Also, I'd say the dude did a lot to help popularize japanese animation in the west. We can debate the weight of his contribution to anime but I think most would agree he has helped shape it.
It's like they made the animation and it came out retarded looking so they claimed they wanted it to look bad.
Well, that's it for me user. You're pretty much just in denial and refuse to accept facts I point out.
Miyazaki says "We humans are losing faith in ourselves" at the very end. That quite literally points out his hate for Artificially intelligent animation and the entire topic of that video.
Or if you have another explanation what that quote was talking about, explain it to me, user.
I follow the field kinda closely and I'd say we're still pretty far off from replacing anything but the gruntiest of grunt work in animation. Basically things that require little thought or imagination that you tell interns and juniors to sink 16 hours a day into.
Caterpillars were a mistake.
You think he hasn't had any influence on anything despite being the most celebrated anime director of all time and making the most successful anime movies all time?
>How much actual animation history do you know?
More than you do you delusional fuck.
>You come off as extremely ignorant. I'm not denying that Tezuka is important, but as a creator of animations, I think Miyazaki is significantly better. What are your favourite Tezuka films?
It doesn't matter if you like Miyazaki more than Tezuka, we're talking about influence and importance here. Tezuka is the Godfather of anime and manga. For fucks sake that's his actual title.
Miyazaki wouldn't have had a career without him.
His movies are pretty great but that doesn't change the fact he's a bit of a prick.
Isao was more influential since he amplified Japan's fapping on Anne of Green Gables and Heidi. He brings his characters very good probably because he's more experienced that Hayao
>Miyazaki says "We humans are losing faith in ourselves" at the very end. That quite literally points out his hate for Artificially intelligent animation and the entire topic of that video.
Nah, that's just you putting words in his mouth again like a true Tumblrite.
Go watch Kingdom of Dreams and Madness. He says lines like this all the time.
>We humans are losing faith in ourselves
That's a dumb point to make seeing as how all cg animation have to be done by a human operator. Does he think people communicate things to a robot overlord who pumps out these on the fly?
Also quit calling it AI. It's just animation. There is literally zero artificial intelligence involved.
>Thinking success doesn't harbor automatic influence
let's all be as dumb as you
The video in question demonstrates an AI system for creating animation.
And what exactly did his films contribute to the anime industry that people still use?
Full animation, high frame count, paying animators with actual wages and not per sheet they draw- NONE of those are the norm in anime. In fact Miyazaki left the industry because of those very limitations that didn't allow him to do what he wanted.
More like everything has to be literal for you because you lack common sense, user.
I think you're wildly misinterpreting what I'm saying. I said Miyazaki was arguably the greatest creator of animations, not the most influential.
Many of Takahata's most influential projects also had Miyazaki on board, so it's kind of a tough call. I think Miyazaki edges him out do to raw exposure / popularity. Both undeniably critical figures in the industry's history though.
My bad, missed the link.
Anyway if you watch the video the context is very easy to understand. These guys have made a program that makes this figure attempt to move without all of its motor functions. Obviously it ends up looking eerily similar to people with disabilities who have to compensate in weird ways to move around.
The reason he brought his friend up is because the guy was pitching it to be used as a cheap entertainment gimmick, while there are people who actually have to live out what these guys are simulating.
>I would never wish to incorporate this technology into my work
That's a direct acknowledgement to the AI part, you're wrong.
Yeah I have to agree with you. People saying he's an irrelevant old man who should die are being extremely childish though.
Michael Bay Transformers is super influential.
You said it, not me dumbass.
TV anime and movie anime are very different things, and Miyazaki was in a position to do pretty much whatever.
Influence also means more things than this.
Miyazaki is finally fed up with humanity
>>I would never wish to incorporate this technology into my work
>That's a direct acknowledgement to the AI part, you're wrong.
He doesn't hate it because it's AI dumbfuck, he hates it because it reminded him of his crippled friend. Show him some animaton from Attack on Titan with its freakish crippled Titans and he would say the same thing.
That's the same user who has no common sense hence everything has to be literal and explicit for him to understand.
He's in denial so you can stop replying to him.
Honestly, I chose to believe these threads are just shitposting.
The idea of sharing the board with people lacking even this bare minimum of reading comprehension is too depressing.
Look at you getting all assmad on the internet. Actual japanese animators revere him as one of the greats.
What am I saying, of course you know better, random shithead on Sup Forums.
Best Miyazaki film? Or top 3.
CGI is garbage, I don't see the problem here. Only newfags would get butthurt at this shit.
>Influence also means more things than this.
Such as?
If all of you kids here don't understand that that problem can't be just solved by bigger computer with more processing power, it says something about modern education and modern stereotypes about "science". It's like you want to have a space rocket, and someone gives you a bike, and tells it will "artificially develop" into something suitable in the future. If you know something about this world, you would say bikes are not really suitable for the task.
He clearly asked why the fuck were they doing that, what they were trying to achieve, and how the hell was that relevant to making art. It's quite obvious that these people did something "uh, kinda interesting" based on latest fads in IT, and THEN started to search for a task to which they can apply it.
What's more insulting, Miyazaki is an artist who can easily imagine AND animate such "oooh creepy lol" stuff without needing a fucking server farm and months of work.
The content of his films and people being inspired to become anime professionals.
Why don't you actually read the post above you instead of wallowing in your little tree-hugging agenda you delusional namefag.