Do you feel that fetuses that are diagnosed with serious defects such as downs syndrome be aborted before birth?
Do you feel that fetuses that are diagnosed with serious defects such as downs syndrome be aborted before birth?
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Yes. Eugenics is objectively right.
Did you know that the number of C-sections that are medically necessary for a successful birth has tripled during the last century? People who wouldn't survive are now breeding and spreading weak genes. Sickening.
Yes, and I say that as some one who works with adult retards. Also, that letter is hilarious.
Of course.
>killing people because of possible defects
I wonder how this could go wrong?
It is logical
Abortion is only morally correct if it's something like trisomy 13 or zika or some shit where the kid's gonna be miscarried or die shortly after birth.
I'd say any defect that hinders a human's ability to better society should be aborted. Also Eugenics isn't about morality, it's about progress. I don't want to live in a country where 10% of the population cannot work because they're retarded from birth. Also old people so should euthanized because they do no nothing for society but be a burden
Absolutely, it's one of the only justifiable reasons for abortion.
>t. retard born three months premature blind in one eye with the vision of a 60 year-old at 21
Holy shit lmao
what about if the mother's a retard from genetics? Or if it's a single mother. Or if she's black?
Better start finding the leftist gene then. Socialists need their helicopter rides.
That's not what he said
>polluting whaling
Obviously. Autism ruins childrens lives and anyone who won't abort their autistic baby are 100x worse than pro-choicers will ever be
not sure what's more autistic
the screaming child this person is writing about
or their excessive use of punctuation
I wish I had a mother like that. Atleast she isn't afraid to speak her mind. She sure has some balls
The mother should've been aborted for two of those reasons alone. Although being a single mom is probably also caused by an identifiable genetic defect.
*crisprs on yer semen
I didn't need to sleep today
Of course they should be
>Euthanize adults against their will
Kys you commie. Abortion of retards is objectively good because it let's the parents attempt again and have a normal child.
Murdering of adults who in many cases have paid far more in taxes than they receive in pensions is not.
If you wanted to cap Medicare expenses on the elderly I might agree. But not paying for care is different from assassination.
Yeah but her mother wasn't a retard, and it came from a recessive gene in her father. They didn't know. Honestly just abort every single baby that came from parents with a below 105 IQ family. We need to have smarter kids. Also the kids need to come from families with education.
You're welcome
The thing about abortions is most of them are just unwanted children regardless of defects, selfish unresponsive people create them and don't want them, it's sick and degenerate.
Abortion should be inexpensive (subsided but not free) so poor people choose it.
> Calling me a commie just because I want the surplus population dead
Nice brain you got there. Also I'm not talking about adults. But if adults are retarded they need to go to the firing squad. The elderly who cannot continue giving to society because they're either physically or mentally deficient need to be terminated.
there's at least a 90% chance that's a fake letter written by the mother of the retard in an effort to gain sympathy
And those degenerates should not breed so abortion is good
pretty much and they get away with it to because of the ligitimate reasons
No. Abortions should be expensive. But if the poor want abortions, they just need to use a coat hanger, or a boiling hot tong. If they have a retarded child and did not attempt the former. They'll be going to the firing squad.
>selfish unresponsive people create them and don't want them, it's sick and degenerate.
>can't be responsive for a child
>want them to have them anyway, neglect them, abuse them, have their kid be a criminal/psycho/moron/burden on society
If anything if you can't handle a kid you should totally abort it.
>aborted before birth?
Why? What good will that do???
Let it be born then toss it off a cliff. At least then it will of some use by providing a meal for scavengers.
You are a commie little Franco. But you are too dumb to realize the meaning of your words. Did you even study your civil war?
Goddamn you are stupid.
Not wrong, we could attempt that, not even kidding, they could also be used for experimentation
Still degenerate. If they cannot handle children then man needs to get surgery to cut off circulation from the vans deferens
Kill it. Kill it please.
If you can't handle a kid you shouldn't have sex outside of marriage.
Yes. Nothing wrong with eugenics.
This, only like 3-5% of actual abortions are from rape/incest. Abortion should only be accessible if it is because of one of those two things.
I'm pro life but I'm not pro women having rape babies and or incest babies. Those poor fuckers will live a life of misery and hardship.
Same goes towards downies and potatoes but they aren't forced into this world (not always)
HHAHAHAHAH. What the fuck does the civil war have to do with abortion? Calling me a communist? Then calling me a falangist? Omg you are stupid, burger. Don't talk to me, you obviously have little to no grasp of what communism is, i'm not a communist but it certainly has nothing to do with falangism. Dumbass, and then you have the gall to call me stupid. People with low iq also need to be shot btw. You're all apart of the surplus population that hinder society's progress. But the elderly, without a doubt, need to be killed and or experimented on - however only those who are mentally or physically deficient
>c-sections tripled because necessary
surely not because they are a convenient way for hospitals to make more money
surely not because ((((media)))) has instilled fear of regular birth in women
what's next? are you going to tell me umbilical cord around the neck or breech presentation requires c-sections? do your research you retard
ITT: teens, kids and non-parents
eugenics have a lot of rational arguments in favor of them
but part of being an empathic non-degenerate human being is, that is is not as easy as some edgy fuckups on an taiwanese fishing forum make it to be
the decision is hard and once you realize how it is to have offspring you will realize, that no matter how you decide you will have to live with the consequences
>but euthanizing a retard in womb does not lead to bad consequences
as I said, if you are an empathic non degenerate human being you will carry this around with you for better or worse
Yes. Put the poor creatures out of their misery.
I went to a high school where there were a small amount of retards there living with the special needs care givers. They seem to be in pain 100% of the time and constantly having health issues (vomiting all the time, shitting everywhere, etc...)
FUCKING GREAT, too bad it came too late to abort you before birth, but i'm not opposed to still aborting you after birth, you fuckless faggot
Genetic defects should be wiped out. The burder on people and government is too high. This, rape babies and any conditions that could harm mother are only times abortion shoudl be allowed.
Only if we can declare black skin as a defect along with Jew noses.
They should be though, and for things as small as parents having low iq. That's my view though atleast. You're letting your emotions cloud your judgement
Sounds like a poo wrote it. Or a spic. Fuck them. And fuck people who do this passive aggressive, social proof bullshit. As if whites care about what the lesser races think beyond what you would for a stray dog or cat.
They are just a drain on the system so yes. I would say make premarital blood tests required again but then people would just pop out retarded babies without getting married
Literal abominations, if I created something like this I would feel like it was my duty to put it out of its misery. I would never allow something like this to continue to exist in the mortal plane. It is an affront to all that is good in this world, a literal monstrosity from the dark recesses of hell, the thing of nightmares. To allow such a creature to exist is a sin against God in Heaven.
No. Abortion is never justified.
No, I think that since they can't breed they aren't necessary to be forced to be aborted.
The better solution is to cut ALL gibs to people with tard children, they are forced to rely on charity and their own work and the child will most likely not survive anyways.
Besides most of us wouldn't be here if they aborted autists.
Put her out of her misery.
Ok calm down burger, it's just a genetically fucked up kid.
Well aren't you stupid.
Why not just use them for experimentation?
Downs > Dindu
yes, its a waste of parents resources that would have been better spent raising a functional human.
Because despite being disgusting abominations, they are human beings with a soul, let God deal with them.
>inb4 haha i hate jews but i want to act like them
Could you imagine having a child come out like this, unsuspectingly? Just stuck with it.
I wonder how many parents kill their children like this, and they just chalk it up to illness? Or how many get caught trying to kill them and pass it off as an accident? Even if it was obvious they did try, I don't think anyone would even bat an eye.
Let them live if they can survive like any other person. End welfare though so the strong survive and the niggers/leftist/mentally-ill all die or migrate their asses to some leftist hellhole.
It looks like those lovecraftian beasts in The Resurrected.
It saddens me that the abomination will probably require lots of care, effectively preventing them from getting healthy children.
No. First you don't like his extra 21 chromosome. Then you not ready for a child. Then you do it just to piss of your boyfriend.
Murder of innocent is still murder of innocent, even its an abomination.
How am I acting like a jew? And you literally follow a jew and believe in a religion that states that jews are the chosen people. And believe in a religion that is a branch of judaism and with slight tweaks to the Judaic religion,
That is likely due to increased head circumference which is likely caused by increased intelligence. In a sense c sections could infact be viewed as a form of eugenics.
It’s worth keeping in mind that autism is very distinct from other developmental disorders, as for example it has a heavy correlation with savant syndrome.
Jews are merciless creatures who only wish to inflict harm on others.
It sounds pretty Jewish to torture retards for science is all i'm saying.
Nog population control
So you value the life of a useless being over progress? Burger logic
Yes, and whatever retard who wrote that letter
Where in the bible does it say to kill babies?
>ill wait
You tards constantly say, "America was founded on Christian beliefs, so deport the muzzies".
>Well abortion is anti-Christian so what do you want?
No. That genome however should be destroyed.
Using abortion for eugenics is like using an ice pick for brain surgery.
>Where in the bible does it say to kill babies?
Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”— here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the Lord cause you to become a curse[b] among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”
It was a sin to be a single mother with Jamal's baby, and that baby was to be killed. As today, the only acceptable abortions are killing niggers and the offspring of sluts.
I have autistic brother. I love him because he is my brother and can't do with it anything. Anyone can. I, as sibling of this autist. I suffered as child, because I was feeling shame. for him. I hated him as child. Austits are just bad problem, which can be solved with abortions. That is all.
user... Sorry to break it to you. But I'm pretty sure you're autistic too.
Yes, I'm all for eugenics. Its better for the child, the parents and society as a whole. Other defects as well. Modern medicine is a cause of increased defects as people that would normally die from it now survive, procreate and pass their defective genes to their offspring. To battle this de-evolution, embryo selection/preemptive abortion seems to be the only way. Otherwise people living in third world countries will surpass us in the long run.
OP didnt ask about jamal, or single moms.
He asked about defromed children.
Plenty of married couples and wives who havent cheated have had kids with problems, so you point is in valid.
>I dont remember anywhere in the bible where it says to kill a baby because it has problems.
Does anyone think maybe America is doomed because we sacrifice children as a people?
That was probably written by the mother in order to fish for sympathy on the internet. Also, you can tell that she genuinely regrets not aborting his kid with some of the stuff that she's written down.
debilitating genetic defects, like being a nigger, should be mandatory aborted
>effectively preventing them from getting healthy children
these pics make me feel depressed for some reason
Let me ask you, oh fellow mongolian papercraft forum poster, how useful you are? What kind of progress results from torturing innocents?
Literal kike logic, that's exactly what they do. You've been staring into the abyss too long friend.
Having downs is not a serious defect. It's more benign than being a Paddy
Anti abortion is pro nigger
I really don't mind being labeled pro-nigger if the alternative is to literally be pro-murder
I'm on my way to finishing my doctorates in history and archaeology and will be my phd in 2 years which will focus on the Levant and the Mediterranean. Pretty sure i'm doing something useful with my time. Progress being that we can use the "innocent" ( nice way to inject emotion) for scientific progress. You use the term kike as if everything is about jews. Abortion isn't some new age thing,
Her mother tweeted the following:
>Sosie girl says Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful that she's had a pain & seizure free day! This is one amazing, powerful & life-changing little girl
>pain & seizure free day
>pain & seizure
>free day
Which means she has pains and seizures almost every day. It's pure cruelty keeping her alive
This is a thing, so is that
The mother's selfish and cares more about herself then that little monster she makes endure agony.