>walking around oxford yesterday >see peter hitchens on a bridge over a river >obviously just waiting for some friends and enjoying the view >I have a copy of abolition of britain in my backpack >perfect opportunity to introduce myself >walk up, thinking I'll be funny and say slightly too loudly in retrospect "don't jump peter, britain might be lost but you can save yourself" >people around us are looking >he looks pissed off >"I was just kidding, sorry, I'm a big fan of your work, can you sign this book?" >produce the book from my backpack and give it to him, he still looks pissed off >he holds the book begrudgingly while I look around for a pen in my backpack >find one after an awkwardly long amount of time >get him to sign it >try to strike up conversation, "I'm really excited about your new book, how far are you going to go in it?" >"what do you mean?" he responds >"well you know what I mean, you've been researching churchill and who and what motivated him" (it's important to note that while saying "motivated" I did the air quotes gesture 3 times) >"I'm sorry I have no idea what you are talking about" He responds >I say in a hushed tone while smiling, but loud enough so that he can hear me "well, I would say who motivated him to join the war but I don't want to be accused of being anti-semitic" >hear him say "oh for crying out loud" >he walks away >feel pretty dejected >on the bus on the way back home I accidentally left my backpack on there and when I phoned up the bus company they said they would get the driver to check but they just phoned back and said they found nothing
So how was your day?
Jose Campbell
brit/pol/ subhumans, how does this make you feel?
How does it know that BNP, EDL, UKIP, Britain First and National Action all flopped?
How does it feel knowing that you're all useless deadbeats who've contributed nothing to British politics?
How does it feel knowing that Britain will become less wh*Te by the minute?
How does it feel knowing your powerless against the based Tories and Labour?
Carson Bailey
Mason Bell
Cameron Stewart
>whites being racist >showing accomplishments and cultural output >wogs being racist >haha we're so violent and backwards
Dylan Robinson
great LARP would of been better if you had raped him
Elijah Ortiz
So who is actually going to be the next Conservative leader?
Logan Perry
Dylan Rodriguez
10 downing street cat
Brandon Peterson
I'm not a gamer but I do love a good old RPG. Which series do you rate more highly: Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls or The Witcher? And why? Steam Autumn sale is on and I am fixing to stock up.
Elijah Allen
Why can't we be the Anglican version of Norks :, (
Cooper Lee
> me an sum of me m8s were cruising via Essex the other day > an along down the alley cames two bloody slags > nasty littler trollops, the kind you could only find meandering the backways of Essex > "Eye' govena!" one of the birds chirped out > "If'n ye gots a moment you can piss yer piss snake in me pisshole so we could piss off with eachothers pissers, if ye fancy a good pissin" > no I wasn't in the mood for the ol' "piss in 'er pisser" but me m8, 'Big Paki' was > an wouldn't you know, faster than you can drown a cat in paint thinner, "Big Paki" pulled out his pisser and started pissin right there in the street > the slags looked confused > "Oy, these filthy streets are cleaner than your filthy cunts, I must say. I would rather take a piss here any day" > the poor girls walked away dejected and in defeat > we all had a big laugh about that one
Daniel Reyes
Nobody conservative.
Alexander Parker
rudd after she gets parachuted into a safe seat
Nicholas Cox
I think it depends on you. >Elder Scrolls My favourite because it's light game play and high LARP >Elder Scrolls I'm shit at games so I get frustrated with this, but I imagine a more dedicated gamer would find great fun and satisfaction in getting good >Witcher Not played but heard nothing but positive things. Don't play games much now days though so probably won't play it.
Hunter Reyes
Jacob Roberts
Benefits of Empire
Logan Mitchell
Give me more photoshop suggestions/face swaps
Luke Barnes
Jeremy Hunt
>May-may resigns in either 2018 or 2019 >another fake leadership 'contest' >Hunt wins, becomes PM >most hated politican in Britain as the lightningrod for muh NHS protests >calls an election >lose, Labour wins, Corbyn PM >Brexit continues to be a disaster >5 years later, Tories (under Hammond) blame Labour incompetence for it, say it would have gone much better if they continued to be in charge >idiot voters fall for the meme and put the Tories back into gubbament in 2023/2024 >just as planned, ehehehe
Lincoln Jackson
Do Powell and Mosley for Eddie
Noah Scott
Mass immigration could have been regulated regardless of empire. It was tory LARPers who couldn't accept it was over and confused agreeing with non British memebers of the Empire aren't British with betrayal of Empire.
Matthew Johnson
Powell face on Mosley's body and head, or Mosley's face on Powell's body and head?
It depends on what you want. TES is good if you just turn the compass off and lose yourself, but the quests are not that great; also, it's a great modding platform.
The Witcher is good if you want good quests and dialogue. The games can be modded too, but not as much as TES.
Dark Souls is good if you have patience and don't mind dying a lot trying new things. Not a lot of dialogue or story, just pure action.
Cameron Williams
Abandoned his trip, fear not, I'm almost certain he's still here.
Jordan Gomez
Cool story, user.
Grayson Cook
Leo Butler
Okay thanks Eddingwood. Elder Scrolls is my favourite too. I didn't think that much of Skyrim though, but the updated combat system and dismemberments were fun. I've never played Witcher or Dark Souls. I don't have any faith in new games whatsoever so I'll probably pick up the older Witcher games. They're like £2 in this sale.
Xavier Cruz
>Indian ultimatum: Take more immigrants or lose trade, Delhi diplomat tells Britain rt.com/uk/410891-india-immigrants-free-trade/ Britain must accept more immigrants if it wants free trade deals once it withdraws from the EU, India’s High Commissioner to the UK has warned. It comes as the Tories pledge to significantly slash immigration numbers to the “tens of thousands.” Speaking to Indian business leaders in London, YK Sinha said “freer movement of people and professionals” is critical for any future trade agreement between the two countries to be “mutually beneficial.”
I warned you, Nigle warned you (on national telly in the early debates "more immigration from africa, more from the caribbean and more from asia". And there you are.
Elijah Cruz
Despite it being a nog bear that was actually pretty good
Samuel Turner
Some user on a crusade said he kept saying in every thread that he was rightly, and MIPITT probably thought it too much bother to continue with the trip.
Are you managing to keep your hands/arms masculine with all the nappy changing?
Nolan Cooper
I modded the hell of it combat and all and it was a lot better, couldn't play it unmodified now. But I've played the game too much now where I occasionally get an urge to play it, mod it for about an hour and get bored 10mins into play.
Matthew Turner
Newest Witcher is quite boring, combat is mediocre and there's lots of cut-scenes. Skyrim was unironically better. Heard the first Witcher game was irritating to play too but I can't really speak with any authority on that. Heard the second game is best.
Cameron Nguyen
Camden Garcia
Oh right, don't understand why the most pleasant trips are always hounded out. Don't know if it was rightly, but even if it was, he was well liked so why drive another decent lad out? Surprisingly taken well to fatherhood, quite conflicted when it comes to the mother though.
Joseph Wood
Thanks. Any mods you can suggest for TES: Morrowind and Oblivion? Good quests and dialogue are what I would prefer as long as the combat and magic systems also provide some heavy action. Can the first two Witcher games provide that?
Jaxson Bell
Play witcher 3 , Its the Best Game Ive ever played, the quests and its Redpilled af ,Like being in the Game of thrones at times
Easton Morales
Hello Mair.
Caleb Howard
Oxford Circus incident was just a cover up for the Egypt mosque blast.
Ryder Kelly
I didn't really find GOT to be very redpilled? Thanks for your recommendation though.
Logan Scott
Some autist has a proper hard on for trips, took the banter too seriously, I think.
Hunter Long
Lincoln Jenkins
Hunter Sanders
Here you go. Looks properly creepy.
Gabriel Hernandez
Thanks. Also sorry everyone, I know this is a politics board and not Sup Forums but I've never been over there and would prefer to ask here.
Isaiah Campbell
Angel Howard
they didnt do a very good job then
Hunter Brown
Mosley's head on bathtime Enoch
Anthony Moore
Morrowind is the best game.
Jeremiah Cooper
Witcher 3 wIld hunt is superb the Baron story is Brilliant , Witcher 2 is ok BUT is Badly BROKEN ! for PC /keyboards as they have quite a few QTE parts in it , the keyboard an even game controller cannot work fast enough , to get through these an keep dying million times , you need to change the code in player stats , this can fuck up later parts of the storyline , Get Witcher3 wild hunt , a 1000 hrs of gameplay .
Nolan Sanders
This is the one I will play first. I've heard it's very deep.
Luke Edwards
WB Yeats was into some quite esoteric stuff, he had a go at automatic writing and all sorts
Jaxon Price
I have Witcher 3 and I never got any further than Skellige due to boredom, although the Baron story was great as you say.
Mason Turner
kengo master of bushido is the best game m8
no contest
Tyler Myers
What a load of shite.
Jonathan Carter
The best SERIES is Elder Scrolls, since it's so long-running and has the most lore and all that.
As for the games individually, The Witcher 3 is sublime and is almost universally recognised as such (1 and 2 aren't the same type of game, they're poor gameplay-wise - you can play 3 without playing 1 & 2). Oblivion is also sublime but, especially nowadays, requires modding. Bit of a pain if you don't know what you're doing. Skyrim is very very good and modding is not required but recommended and very easy to do now. Dark Souls 1 is great but the gameplay is an acquired taste (even if most do like it), 2 was not so good, 3 was better than 2 but still no 1.
Gavin Morgan
I know he was involved in the occult. Genuinely believed in magic. 'The Tower' is still his best poem though. Eliot tier.
>little known fact: when Yeats died, James Joyce sent a wreath to the funeral and called Yeats a better writer than himself. A compliment he gave to no one else.
Easton Morris
>'I have a job, wife and children'
Luis Torres
Yeats and Joyce are both shit.
Grayson Kelly
Im surprised you didnt like the Baron story line or the nordic story ? GoT is not redpilled ,it has double dealing an you an get good or bad options , which can change your witcher 3 story line , the characters can be nice or Nazis in the game , theres lots of gore and killing innocents lol .. its from a polski redpilled game guys CD Projekt.
David Cooper
He had a vasectomy type operation when he was in his sixties that was said to increase testosterone, he had a lot of affairs during that time allegedly. Interesting guy
Angel Lee
I just bought the entire trilogy for £14. Can you perform dismemberments in these games? It isn't essential but I do enjoy it.
Juan Allen
This picture infuriates me and I’m not even British. Fucking hell, are the white college age guys like this in Britain?
Evan Brooks
Quite so.
I liked the Baron story, it was genuinely great. I just got bored of the game by the time I was in Skellige.
William Edwards
He did, he was a member of the golden dawn. Knew McGregor mathers and crowley
Anthony Nelson
Forgot to say good evening Mairposter. I hope you're well.
Nolan Johnson
David Morris
u wot m8
Nicholas Hughes
Here you go.
Wyatt Butler
>Skellige Skellige is certainly a bad point. Did you not play the DLCs though? Blood and Wine was better than the base game, shame if you didn't.
Nathaniel Ward
"Hey wifey im just heading up to glasgow to fight this polish druggie " "stay safe hunny"
Owen Hall
He's 42
Aiden Nelson
How old are you?
Jacob Morris
>white college age guys
goyim, I have some bad news for you...
Asher Kelly
>Can you perform dismemberments in these games? you can in 3. There's even a chance to dismember stat, plus I'm pretty sure there are mods to make it 100% chance.
Plus certain quest monsters let you take a trophy (usually the head) which you hand from your saddle
Oliver Hill
Hudson Butler
Landon Williams
Lmao I've got Brit/pol/ figured out
As long as there's a British flag somewhere in the advert it doesn't matter how nigger-tier the commercial is (white girl had a literal Somali boyfriend at the end).
You Brits are too easy. In fact, I should become an advertising executive or PM over there. I could literally turn the entire country black but as long as there were Union Jacks all on the streets you guys wouldn't give a shit.
Christopher Rivera
Blake Hall
No, I'll have to try them at some point since I do own them.
He was fucking shit, pretentious shite.
I live in Cumbria, it's not that far.
Julian White
Fake news.
Dylan Butler
oh yeah near me
im going to hunt you down
Jaxson Rogers
>He was fucking shit, pretentious shite Give direct quoted references.
Andrew Perry
Thanks, lad.
>Skyrim is very very good Do you think so? Combat wise and graphically it was nice. It was big. But I didn't find much of the story and the side quests to be very engaging or captivating like I did with Oblivion. Maybe because I was older when I played Skyrim. I find it harder to be excited about games these days.
after the skellige funeral , pick bad guy an you can go genocide the rich town folk on kings reach with the skellige Vikings , then go looking for cersi.. I played as a goodie first play through was boring after awhile .. then I played as Nasty evil cunt , letting Demon contracts live, an they go kill the villagers in vengance , go in town an folk chase you out lol BUT unlike bethsada they want you too play nice... CD Projekt didnt ruin game ,you could still go on ..
John King
Joshua Stewart
I wasn't denying Yeats being involved in the Occult, I do realise it sounded that way though.
Jeremiah Jenkins
The Witcher 3 is sublime This ...bravo
Leo Anderson
>no new Joe video for a week Have the spies got him? Okay, thank you.
Elijah Sullivan
its a shoop tbf, but he is like that.
Carter Taylor
Hello, yes. Just uploaded
Nolan Morris
I threatened to ruin him if he didn't accept my demands. He didn't accept them, and now he hasn't uploaded anything for a week.
try W1 an dont give up on the fite style is crappy , but the LORE is a must W2 as said it has some ingame button bashing QTE battles =you lose every time which is vERY SHITTY you need to recode some stuff in the game files to get through an then you cannot after safe revert back so your 1mill HP rest of game , W3 is Superb ...Play on highest rating you will die lots in first white area , but you learn how to play , an build up stats /an get feelz how you wanna play get High textures an just discover an HAVe fun .. I played my first game as good White Knight next time I was a baddie .. hope this helps
Ryan Price
>dumb old bitch posts a pro-Soubry thread on my town's Facebook discussion group