Hey nerds
Hey nerds
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey man
Sup fag
Okay, where are you loli spammer? If you had such a problem with the other thread what about this one?
I wasn't talking to you
fuck you chen
Don't worry man, I'm still alive. The mods only killed off the lolifags!
This is Chen thread if you don't like Chen you're free to go
Oh, great
There are two loli threads up right this instance
All according to keikaku doori
Ours was deleted
yo man, i don't give a shit.
Well I guess this didn't set off his autism. Great to know this is the truly great Sup Forums content he was hoping for
What are you even talking about
nice thread
How the hell did you get that finger in there!?
nobody invited you tripfag
So chen or pop?
Porque no las dos?
Ptal se: Proč ne obě?
What does this mean?
it is relevant to me because i have asthma
It's an edit. In the original, Patchouli gets over-excited as Marisa reads the book she's lent her.
I have the comic somewhere. I'm just to lazy atm to find it.
Jeez theres sure a lack of honk
dumb 2hu posters
Does anyone have hamburger?