>people seriously counted Yayaka out
Brace yourselves, it's only downhill for Papika here.
Flip Flappers
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm just watching the episode and wat
Grandma was a robot all along?
Get out of the city.
What did she actually mean by this?
If you watch the previous episodes you'll notice that the signs were there.
>wake up
>see this
what do?
>you will never go for a sleepover with Papika where she casually sleeps naked in front of you
Stand precisely under it and look up.
How the hell is Cacona going to come back from the revelation that her whole life has been a lie and all her friends and family have been deceiving her all along?
Yayaka will snap her out of it with a kiss imbued with the purest form of love!
>two flip flap threads
>lets make two more!
Papika pure autismo_
Cocona pure bitch___
Twins pure shit___
Yayaka pure best girl
They're all in different pure illusion worlds user.
They are in the same board.
Mimi sent us to hell, but we're going even deeper. Rubbing our noses in bloody battlefield dirt. All for revenge.
No greater good. No just cause.
If you think about it, she has a pretty good support group once she comes to terms with the feelings of betrayal.
Two were made within 15 seconds, one is an "intellectual anime" bait thread, and the last is complaints about yuri in general.
Who does she even have? Iro-senpai?
Maybe Yayaka if she quits all flipflap action and tries to be normal.
Either way it doesn't matter at all because Cocona is going nuclear.
I get the feeling that almost everyone else in this has been used in some way, so they're kind of all victims of the same game. They had more knowledge of the situation than Cocona though. And shitty timing.
People still watch this shit?
Remember when we thought this was going to have a good and happy ending? ;___;
There's still what, 3 episodes.
I think at best it will be a parting of good terms ending, we're not going back to full on friendship at this stage I think.
so is Dr. Salt cocona's father?
But Cocona would be left with absolutely nothing, not even a house and family, if she cuts ties with Flip Flap at the end. I don't think that will happen.
Why did they make Yayaka so cool and likeable if she's only gonna suffer in the end anyway?
>all her friends and family
To be fair, she didn't have much of those.
Black hair-chan will never betray Cocona.
Well, I hope not. All she has left is her normie schoolgirl friends and Uexkull, and she probably killed Uexkull.
If Ceiling Papika wants to join in, I'm not going to stop her.
She doesn't suffer anymore, she's already dead.
Uexkull is totally alive, or else they wouldnt have even bothered showing that scene of him earlier being creeped out by grandma.
Yayaka will get some form of happiness in the end MARK THESE WORDS
>Yayaka the bro sacrifices herself for the second time in one day
>Meanwhile Papika is revealed to be a lying, deceiving snake
How will Papicuckna fags ever recover?
I want childhood male best friend to show up and steal Coconuts from everyone else.
Already on its way to happening.
I love yayaka
Seeing as it's not Papikafags that spams fanfic drawings every thread because they are worried their shit ship won't come true my guess is that they are gonna be just fine
I can tell a woman drew this.
The use of long limbs and chizzled pointy jaw line and general use of straighter and more defined bone and muscle separations.
Am I correct?
Dunno, is DIE a woman?
I dunno but death is a male bone.
My apologies I have no idea who DIE is.
You forgot
>Yayaka still managed to escape and will give Cocona a proper explanation + confession alongside the flowers before maybe becoming temporarily kill
>all Papika can do is bring sadness and jealousy, can't even follow Cocona down a straight line without taking a wrong turn
Hmm. Her eye color and shape is midway between Cocona and Papika's.
Did the KKK create a CocoPaps sciencebaby so they could make her fight her own parents?
They wouldn't spend so much time building PapiCoco relationship if it wasn't the endgame.
Unless they pull something like 'Papika is from Salt's and Mimi's generation so it was unnatural for her to befriend you in a first place. Enjoy the rest of your bittersweet youth in a pure asexual friendship with Yayaka while we fade into shadows along with the KKK'
I can already tell this character is a fucking mistake
The signs were all there.
>Who does she even have? Iro-senpai?
Nope. she turned Iro into normalfag
They just couldn't help putting actual Lolibutt in could they? is 11years Yuyu too old for them?
By initiating the third impact
Why would they not put it in?
h-how old is nyunyu?
I want to see Papika choking Cocona
I figured out who Yayaka's parents are
What is this device supposed to be? A personal teleporter?
Pretty much this.
I'm betting hovercraft.
Hoverboard-kun X Lolicraft-Chan OTP then?
Why the diaphragm thingy then?
So she can wear it like a swim ring and jump on it when she needs to fly.
So her hands are free at all times.
Remember, they don't need a portable teleportation circle, they already have a grenade for that.
Has everyone given up on Papika winning the Cockonab owl? I still believe.
Flying lifesaver. They needed something to keep up with Papika's flying surfboard.
She'll be the Vivio of Flipflappers.
It's just a handful of people who think Yayaka actually has a chance.
They didn't build their relationship up for the first nine episodes just to set up Cocona feeling betrayed in the tenth, I firmly believe this. The current crisis will be resolved and Cocona will accept Papika's feelings.
Some girls do.
Never stop believing.
Never gonna give you up.
Never translate this.
Like Yayaka. I've seen proof.
I don't know if Yuyu has a cock, but she has bigger balls that Toto.
Your silly laws of reality don't apply to anime. It's all fiction.
Aside from the new Mimi information and the last 5 minutes of the episode, this one didn't have any of the magic from the first 9. I realize that the magical adventures in PI are pretty much done (as opposed to adventures in SUFFERING in PI, feat. Mimi), but everything we already predicted was explained so blatantly and in such simple terms that I felt like I was watching a different show. After episode 9, I thought there were gonna stick the landing, but it's looking real shaky now.
I love this show to death, but I'll be very sad if it keeps going the way it is. Not even disappointed, just sad.
What are those things Yayaka is eating? Is it just bread? Does she ever eat anything else?
What if my degnerate fantasies don't involve cocks on women in this case?
Writer change is real
Military ration bars?
Of course they'll make up at the end. The question is whether we'll get a kissu or whether they'll just be bffs at the end.
Do you get the point of this episode? This episode is not about mystery solving your detective. The "exposition" in this episode is primarily designed to break Cocona mind and introduce the main conflict arc.
This is what happens when we speculah too deeply. Not that it was wrong of us.
Yeah, a lot of stuff that was obvious to us was not obvious to Cocona.
>whining because the speculah became true
My money's on romantic confession but probably not with a kiss, it'd be nice to be proven wrong on that last bit though.
>Does she ever eat anything else?
I know it was meant to break her, but I'm talking more about how it was handled (up until the grandma and floating CocoMimi scene, witch was great). Cocona basically found out about her fragment not on her own or even by Yayaka, but by a cyborg loli breaking through a wall and going, "Hey, by the way, you got a rock in your leg, baka." And pretty much everyone watching the show knew about it from episode one.
The speculah about Salto being CocoDad and Mimi being CocoMom wasn't too hard to figure out, nor was Cocona's fragment.
I don't mind it all being true. Hell, we covered pretty much every OTHER possibility, too.
from jp wiki:
Cream box is a confectionery bread originated from Koriyama city, Fukushima prefecture. It is a confectionery bread painted with thick milky cream on thick bread and it is sold in Koriyama city by many bakeries and school purchasing. The selling price is often about 100 yen in many cases, there are cases where the dough is rarely round. It was originated that the bakery in the city began selling in front of the station in 1976.
Where my Yayakabros at?
None of the speculahs are that obvious.
I can only say this is you ruining your own enjoyment by speculah'ing too hard and whining when speculah come true.
The director did ask you to not think, only feel.
Why is there not an option for all of them?
But do can you conceive a way to handle the revelations differently with the same outcome while using the same limited time?
For example it's important that Yuyu reveals the stone becomes it cements that Yayaka was also lying to Cocona.
papika = me
You're right, it's practically a completely different show now. I was feeling a little disillusioned (no pun intended) the last few episodes, but this one won me over and now I'm just enjoying the ride.
The ED continues to grow more and more irrelevant. I wish they'd sprung for an alternate ED for this arc.
I'm not sure what to expect. On one hand, a kiss would be a surprising step out of the mold for a show like this, but on the other, they already brought up the possibility of romantic love directly, indisputably, between Cocona and Papika, so we can be pretty sure this really is a love story and not just shipping undertones. Given that, a kiss at the end would be the best way to conclude the romance story arc, and they've had pretty good writing so far throughout the series. I just don't want to get my hopes up too much just to be disappointed when they cop out.
Why do you make us choose? is there no end to your cruelty?
Thinking about it, Yayaka was going to tell Cocona the truth but she got interrupted by KKK's invasion. Papika was also going to properly explain her feelings to Cocona but Cocona was unwilling to listen. Everything pretty much happened so that Cocona would reach her lowest point.
>The ED continues to grow more and more irrelevant.
But that's wrong