Did Naruto peak with the Pain arc?

Did Naruto peak with the Pain arc?
It seemed to kinda go off the rails after that.

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I think it peaked at Jiraiya's final mission but terrorist sasuke was decent and entertaining

I loved that arc, but you've got to admit the first season of shippuden was peak Naruto.

The Pain Arc was the only good arc of Shippuden. And that's only because when first watching it it was metal as fuck because characters were dying left and right and the village got destroyed so you thought the series was going in a totally new direction for a bit.

Then Deus Ex Machina jutsu happened and ruined it. While it was going on, and nobody knew how it was going to end, it was great. But seriously Nagato's whole motivation was he was sad about this fucking dog? What the hell?

It peck at the churin exam. Back everyone could fight with having tail power and eye powers

Shikamaru and Hidan was pretty nice too. The Sasuke and Itachi fight was also nice, but only because Itachi who was near blind and even wanting to die still almost kicked his ass.

>But seriously Nagato's whole motivation was he was sad about this fucking dog? What the hell?
It's been a while, but I don't remember that.

I remember the conclusion being them talking about Jiraiya's book.
I thought it was a great end to a great arc.

I thought it went off the rails like, towards the end of season 1. With the forest and shit

Sage mode should have been Naruto's end game.

Kishi wasted too much time flip flopping on what to do with the Kyuubi, and it made Naruto's battle progression retarded as hell.

Story wise and plot wise. Yes. And its more like it shit the bed/hit a brick wall with being good/decent. You don't blow up and kill most of the village and just right the wrong a few episodes later. It cheapens the cost of death. Especially Juraiya's sacrifice towards the beginning of the arc. Honestly it makes him dying feel largely pointless in the grand scheme of things like another notable characters death toward the end of the series.

Power levels went so high that they decided to keep Oro and Kabuto

I think it peaked sometime after that arc with the who had that really big sword and a pet trap.

The Kushina and Minato story was the peak for me personally.

Nah, it peaked with Zabuza and Haku. And never really reached those same hights again save for the brief moments when juubi jinuuriki edo tensei Uchiha Madara and blablabla was kicking ass and taking names and all out of names to take.

That wasn't good per se but it was fun.

Nah, the pain arc wasn't as good as the first battle in the valley of the end.
The Itachi flashback was mixed into there and Itachi was a really good villain before the retconning. It was quite a good period and early shippuden was pretty good too.
Then it went to shit for a while and then jiraiya died and shit was cool again but everything after that just wasn't as good.

no because we got one of the best EDs during the hokage summit youtube.com/watch?v=l0MqM8Hu4gs

Would Nagato non crippled be able to defeat the nine tails? Personally I'd say it's one of my most favourite arcs of the series desu. I would've enjoyed more Pain fights with other shinobi that aren't fodder though.

>one of the best
You're damn right to not be confident.

he looks even sexier

I like how even Orochimaru coudn't believe the shit he, Kabuto and Sasuke got away with it.
Even he couldn't believe that Kabuto of all people is now the head of an orphanage.

I was thinking the same thing.

Kuboto was a good boy. He dindu nuffin.

I loved the Konohamaru fight.

Daily remainder, Sauske could have revived everyone who died in the shinobi war with his rinegan.

Would probably beat an uncontrolled kyuubi because the rinnegan has a few bitch hack tactics against it like the gravy ball and those black spikes that he used to control his summon creatures and probably whatever obito and madara used to control it in the first place considering they are madara's eyes.
It depends on whether nagato can absorb a whole bijuu dama though

Chuunin Exam > Tsunade Search > Sasuke Retrieval > Sasuke fight medley > Hidan/Kakuzu > Madara/Kaguya > Pain > War > Zabuza > Gaara Rescue > Sai

wew lad

Seems about right.

>so low

>not putting zabuza first
>no kazekage rescue in top 3

>I like how even Orochimaru coudn't believe the shit he, Kabuto and Sasuke got away with it.

ultimately that is how wars end in the real world, with mass amnesties for everyone involved. In fact it just happened down in Columbia with the FARC.

It may allow old criminals to escape judgement but it also prevents new ones from being created, which is exactly how sauske and kabuto came to be.

The akatsuki was probably the best thing to come out of Naruto
They are the most interesting character

Kakashi was wasting his time the entire fight, Zabuza had a sap story ending, and Haku was way more overhyped than he should have been considering fucking Kakashi could have beaten him.
The appearance of the mobsters and the villagers at the end was cheesy too.

As for the kazekage rescue, no, just no, one of the worst arcs of the entire series. Pointless fights everywhere, Lee's team was nerfed to the end of the earth, Sasori fight was fucking awful, and the "return" of Naruto lost all hype because they mixed it in with the Gaara arc at the same time.

I'm re-reading the manga after having dropped it 10 years ago at the pain arc and not touching it since and subsquently having forgotten everything

Just got to the timeskip. I'm curious: is any of the anime filler actually good? If so, is there a list anywhere? Or just any non manga content in general that's good? Any of the movies or side mangas or whatever?

On that note, I do have a list of what anime episodes have good animation, which I plan on watching, but what's considered to be the best release group for both the pre timeskip and post timeskip anime?

Lastly, I found some great 3000x2000 scans of Viz's for the first 28 volumes, I think from AnHero-GoldEmpire, but they seem to stop there. Is there any other group that has scans (of viz's localization or otherwise) at a comparble quality and resolution for volumes past that?

bump for this 3 minute old post

What the actual fuck?

Well pretty much the majority of the end of part 1 anime fillers are pretty good. I think only 1 arc is shitty.

There's also an OVA where they try revealing Kakashi's face under the mask which is pretty good.

As for movies, they pretty much all suck except for The Last and Boruto.

I can't answer your other questions because you're a fucken nerd.

Agree with the Gaara arc but Zabuza was fucking gold.

>another pain arc conclusion
Good thing he doesn't give a shit then.

Nah, the faggot would be dead then. I t would be the best end possible.

> naruto having a best end possible at all.
I want gremlins to leave.

Kazekage rescue was great. After all the shitty fillers it returned to the story in a great way. It introduced akatsuki, it showed off one of the greatest fights in both the series, and the new levels of fighting (bigger and better). I agree sasori was a bad fight, but that's mostly cause sakura is shit. I didn't care for the lee team, but ignoring boring moments is 90% of the Naruto anime anyway. After kazekage rescue nothing was enjoyable anymore. Except maybe the pain arc, but deus ex machina ruined that.

Well, the best girl won, so that puts puts it with a better ending that far more series than it SHOULD be ahead of.

Hinata is just as shit as all the other girls in Naruto. Also, 99% sure he isn't even interested in girls

>mfw how Konan died

All 72 volumes and the Gaiden and Databook 3 of Viz have been ripped and are quite easily available. You aren't searching right if you haven't found them yet. Volumes 29 and above aren't of that high quality but they're really good rips as well.

Fuck, as everyone was dying I was praying that they'd remain dead so that the show would get interesting. Of course they pulled some bullshit and I was completely let down.

he will even look more sexier once he will becomes mommy

I think you misread, I do have viz scans of the whole series, but everything past volume 28 is just at 1100x1700 or so, which, with the scan quality itself, isn't acceptable for me.

That said, I only have Databook 3, as you say. Are scans/translations of the others anywhere?

>Chuunin Exam > Tsunade Search > Sasuke Retrieval > Sasuke fight medley > Hidan/Kakuzu > Madara/Kaguya > Pain > War > Zabuza > Gaara Rescue > Sai

some corrections:

Sasuke Retrieval > Chuunin Exam > Zabuza >Tsunade Search > Sasuke fight medley > Pain >Hidan/Kakuzu >Gaara Rescue> Madara/Kaguya War >

You have pretty high standards. But unfortunately AHGE has ripped only 28 volumes. Also there was some guy who posted phone pics of databooks 1 and 2 and translation in a text file. VERY VERY Low quality. I'll post the links if i find them but it's not worth wasting time finding it. Databook 3 is the latest anyway.

It peaked with the Land of Waves prologue and gradually got worse.

That first arc with Zabuza and Haku had the best tone and content out of them all and felt the closest to a more original and interesting ninja story, not the dumb powerlevel shit that it became.

>practically everyone is using real weapons along with their jutsus (Zabuza with his sword, Haku with his needles, Demon Brothers, etc.)
>focused on a small time crime lord and local village hero
>low level samurai thugs which barely ever make an appearance again
>bingo book makes an appearance and feels like it will be critical to the story and brought up often
>the world feels cruel and leads you on to think that everywhere outside Konoha will be infested with corrupt ninja
>focusing only on Team 7 gives the characters way more depth and room for development which just makes it more interesting than trying to handle watching 50+ flat ass characters
>no one is incredibly overpowered - even Kakashi, who is obviously the best on the team being the leader, fucks up immediately in the first fight with Zabuza (which adds some weight to even low level jutsus like Zabuza's water prison), and using his sharingan wears him out quickly
>all these things attribute well to the ninja story that it's supposed to be

But after that arc, it became ridiculous. The only way to fight anymore was to use high level jutsus. Low level jutsus are pointless, weapons are absolutely pointless for the most part, too many characters destroy any possibility of significant development, the whole ninja aesthetic is erased, etc. I mean, I still liked the chunin exam enough, but it wasn't as good as that first arc, and it was the beginning of the end. By the time I was watching Sasuke leaving the village I was thinking, this shit isn't going anywhere like it made us believe in the beginning, and Shippuden was a fucking disaster. Only good part in the entirety of Shippuden was Sasori imo.

So is it Yamato's duty for life to follow and keep watch over Orochimaru? If Orochimare starts doing diabolical shit again is Yamato expected to stop him? Seriously Oro could wipe the floor with him.

The Zabuza, and then Chunin arc, are "peak" Naruto
>Cool ninja stuff, but not dbz
>actaully using tactics
>brutal, without being too adult
>this cool guy
Looking back the 2 arcs had the most "i'm reading a cool ninja manga" moments

Naruto has the best OPs.

Also, the prologue arc is the only one with an ACTUAL fucking ninja mission and ACTUAL people with REAL world problems (trouble building a bridge to improve trade and resources in the town and free them from the oppression of the local extortionist mob).

I still listen to OP2 and Fighting Dreamers when going running, they are my jam

I'd say Naruto is just getting started. Believe it.

>You have pretty high standards.

I mean, I do (I plan on buying all volumes of gash bell digitally just to rip them and manually re-typsetting the whole series alongside applying translation fixes's to NULL's just so I have better scans of the series), but in this case I don't think i'm being picky:The resolution would be fine if the images weren't terrible artifacted jpgs. It's obviously not duwang/part 5 jojo level terrible but it's still unsatisfactory.

The left here is from the viz scan in the torrent I got from nyaa, that also had the AHGE volumes, the right is from Inane in a different torrent from nyaa Despite being more then 1/3 smaller, I would rather read the inane scans because the quality is just so much better, but then the translation is worse... Though not by much, i've actually been reading both Viz scans and the inane/null/TW etc scans from the other torrent at once because Viz's obviously screws up a ton and a lot of lines make no sense, so i've had to check the others to get what was intended... yet the others screw up even more often.

Is there really no good translation? It's a pain to have to consult multiple ones just to be sure i'm reading things accurately.

Anyways, tl;dr jpgs are fucking cancer and anybody who ever saves anything as one without also offering a png version needs to be slapped in the face.

He is not going to die to revive worthless fodder

The ninja war is pretty good. But once the new Pain comes in, it just goes downhill from there.

pre-shippuuden naruto had best ops in the industry
What the fuck even happened to the production team for shippuuden for them to start sucking so hard?

ninja war arc was boring as hell

It got good when the clamkage and Madara showed up.

But who the fuck cared about watching irrelevant characters vs plants and zombies

The reason Volumes 28 and above are jpg files is because the website the volumes were initially uploaded to had a file size limit of 100MB I believe.

Do you also happen to have the earlier issues of Shonen Jump by HorribleScans on nyaa?

>Did Naruto peak with the Pain arc?

>Do you also happen to have the earlier issues of Shonen Jump by HorribleScans on nyaa?

Uh, I don't think so? which torrent do you mean
