Jojo or Fate

Which fanbase is worse? Fatefags or Jojofags?
Keep in mind, I said fanbase not the actual quality of the series.

Holy shit you can't go one place without seeing those Faggots
Fatefags at least keep the injokes to themselves.

That is true but I would say Fate is just as bad. I tried getting into Fate but the fanbase is cancer, they can't accept that someone thinks the series isn't as holy as they believe it to be, so fuck them for that.

You for making this shit thread


Nope, hate them both, but you're just trying to make this place worse by inciting a fanboy war

One thread is not enough to spark a war.
If this was a series of threads, then maybe but not one thread.

>can't vote that both are shit as each other

Fatefags are way more obnoxious than Jojo fags. Gotta go with them.

Fatefags, but Jojo generals are more cancerous.

Fate because they have no anime and still make more than 1 thread at a time

Fatefags and shitposting fate threads are basically Sup Forums culture at this point after more than a decade of shitposting. Jojofags are just cancer who don't know how to take a joke and have no sense of humor.

>culture meme

Just like DJT was right... oh wait that cancer was purged because culture don't mean shit here

OP (or someone) has made this thread several times before

i like both series (i actually like fate zero , stay night sucked ) should i vote to fate ?

Vote for the fanbase not the series, user.

What did you mean by that OP? Was that a Jojo reference?

At least when I wander into Fateshit threads I can jerk off to Rin. Jojo threads and the series itself is just gay shit.

>Keep in mind, I said fanbase not the actual quality of the series
dubs thread!

Fucking this.

Is this a JoJo reference?

But OP, I like both a lot!

what does fate fanbase stand for anyway ? all what they talk about is about the girls (i like fapping to the girls tho ). jojo threads are funnier (but i can't fap to them ) . i think i like both of them

Tell them that their show/VN sucks and they'll lose their shit.

next you're going to say... jojofag pls go

>fatefags are worse for not having a general
This is your average jojofag.

Religious-tier obsession with the worldsetting (if you haven't memorized every last line of esoterica from their Materials [bible] then you're clearly a secondary)