Which of the DMM girls did you guys manage to get?
Monster Musume
Other urls found in this thread:
cute pupper
>powerpuff girl legs
I've never got the chance to play it, because of life issues, but from what I've seen, there are some pretty stupid looking monster girls, like one that's a clay golem I believe?
Yeah there was a golem
She was cute though
Emeth is not stupid looking!
Emeth is cute!
I don't like anything about this image.
How do you imitate your waifu's embrace with household materials?
Wait, what is this from? Is there a game of cute and sexy monstergirls that recently came out that I was unaware of?
Why is "Mero" highlighted in her name?
Get 8 pool noodles and cover them with semi blunt needles and wrap myself in then
The closest I get to this is drinking my coffee cup with her picture on it and when I'm done facing the picture toward me so I can look at it and get a smile. I imagine if I were to get really hardcore I could buy dozens of blue jello packages and fill my bathtub with jello and hang out in it but I haven't the balls to try it.
>recently came out
I-I'm sorry user, you better pull up a chair.
Wrap a dakimakura in velvet.
I just use a shag blanket.
I haven't the heart to break it to you user
>Kino can turn your penis into portobello
I want to give her my fruiting body if you know what I mean.
Which monstergirl would help with my AGP
I want to nibble on her cap.
>Realized no one is telling me but apparently the game has been out for a while?
>Realized I can look up "Emeth Golem Monstergirl" to find info on the source matieral.
>Realized an amazing Monster Musume Online game came out LAST DECEMBER!?
>Continues scrolling desperately hoping to find some info on how to play it, already fairly certain I'll have to download it from a Japanese website...
>Suddenly see it...
>"The game was shut down on the 22nd of November, 2016 at 12pm JST"
... Guys... I... What do I even do now that I know that I missed this?
There's a few albums of all the girls if you want it
you could play monstergirl quest paradox, its like pokemon but with monstergirls.
Tio's lower horn will help you feel like a girl
Yes please! I'm going through this wiki of the game to see what characters I would have liked, but that would be a lot easier since the page is kinda bugging out on my phone.
Holy god there are some real cute monsters in there.
Anons were collecting the voices before it went down, but not sure on current status.
How big would Tio's ogreload be in fluid ounces?
More Polt and side characters merch when? Or rather, more merch in general when?
Enough to fill a pool
>will never see a different side to Mero
There was any need to do this thread? I mean there's no new content (of anything) to talk abou. Let this die
I suspect that there will be even less merchandise in the 2nd season.
Anyways, the Bookwalker voting is giving away some merch, and supposedly they will send it to you
Haven't seen any mods enforcing in a while, I don't see why not.
I think the bookwalker thing is just signed cards right? Or older already released merch. Also I don't see why season two would have less merch. Monmusu has only gotten more popular since then.
so just for the sake of being a forum.
Weird things happen in nip land. Always expect the unexpected when it comes to any series.
bookwalker japan will give autographed stuff
bookwalker global will give:
1- Miia daki
2- Ilustration signed by Crabman
3- japanese vol 11 of monster musume signed by crabman (3 winners)
4- 10000 yen to use in bookwaler e-store
5- Cute MonMusu acrylic standing figure set (personally this is the one I'd love to get the most)
Oh nice, I entered.
>Personally this is the one...
I'd honestly love to get anything. Except the 10k yen. Don't really care for ebooks.
I've got a few keychains and a Cerea standee. Would love chibi figures. Bikini, normal, gym, full moon rape faces, date outfits.
fuck off
what the shit does that have to do with monster musume?
Good job bumping this thread, moron.
Or was that your intent all along?
Monster Musume has been an excuse to have Monster Girl generals for ages. The story linked is about succubi and I didn't find it absofuckinglutely terrible. Succubus fall under monster girls right? And way to bump a shit thread.
This is a thread about Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou by Okayado with the occasional post of his other work. Kindly fuck off.
After L-shaped centaurs and 10m sneks, what innovation in daki technology will monster girls bring next?
Scales? Feathers?
And it's in full motion. Come on mods.
Spider bed covers, apparently.
Morphable Suu
perusing the gallery, I found this, what the actual fuck?
Did Crab have a hand in the game? Was he approving shit? Or did he just say fuck it, you guys have total control?
headless dakis (it should have been remobable)
spider sheets (with the bust in 3d)
but we need a XXXL Tio daki, a beanbag Suu a completely detachable Zombina one
Mero daki with voice box that encourages you to hug other dakis
Which girl would be most willing to join in your crusade to retake Jerusalem?
>Implying you faggots never go off-topic
It would be nice if the faggots that do go needlessly off topic could be removed. Regardless, this is a thread about monster musume by Okayado. If you wish to dump monster girls, your options are /trash/ or /jp/
this thread should be there.
Horse is muslim you know. A special sect that doesn't do hijab.
Instead of engaging metashit, how do you plan to celebrate the birth of our lord and savior Okayado?
I wonder if Crab would ever touch upon religion. Since almost all of his creatures are not only based upon animals but also mythical monsters, would they also worship the same deities that humans worshipped back in the day? Miia and her tribe might be fans of Zeus(?)
Miia and her village would worship Glycon
How exactly did the game go? What was the objective and method to reach it?
Is it just a very simple dating game? Or was it like tamagatchi?
Miia is whatever the middle east did before islam
RPG with a fuck load of girls to unlock and have lewd moments with
is there a lets play around of it?
>Have lewd moments with
How? just receiving pictures?
Grind for currency to gamble for better girls to grind ad infinitum. Pay to reduce grind/gamble more often.
Oh, what do you mean grind? Are there mini games? Why didn't they make this into a phone app? Seems appropriate.
I don't know how much inspiration Crab has drawn from, but according to wiki Lamia used to be mistress of Zeus. So that could explain why all the women in the Lamia village are lewd as fuck. Obviously Crab didn't use the child devouring part.
It wasn't as good and comfy as you probably think.
The gameplay was tedious and getting new girls was chance based unless you wanted to pour real cash in it.
The worst thing was that some girls no matter how cute were utter shit and rarer ones were op as fuck.
To get said pictures, you had to play Marco Polo with their bodies. Hitting the right spot reduced the number of times you had to touch them to receive ever lewder(usually) pictures.
You pretty much sent groups of girls out to engage in verbal sparring with other groups and hope to win. Better girls, better victories, better rewards. That's pretty much it. Keeping them fed was part of the tedium, though it gave the least useful girls something to do once they were retired from combat.
Fuzz is best
Wow, that is some god damn stupid game design. There are plenty more intelligent ways to make an intriguing game.
No wonder it failed, and from what I heard, the players base dropped sharply. The fact there were few special content didn't help.
No it has not. This is a monster musume thread, where he talk about a MANGA about monster girls. We ocasionaly talk about monster musume complementary material (merch, games, side character and fan art) or related MANGAS made by the same author, like 12 beast.
Completely unrelated western fanfiction shitncan fuck off
>when aggressive rope play from Rach just isn't enough
It was a mobage game. As a "game" it was absolutely terrible, but had cutes and lewds. Most of the game art was posted here over the year.
Lamia was a greek serpent woman, ut crab has clearly inspired their desingn on the egiptian nagas.
It was a terrible facebook tier game with lots of grind and paywalls.
Just enjoy the pics we have
I was about to ask isn't there a naga with cobra head, but then I remembered that was fanart. That makes me wonder now where the subspecies are located. Medusa, echida, winged one, etc.