Sad Panda
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sister Breeder
Not even trying with name.
>no impregnation/pregnancy
>tfw sadpanda threads are dying out
Looking through the C91 announcements.
New Year looks pretty good
Did someone mention breeding?
>That prostate tongue massage in the middle
>No actual impregnation
>Not enough BDSM
I know this is asking alot, but does anyone have any NTR with some good come comeuppance? Either the cuck gets revenge or the slut gets dumped. I want to jerk a justice boner.
Musa by Seme Danjou, that one with the glasses girl from Carn and Unsweet Netorare Katsuko by Tanaka Aji
Thanks user
>Unsweet Netorare Katsuko
There seemed to be like 5 different versions of this one
Why do they always have to be heroin addicts too?
Author is a pussy.
>magazine version
>MC mans the fuck up and beats up NTRguy and plans to stab him to death with a knife
>traitorous whore defends ntrguy because "she is protecting MC ;_;"
>they break up
>time skip
>she returns dressed more slutty than she was, she tells him what she did "for his sake"
>they fuck but MC can tell how trained she was by the ntrguy
>MC is sad but tells her to fuck off, liars gonna lie and she lied a lot to him
>she cries and leaves
>ntrguy was outside waiting for her, telling her he is going to impregnate her again
>so if MC forgave her she would still be with the other guy meaning she just wanted to keep lying to herself about being blameless
>doujin version
>time skip and MC is emo
>new girl crushes on him and teacher reappears supposedly healed after she ran away from being whored by ntrguy and works as teacher again
>netorareguy followed MC the whole time to send him videos of the teacher being fucked
>netorareguy claims he has lots of girls but for some reason is after the teacher again AND the girl crushing on MC
>teacher wants to be with MC again and isn't telling him ntrguy is after his girlfriend
>ntrguy says "be mine again or I'll fuck MC's girlfriend too :^)"
>she being the dumb whore she is accepts and enjoys
>dumb whore doesn't knows MC's girlfriend is being trained by ntrguy albeit no sex but lots of "skin ship"
>whore asks why he is so obsessed with MC and he gets pissed
>calls MC to come to his home with his HF
>he accepts
You can tell how author gives no fucks about logic even more without an editor
The bigger problem in all of this is that he should just fucking end the story. It already became silly that the NTR dude still wants to make MC suffer for unknown reasons. Also his art is detoriating too, his art looked the best when he did that sister NTR one.
Hentai magazines have editors?
Ane Naru Mono 4 + 4.5 and Succubus Stayed Life 5 confirmed for C91
>Ane Naru Mono 4 + 4.5
I hope Ane Naru Mono never ends
Will there be new Tsugumomo doujins after the anime drops or will everyone continue to not care?
Yes they do.
Have you never read Hotmilk's editor saying that Rocket Monkey this time isn't doing NTR for real?
Or Netoraserare's author saying thanks to his editor for keeping up with him for the series?
That's because he had assistants doing the work for him however it's more difficult to find them when you're doing doujin for events.
Compare that to his works on Shingeki.
Seeing as the mainstream series (the one with the horrible engrish title) is gaining traction (first volume announced + getting covers on multiple magazines) and that Pochi started producing various stuff to capitalize on it (dakimakura, keychains, bags, etc.), it probably won't end any time soon
It all sounds to good, I'm being cautious now and brace myself in case he pulls a Takeda Hiromitsu
Does anyone remember a comic where a student (council president?) goes to shut down a club in the school then they fuck a kind of potato-looking magic doll and it's directly linked to her. I remember she gets fucked(through the doll thing) while in a meeting and wearing a swimsuit during swimming class. I can't find it at all
Not him, but I'm always impressed with how quickly shit like this gets answered.
porn is serious business
Cheers dude, spent hours looking for that shit the other day
He isn't a hack. And has been consistent on his works aoo far. Just look at Dagashi Kashi works.
takeda hiromitsu is still doing hentai and the subpar writing of Maken-ki
it helps that the description is not too vague
I just noticed there are four Dr.P one-shots on ExHentai that are only in Chinese.
Does anyone here either know Chinese or know a Chinese translator that takes commissions? I'm willing to pay.
Sup Forums's a beautiful place.
That's available in Japanese too. No sense looking for a Chinese translator, of which there are probably less than Japanese.
I hate to be a faggot but could you link me the Japanese versions? I looked but didn't find them.
There's that one. I don't know what else you were talking about.
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Ooooh they're in comic releases. Thanks.
wow, turning these threads into actual /vg/ tier generals, one post at a time
Next Shitsurakuten looks great
This is tricks it will get your computer hacked dont do it
I hope you post in every thread just to make these babies bitch.
can confirm am tricksed not do don't hacked
Don't do this it creates mustard gas!
>how to permaban yourself from the panda the post
Fuck, this was such a great series too. Heart boner all the way through.
Did the Loli Train ever finish?
that mouth is so kisaragi gunma
There's this porn that I've read years ago. It was a multi-part work if I remember correctly. Going from my shitty memory it was something like this
>Two girls are running for class president
>they keep trying to one-up each other, their tactics to get allies getting more and more extreme
>one of them starts to do sexual favors to get votes or something
>the other does the same
>in time the entire class is fucking each other, even the teacher waits for his turn
At least I think that's how it was. I've searched for years but can't find it again.
people know that Sup Forums is shit and have moved onto better boards
Does anyone here know of any sort of filter or blacklist or maybe a greasemonkey script that does those things for sadpanda? I can't believe they dont have one built-in with the kind of content that's on there, and posts asking about such a feature in their forums just get shit on.
They get shit on precisely because it already exists.
Such as?
Not a normal one that I can see.
I can block languages which I dont really care about, and if I donate or use hath I can have certain tags flag a gallery if those tags are in it, but I still have to see it and be reminded that it's there.
I'd just like something that would let me designate specific galleries to not show up in the search results if it would normally. Another plus would be to let me block all galleries with a certain tag from showing up in the search results, but that sounds a little harder.
Check the scripts thread bro
So are these threads banned or not now?
Seems they keep getting taken down suddenly lately.
i haven't seen them taken down yet
they just get bumped off
Sup Forums decides what to do with it's board, not some shitposters and newfags.
>artist name is on it
>still fails to get the artist name
>they don't know
Lurk more newfags
What the fuck is this shit?
what do you mean?
Veri guud.
These links all just bring me to a page with only the OP image
Fuck yes it's back, and censorship is still really fucking light. I wonder if they were forced to change to a fully digital format because of it.
this is why I browse these threads
what do you mean back? was it gone?
It's just a magazine with a funny name, Yuno. It seems to focus on lesser known loli artists.
I just assumed so given how there were no releases after
I never used favorites in sad panda. Does it have any function like following a circle or a scan group, or is it only to save a specific doujin?
The latter is how favorites work, to get the former just bookmark the search term.
>Find a nice artist, who draws girls just to my liking, and none of it has been translated apart from one small chapter
Jesus christ
wait... people don't read hentai mags and doujinshi in japanese? What?
>Succubus Stayed Life 5
Would be fucking nice if the entire series was translated
Learn Japanese
I can read it in Japanese, but it's still easier to read in English
I saw that posted in a sadpanda in the past few weeks, don't remember the name though sorry
Practice Japanese
Its wani so some of his new stuff is translated and his old work might do to if you just be a cool guy and torrent fakkus work because they really dont need the money
>New Shirota Dai work
>Its not a loli work this time
>Suguha again
>Her breasts are bigger because of all the "rubbing" and groping
Cant fucking wait.
I pray that someone gets and scans Tanishi's work at C91
>over 80 posts
>about 10 links
All those fucktards nowadays. Sup Forums is getting worse and worse.
>complains about no links
>posts loli
>newfags still think panda threads have ever been about links
Is this a compliment?
Better pull the newfagg card like the entire scum of this board.
If you get called that often, there's probably a reason.
Jesus, Pixiv is going to deactivate the new interface entirely and switch back to the old one starting from the 19th
Can't even imagine the amount of complaints they received to be forced to make such a decision
Ofc because conversations on Sup Forums works like this
>A presents his opinion
>B don't like this opinion
>A calls B a newfagg
It works like this in 120% of the cases. There is no thread where ctrl+f newfagg won't give me dozens of results
They were only pregnant for a total of about three pages. I've never been more insulted by a story that had the word "breeder" in it.
Any good doujins involving vibrators? Most stuff in the sex toy tag seems to be dildos and strapons.
I can't even find loli train on sad panda anymore
No, because you say shit like "ofc" and pine for the olden days (which weren't any better than now). Panda threads have always been 80% talking and 20% links at most. If you want mindless link spam, there are pastebins for that if you look through the archive.
I almost want an Asanagi story where the girl actually doms the game, even though Asanagi is better at depicting girls being treated like cockslots. He's got the smug look down perfectly.
What's this new interface about? I've been checking pixiv daily but I haven't noticed anything different recently.
>I almost want an Asanagi story where the girl actually doms the game
Victim Girls 22 will (allegedly) be precisely like that. Asanagi described it as "lovey dovey"/"vanilla" instead of the usual ryona and the covers shows a boatslut with a whip
The "whitecube" thing that they introduced a few weeks ago
>doms the game
The guy*