What's your opinion on this studio?
What's your opinion on this studio?
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
Better than Gainax and Trigger put together
i like the monogatari series and zetsubu sensei . i don't like their other works
I'm hyped for Kizu III and can't wait to see Nobuyuki Takeuchi's director debut with Shaft.
Greatest modern studio, bar none. There simply aren't any other studios putting out shows with the level of sheer depth and artistry like that found in Shaft projects. Even the "worst" shows in its history are more misunderstood than actually bad; in comparison, studios like KyoAni have skeletons in their closet that make them look like A-1 Pictures. Maybe a decade ago there was good reason to be doubtful of Shaft, but by this point if you're not a full-on fanboy then you just aren't smart enough to appreciate the best of what anime has to offer.
You see this cat Shaft is a bad mother...
good aesthetics. not always good shows but i really like zetsubou
I like hidamari sketch and madoka,
I like nothing else from this studio.
Bet you watch shaft shows just so you can go to the threads and shitpost about waterbottles.
Hopefully Trigger will replace the empty space it left in vs KyoAni studio wars.
what do you mean RIP
isn't it still making mad dosh with series it made like 5 years ago?
Irrelevant dead studio. Monogatari pretty much faded into irrelevancy, with no one caring about it here - selling for the fans that want to buy it to completion, but thats it.
Screwing up adapting Nishio`s best work which is Zaregoto, missing huge opportunity.
Failing Kizu movie after all those years hype.
Proving that outside of Monogatari cant do shit.
Currently Shaft is less relevant than Deen and Diomedea.
if "it" means aniplex then yes
I like milk
It's already been proved that shaft isn't making any money
They have ONE (1) cashcow and once people lose interest in it they're fucked.
>with no one caring about it here
This is how you instantly identify a retard. It takes pure and simple mental deficiencies to somehow equate a show being unpopular on Sup Forums (which it's not) to it being financially successful or not.
>>with no one caring about it here
>This is how you instantly identify a retard.
No that's how you identify a bait. You're the retard that fell for it.
I haven't enjoyed anything they've produced, and I resent them for ruining Shinbo.
You are a retard for thinking the studio relevance is defined by its finances and that i was reffering to that.
Shaft was once relevant, because they offered a new style and direction, had talented stuff and make works like none others did (though they had huge issues at all times, and success of Bake did not fix them)
Since then however - they are not relevant anymore. Their prime cashcow is stale - Monogatari is dead and they are just fucking its corpse: its not the same, nor will be same phenomenon it was years ago.
Lots of talented stuff left, and whats more important - their "style" is no longer unique: other studios can and do produce similar approach direction and visuals routinely now (partly thanks to Shaft members that left to them). Some do it even in better quality - Silverlink, Deen just to name most prominent examples: but not limited to.
Shaft`s best directors work elsewhere now (which is by the way also reason of Monogatari franchize downfall). Shaft cant even live up to its old popular works - since stuff that did them is not there, and recreates its magic now elsewhere.
Shaft scored great with Madoka, but all their other attempts at non-monogatari were a failure: and main reason is their inflexibility and forced attempt to apply their "identity" to the shows. Nisekoi, while it was commercially ok, was a failure which could be done ten times better by say JC Staff (which they prove with Soma). Mekakushit bombed horrible and looked awful. Koufuku Graffiti was ok - but merely ok: the stuff that did Hidamari does better sols for other studios now. 3gatsu is popular manga from author that once delivered one of Sup Forums`s greatest hits - Honey and Clover: everyone told Shaft will fail if they try to adapt it, and it turned out correct too. Their future is milking Nishio and Typemoon works. At least maybe the new original movie will be somewhat decent.
Either way - the key is: its irrelevant studio now. One of many. Thing of the past.
You are sure went all out with your shitposting.
Because if you deduct all of Shinbo's fees there won't be much left for the studio itself.
Who's the retard? You're underestimating the autism of these people, as evidenced by this essay
Says autistic shaft fanboy.
Nailed it.
Love how didn't get a single thing right.
Is anyone watching 3gatsu no lion?
I have never seen a thread about it, maybe I always miss them
Dropped it because it was too Shaft-y
>could be done ten times better by say JC Staff (which they prove with Soma)
Your trolling is too obvious. Next time pick any other studio for comparison to make your bait better.
If anything it isn't really Shaft-y, it still tries to be artsy but it's not as triehard as their last shows
Also, will MC ever get a love interest? Or it's going to continue on this spiral of sadness and frustration?
Made my 2 favorite animes, Pani Poni Dash and Monogatari.
Shaft did this
It's the cutest thing in the world
I think they have their priorities straight. They do a better job of selling the mood of a scene as well as the characters than pretty much any other studio out there. This approach is great for telling compelling stories, but you can also expect the visuals to shit the bed on a semi-regular basis.
>Nobuyuki Takeuch
Can we have August already?
There's a few threads when a new episode airs but it seems that not many people are watching it. I put it on hold honestly because the pacing is very slow, might as well just wait for it to be over and marathon it.
Kousaki Satoru is doing OST for new Shaft movie.
prove it
He's been doing monogatari music for a while, not really surprising or something to be hyped about, his shit isn't really that good, he peaked with Lucky Star.
Yeah. It's just not a series I feel like discussing with Sup Forums.
Good stuff
Legitimately inferior to KyoAni. But they make unique, often good shows.
Just rewatched episode 9 of Penguindrum
Such a strong episode.
> his shit isn't really that good
Are you deaf?
Bake, Nise, Kabuki, Oni, Kizu OSTs are top tier
it's garbage
Penguindrum is literal trash though.
Just listen to that track used in that PV of Hanabi (title needs a catchy shortname) gives already strong Kousaki Satoru vibes.
Not really
>troll thinks Penguindrum is a Shaft how
What's the point of shitty studiowarring-threads?
You guys aren't even making funny jokes or adding any valuable insight.
They get (You)s, and everyone knows that getting attention is top priority for a lot of the retards here.
I miss that show.
it went to the wrong studio
What would have been better? Artland?