Everyone's life in one pic

everyone's life in one pic


Eternal Boredom while I browse this god forsaken website.

the closest thing i could come up with






So disappointment with most things and being let down by relying on someone and what I believed in (sucks being an idealist)

I try not to expect too much from now on

Berserk pic to show our phases in life I guess

>at lunch with boss
>why don't you go outside more user, you won't find a girl for you if you always stay at home
>wait... i just realized something, if the perfect girl for you is similar...
>she'd be at home too thus you two will... actually never meet

thanks boss

also multiple panels from berserk

>Boss has never heard of dating sites.
Go over his head and get his job. He's clearly an idiot.

Hey Kamen Rider is still cool

It was just fun talk, but thanks for the support desu

Sure but Ghost was awful and as for sentai... people generally dislike Zyuohger


When do they get sexed by /fit/?



Neck yourself.



Me on the bottom right

Want to be my waifu?