Why is Josuke so cool
Jolyne a cute
not because of his hair
Pucci's a nice guy
Post em lads
lol are you the fag who made the dire post images?
Can you name another person who heals his enemy so he can beat him up again?
well Giorino could, but he's better then some punk with shit hair
Giorno's healing takes way longer though, it's like performing quick surgery
Does anyone have a template for the Stand info eyecatcher?
Reminder that the cytube will be streaming the latest episode of JoJo and the whole OVA tonight at 6:30 EST.
Hope to see you all there
Are we looking at next weekend for spoilers?
>tfw britbong so i'll only be able to stay for a while
>two fours
Guys, don't go to the Cytube tonight. Something tells me that it's just gonna be awful
Yeah, that's when Yonkou will probably upload them.
Any prediction what KFC guy's power is?
Some of you guys are alright don't come to the cytube tonight
Im hoping for the middle of this week
>Make america great again
>He's actually British
Dumb trumpposter
>I'm British
I live in Florida, dude.
He was telling you that Diego is British, and even against Valentine, so it doesn't make sense to put your meme hat on him.
Be slower, scooter.
If it has something to with the bite marks I wonder if it has tracking power. But I guess we already have King Nothing for that.
If the pillar man theory is still alive he might be like Santana and be very rubber like. If he gets some wild body leech that'd be pretty cool.
I mean that's why he needs the chicken because he loses his own meat for leeches and shit.
Damo, please may you dubs deliver us early.
Latest episode or the last episode?
Also link where.
I live in Kissimmee, you?
It's got to be something with his teeth.
I bet that the favor Jobin asked him was for a tooth.
And Jobin was the one gave the kid to the envelope and told him to give it to Josuke
How did the
meme start? Ever since Hol Horse tried to shoot him it's been hinted he's had time stop
Very old fan meme. Not sure if it's true, but the reason is because DIO uses Hermit Purple once or twice.
The Shooting DIO! chapter didn't come until Egypt, I believe.
That's the most sensible answer in brutal honesty.
But November was long and I've forgotten most of the sensible theories for "How to put king crimson into JJL " tier stuff.
I hope Araki doesn't pull a Gainax so just before Christmas he kills off someone like Joshuu right at the end of the chapter.
Happy makes me gappy
Post Jojo references you didn't know were Jojo references
I remember watching this and being confused by it until I came back to it a few weeks ago and got the joke
What colours would you give King Nothing?
that was fucking awful
Red, white and purple
Every single one
It was 2011, the standards weren't that high and Jojo wasn't that well known.
Near Miami
I liked pic related but
in Araki's rainbow style like how we drew Damo/Heaven's Door.
Oh. Well that picture of Diego was my profile picture on some stuff so I edited the hat on during the election.
Started watching last week and just finished stardust crusaders. Liked battle tendency the best and Jotaro literally never ever became the MC except for the dio fight.
>the standards weren't that high
but they aren't high now
good taste
Fuck off nobody cares
>British people can't be in support of American nationalism
>Americans can't be in support of British sovereignty (Brexit)
No seriously, go to Sup Forums and see how wrong you are.
Make him transperent with a few purple pieces
The man is from the 1800s. And is fictional, and it actively trying to kill the character who is often associated with trump.
You're being autistic, click your own link and stay in your containment board, swine.
best taste
That's because he has Jonathan's body
you called?
It was.
A fucking.
This one is nice, but something with multiple shades of green for the puzzle pieces and blue/turquoise for the scarf like thing and eyes.
was it a Jojoke tho
This is some quality taste user
I had to check if it was a thing.
Because he's not a dick like Jotaro
A few odd things at the start of Part 3 basically
1: DIO using Hermit Purple at the start of Part 3, long before the "it's Jonathan's Stand" thing was even mentioned (which seems to have been confirmed by Araki just to explain why)
2: Gray Fly's dying words that "DIO has the power to control all Stands!"
3: The World's place in the tarot symbolism
But unless someone can translate JoJo 6251, where this is supposedly confirmed, we are never going to get any proof for this rumor.
I really do hate the stupid rumours that this fanbase loves to make up like the Josuke time travel theory, the "Araki was forced to rush the ending of Part 6", and what not, but this is one I think actually makes a little bit of sense, even if I don't think it's true
>friend recommends me Akame ga Kill
>watch a few episodes
>every villain is a massive edgelord that the writer tries way to hard to be evil and despicable
>it sucks too
It has me thinking though. Why is it that Dio is so loved and iconic even though he himself is technically an over the top evil antagonist? Why do I find him so enjoyable to watch/read while I just roll my eyes at the antagonists of Akame ga Kill?
>2: Gray Fly's dying words that "DIO has the power to control all Stands!"
He doesn't say this
>JoJo 6251
That interview is translated on the wiki, and he doesn't say anything like that in there
DIO's stand was originally called World 21, not the World. Paired with him using Hermit Purple, this fairly gave rise to the intention of DIO having all the stand powers.
Read the manga
Because he is not an universe ruler or another generic fucking edgelord.
DIO is stylized and well-written.
Akame ga Kill is another low quality hunk of shit churned out with generic anime styled art
>DIO's stand was originally called World 21
Why are you purposefully spreading misinformation.
Kill yourself
You're friend has shit tastes
Charisma, basically.
Because he has the most entertaining stand power
He can't be with that hair.
Post the template
What is Madao's stando?
>DIO's stand was originally called World 21
No it wasn't
>striking design
>interesting worldview
>incredible seiyuu
gee i wonder
You people are such babbies.
Because even though he's evil and unredeemable, he was written in a way that makes him human.
>interesting worldview
Which is?
>he himself is technically an over the top evil antagonist
There's nothing really wrong with an over the top super evil villain, in fact a lot of times these tend to be great. But there are multiple things that separate DIO from an typical edgy anime villain or a Joker-like figure.
First of all, DIO is well-written, that goes without saying. Not as well-written as villains like Pucci or Valentine, but he is a solid, fleshed-out character, Araki has a real sense of who he is and what he does. There's more to DIO than shock-value, like his personality, the different ways he’s visually represented throughout the series, how his presence acts almost as a type of physical force on all the other characters that encounter him, his relationships with characters like Pucci and Jonathan, etc. Basically, DIO is absurdly evil, but there's more to him than said villainy, and Araki knows how to write him in a way that he doesn't rely too much on shock-value nor does he gets tiresome.
Second, even when DIO is just being a rampaging dickhead, he's still very interesting to watch. He's an indomitable force, a steamroller of a character and just sort of knocks down everything in his path with a good attitude. DIO’s canon expression’s a smile, sometimes that slight upturned half-smile, sometimes so wide that Araki draws his entire mouth upside down. He's got a well-defined sense of humor and it's not hard to like a character that smiles constantly while having a good time murdering people. And you can tell that Araki loves writing and drawing Dio, with all the expression he gives him, both his face and his whole body, all the exaggerated poses and movements. DIO’s visually interesting. He's got plenty of range too.
He's the epitome of a character that you love to hate, that's part of why he works.
true happiness is achieved by conquering and having control of your destiny
Sauce? I really like that art style.
how do you not know based kotteri
>Three players
I can't believe Okuyasu is fucking dead.
Because Araki isn't a 14 year old.
>Le gashi gashi ripoff
and while i'd argue that DIO is a little less than full-fleshed in Part 3 despite the fact that i love him, in part 6 he basically becomes one of the most well-written interesting characters. he barely shows up, but his relationship with pucci shows an incredibly vulnerable but none the less genuine side of DIO. we get to understand his anxiety about having nothing good last and being in a constant battle to maintain the things that he wants and has.
Except Kotteri is actually a competent artist.
Because I don't follow many non-porn artists, silly
fuck you their art styles arent even remotely similar
gashi gashi uses thick lines and more pop art color palettes, kotteri uses thin stylized lines and no chibi shit (usually)
in any case, here
Dio didn't die in part 3 or what? Just started part 4
thanks for the link friendo :)
best crew
Shigechi dies, Aya dies, everyone else survives. In Part 5, Narancia, Abbachio, and Buccellati die. In Part 6, everyone dies and the universe is reset.
Part 6 villain was friends with him
It's a flashback sequence to the year Part 3 took place
it's a flashback
Its a flash back kind of thing. part 6 gives us a look at some of the stuff Dio did before and during part 3
Why is Narancia so cute?
DIO died. Part 6 has flashbacks with DIO in them. He and Pucci were BFFs, and Pucci carries on his legacy to get "muh heaven".
Kotteri is great