Are you ready for suffering?
Flip Flappers
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There's one thing I'm ready for, and that is best girl.
I want to get off Mimi's Wild Ride.
Expected suffering since episode one. I'm ready.
I think Uexkull escaped when he sensed something was up with grandma.
Some user theorized that Uexküll instinctively knows that there was something wrong with Grandma. This is why he fled from home.
Waiting whole week for the next episode is suffering.
I swear to god if he just suddenly pops up in Cocona's backpack again next episode while she's being all bitchy and moody and broody I'm going to call him conclusively being an embodiment of her period.
...I don't think Cocona is going to school anytime soon.
Though it would be hilarious.
>names her pet rabbit Uexkull
Why is Cocona such a dorky nerd? Like father like daughter?
They wouldn't spend all that time developing his relationship with Buu if they were not going to give them a happy ending together.
Will we get concept art of adult Papika in a week?
>super traditional frilly dress
Whose idea was this?
If we go with the theory that the Mimi explosion has caused PI to fuck with the world, is it possible the Rod of Asclepius/Caduceus confusion is a deliberate clue rather than production error?
>Cocona, we need a note from a parent about why you've been absent
>My grandmother was an robot sent to spy on me, and I'm half my own mother now, does that count, sensei?
>.. Yayaka and the new girl aren't coming back are they?
Probably after the next episode. He tweets out stuff from the current episode.
Welcome to hell, Cocona.
We've been waiting for you.
Will there be carrots?
It will be nothing but carrots.
The idea of a man with taste.
>Mimi has an extra dot in her pupil
I didn't notice that at all. It was there in episode 7 too. What does it mean?
Another gal that learned nothing from Eva
>implying KKK would use the wish for something like that
Yayaka is stupidier than I thought
Well she was raised by them so I don't blame her for being duped.
it makes her look spooky.
Daikirai da!
And now Cocona has it too, FUCK.
Mimi better fuck off. She ruined everything.
We are not your kind of people.
You seem kind of phoney.
Everything's a lie.
We are not your kind of people.
Something in your makeup.
Don't see eye to eye.
We are not your kind of people.
Don't want to be like you.
Ever in our lives.
We are not your kind of people.
We fight when you start talking.
There's nothing but white noise
Ahhh.... Ahhh.... Ahhh.... Ahhh....
Running around trying to fit in,
Wanting to be loved.
It doesn't take much.
For someone to shut you down.
When you build a shell,
Build an army in your mind.
You can't sit still.
And you don't like hanging round the crowd.
They don't understand
You dropped by as I was sleeping.
You came to see the whole commotion.
And when I woke I started laughing.
The jokes on me for not believing.
We are not your kind of people.
Speak a different language.
We see through your lies.
We are not your kind of people.
Won't be cast as demons,
Creatures you despise.
We are extraordinary people.
We are extraordinary people.
We are extraordinary people.
We are extraordinary people.
Do you think when Cocona and Paprika were living together, Paprika would maybe sneak over to Cocona's room late at night, when everyone was asleep, and sniff her butt? You know, without anyone knowing.
Yayaka is the real hero, overcoming her upbringing and brainwashing to help her friend, even when she knows her friend won't return her feelings.
>implying they'd have seperate rooms
Do you even watch the show? Get off this thread troll-san
Without Mimi there would be no Cocona.
>Living in anything that's not a pipe
Fuck off. You don't even watch this shit.
Mimi did nothing wrong.
that's a funny way of spelling "fucking 30 year old adult Papika"
Papika respects Cocona's privacy
>mfw Papika is the big bad
Remember in Big when Tom Hanks was a child in an adult body and fucked a girl?
>implying Mimi and Papicake didn't save everything
Papipits are a miracle
I hope she takes proper care of them in adult-form
Unless Papika is a clone with memories I find that really hard
>Cocona was the final boss all along
What the FUCK?
Do you think Paprika has ever sniffed Cocona's butt without her knowing about it?
Also, how do I delete posts?
Sasuga middle schoolers
>He is even not willing to draw ep10.
Is this some kind of new fetish I'm not aware of
Of course.
She IS a dog.
Someone please add "So this is the power of Pure Illusion. Not bad.
More importantly: Are we going to get a kissu?
What do you think is the cause of Papika's age problem?
Mimi fuckery? PI? Salt experiment? Or maybe something she'd done to herself?
Get out already.
No, I'm pretty sure Meme and Pancake ruined everything.
Of course
Papikana did something to herself when she tried to dig Mimi out from PI.
Or Mimi did something to her to protect her.
Or Mimi made a wish and asked her to help.
So this is the power of Cocona-oneechan!
Young Mimi tells Papikana she's going to show her a world only she knows.
This implies that Mimi is able to go to PI by herself.
Then why does the KKK want to pair Mimi with a partner if she can go to PI by herself?
No. It's literal shitposting that has been around for years.
Before ep10, barely possible.
Now, anything could happen. These guys are crazy.
My assumption is that when Mimi exploded, Papika got reverted to who she was before meeting Mimi. Probably because by that point they'd become intricately connected (two halves of the direct drive or whatever) and the loss of Mimi meant losing the part of herself that was tied to Mimi, too.
I also suspect this to mean that if Mimi is gone for good by the end of this show, Papikana will also be gone for good and Papika will go back to being the ore-episode 10 Papika that we know and love.
I really can't imagine the show concluding without addressing the age thing and the "One half of the Direct Drive" seemed like too ominous of a setup
Mimi going to PI by herself is not observable? KKK needed a pair to observe the process.
>barely possible
Nigga what? They were all over each other.
>the clock ends at 20:27 in that episode before turning to Cocona
>kissu implied
>2027 hours is approximately 12 weeks, plus change
They gonna kiss on the 12th episode. Screencap this.
KKK wants to be able to go into PI. If only Mimi can go, then they aren't getting anywhere.
The results of the Papikana experiments are probably how they developed those little handheld PI portals
Don't tell me what to do
Now this is some good speculah.
I think how it works is she can get there with a partner, but the partner always dies. Ideally they find a pair that can make multiple trips instead of burning through a loli a day just to send Mimi over.
I'd say the turning point was episode 7 with the "You mean as a friend?" line.
If Papika had reverted to the state she was in before meeting Mimi at that point in time, she still would have had 14 years before meeting Cocona in ep 1. Something else must have happened to her.
Or maybe our Papika is someone who had some fragment or remnant of Papikana superimposed on her so she could go to pure illusion. The Papikana of the past is not the same papika we know now. Maybe this can be confirmed by Mimi not recognizing Papikana in her current body.
>it was a kissu countdown all along
I want to believe
But it's not just deaging. It's Papika not aging at all. In ep 1 Papika's age is shown as "---".
There is a line in ED about following the clock backwards
Papika went back in time to where she was happiest, at season 1 first episode.
>But it's not just deaging. It's Papika not aging at all
Presumably because a part of herself has been trapped in PI limbo for 15 years.
Episode 5 was about reaching the final(12th) hour and ending the loop of pseudo girl romance.
>cocona, what happened?
Isn't this an older Papika?
>Papika went back in time to where she was happiest, at season 1 first episode.
How did that pasta go again?
So who became Papika's mother?
If Mimi is Cocona's mother, then who is the father?
Where does Kokomine come from? Salt's family name? Mimi surely doesn't have a family name.
We are.
() will die.
But her soul will choose to go back in time, to the time when she was happiest, which was () with ().
() who loves () want to be with her too and want to be in a time when ()'d love her, but since she already loves () she'll go back in time before () is born, and became her ().
Salt. Don't deny, you know it to be true.
Kokomine Mimi has a nice ring to it.
But it's probably Salt's family name, considering Salt's dad (Cocona's grandfather) has basically been her legal guardian and raising her indirectly for the past 15 years.
Or maybe there are timeloops?
Flip Flappers would really be an Evangelion + Madoka ripoff then.
It has almost nothing of Madoka by this point.
Mimi already did a Madoka.
So Flip Flappers is a superior Rebellion?
Except the mentally 30-year-old autist in a teenage body that's obsessively romancing a powerless victim girl based on a past tragedy the girl has no knowledge of.
Oh shit. Mimi truly needs a restraining order in the form of hard rejection.
Yayaka, please.
That's a stretch. Papika had no memories of Cocona or Mimi up to ep10, so her love was genuine
Homura's love was also genuine.
Look in your heart, you know it's true