Why are more and more young white people choosing to have a cat instead of a baby?
Why are more and more young white people choosing to have a cat instead of a baby?
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Children are expensive, and governments would rather import 3rd worlders to grow their populations instead of improving living standards.
because they're cute with fuzzy little bellies and they earn their keep as pest control. :3
men are to blame, of course
Because women's lib has made it cool and acceptable to sleep around, have as many abortions as you want, use men like walking ATMs and divorce them for their money, and skip courtship altogether with the touch of a Tinder swipe and let's fuck text. On the other side, white men are all turning feminized, they look like mutants nowadays, with their receding hairlines, short stature, effeminate way of speaking and "violence never solves anything" cuck mentality. Some of them are so good at doing this they turn into women altogether. Look at any transgender reddit and you'll see 99% of them are white men turning into women.
It's a sad state of affairs, more than sad it's downright tragic and pathetic, but that's what was intended of the white man all along. For you to be weak-willed, docile and replaceable, and for the white woman to be childless, alone and used for the pleasuring of minorities. This is how you make a once powerful race easier to control and corral.
Women love getting fucked as much as men love fucking them. Before the only way a woman could get fucked was to get married and have sex within the marriage, otherwise she could end up being ostraciuzed by family/friends/society for being a slut and would end up pregnant without a husband.
None of that is a problem anymore so women can fuck to their hearts content with no danger of children. By the time their biological clock kicks in and makes them want a child they have spent 10-15 years building up a life that would be massively impacted by having a child and they have no husband and choose to get a dog or cat instead.
People have become selfish and that is all.
One of my brothers mate is a psychologist in the army, and said that the amount of women who are 35+ with no kids or husband on anti depressants is staggering.
I wonder why.
This is just plain WRONG.
You should always get two cats so they have a partner of their species to relate to.
you don't want them to be alone, do you? For most social species, humans included, that's basically torture
Because children are a waste of time and money. Why would someone decide to spend their lives sniffing shitty diapers when they could be having fun, partying and fucking?
Enjoy staying with your roastie wife, watching her turn fat, ugly and smelly, while i'll be at the beach fucking young sloots. There is literally nothing more pathetic than having kids. You are willingly choosing to destroy your wife's body so it becomes completely unfuckable so you can raise a little shitting machine that won't even care about you.
because the power of the world cabal is very effective against weak minded individuals.
desu as much as this place is a misogynist circle jerk I happily participate in; I meet decent looking single women absolutely everywhere who show interest while myself and yet every single guys i know my age are single for a single and one reason...
We are selfish. Wel'd rather drink, play vidya, sleep, work, drink, sleep, play vidya, watch movies, spend time with bros, drink, sleep ect.. ect.. than try and have kids with women.
Women aren't blameless, but still most of them are reasonable and hard working. This is a really sad affair guys for our race and culture is dying.
My grand parents as kids knew each others while Anglo bombers were destroying everything below in France, my grand pa still remember those yankee pilots who used to shoot at them while they were going to school in groups not even joking... They were hungry and scared and still they managed to have kids and make a home for themselves after the war passed.
this isnt by choice necessarily
Yeah man it's a Jewish conspiracy that babies are shitty screaming shits lmfao
Wonder what your parents think
Because the govt will basically pay for you to have a child or ten of you're non-white.
White people work, minorities get welfare for each kid they pop out
Digits of truth
Fuck OFF Muhammad
>get a woman pregnant and she can take your kid and half your paychecks for the next 18 years
>lol why is the birthrates dropping, we must import niggers
>niggers are too stupid to give a shit and end up multiplying like rats because of it while white people die off childless
Muh debts, muh house market, muh jobs...
fuck off you sack of shit.
You don't make kids because you can't be bothered to... It's a cultural problem, nothing else.
Fucking people were popping babies like crazy in the aftermath of the black plague...
BOU HOU I can't buy myself a mansion :'( :'(
Doesn't matter. The world is already gravely overpopulated and the less people having kids the better. But of course any potential benefit is outweighed by government enabling large minority families.
And they should've bought dogs. Keeps you healthier and saner.
improving education
i didn't say anything about jews. nice conclusion jumping there cia / jdif middle aged homo.
but yes indeed, to your point, its a total coincidence that all of the sudden people in virtually every western country decided to have less kids. i believe it. because monkeys on tv and /pol told me as much. top kek
don't give a shit what those cucks think
>cat instead of a baby
why not both
t. stay-at-home-dad master race
Seems to be working
Are cats the product of eugenism?
Because guys are tired of divorce rape and will no longer play the ”marriage” game.
>French Flag
KYS baguette nigger your opinion is worthless just like your country
I'm actually crying right now thank you user
Come on dude, don't make me laugh.
Meme flag (that never actually existed)
I feel sorry for you trying to bait this hard.
jewish tricks brainwashing young women for decades and decades, jewish divorce courts ruining men for making that decision, other jewish tricks. basically jewish tricks.
The whole world feel sorry for you mate.
maybe when they're young, but then past through the point of no return
At this point you're not even trying
Here faggot, if you're going to sperg out at least use an image.
Fine. This one should get the London vibe just right.
Top fucking kek
Because the women are insufferable cunts and the men are bitch-made manginas wifh no ability to lead or become a strong influence in anybody’s lives.
Enjoy the decline.
Didn't know living in a country made you that nationality
Don't tell what to do you fat cunt
It does for Americans apparently
>not wanting to leave a continuing genetic legacy
>being such a bitch you can’t control hedonistic desires
>not being able to think about anything greater than yourself
>being this retarded
I really do laugh at you cucks, at the very least you’ll be bred out so the gene pool will be cleaner. Humanity thanks you for your sacrifice, enjoy the sloots brah
Just because you hate your parents doesn't mean having children is a bad thing. Obviously your parents failed with you.
Good luck fucking young sluts when you're a middle aged man with a gut and no hair.
Men spend all their time on the internet in shithole echo-chambers like this place, or imgur or w/e the fuck those fgts use.
Complain all day that they cant find a woman when they've asked a total of 5 women out on a date IRL and they actually think Tinder is going to find them a gf
Because they sit in a basement getting wet over hitler and blaming all their problems on the Jews
This is trueFrance has no right to judge anyone
Fuck US being 56%, France is the African country with the highest standard of living. Argentina looks like Hitler youth compared to your swarthy hordes.
Because feminism was never really a war on men, it was a war on women; all their roles that they had in society and the value that they held was given the good old switcheroo and women cannot adjust as well. (((They))) always have some godawful plan, but now seeing it is kinda sad. I fell pity for these whores, but they brought this on themselves
First, you know why, shill. Fuck you.
But the reasons are women's liberation, child labor laws, religious decline, liberalism, wage based work, and consumerism.
This sums it up nicely.